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Everything posted by LethalThreat

  1. If I look straight at a NPC and talk to them they sound far away, even if I am right in front of them. But if I move my camera to the left or right it sounds as it should, just in the left or right ear or speaker. It's very annoying and no mods cause this because it started ever since I got it (played without mods first) and I didn't edit anything in the data or Skyrim folder. If ANY one can help or even give simple pointers I would appreciate it, I stopped playing Skyrim because of this and I'd really like to play it normally.
  2. Yeah I tried that and nothing happened.
  3. Well I'm new to Skyrim so there maybe a mod or a topic that has these but I haven't came across them so here's my list lol. Voice Issue -------------------------- When I look straight at someone like when you enter a conversation with them it sounds like they're far away, even though they're like a few feet away. But if I turn my camera to the left or right they sound how they should be. Black Face -------------------------- Sometimes some NPC's load with a super black or light face and I can't seem to fix them, like reloading a new cell and they'll stay that way the rest of the game. It also does this in the Creation Kit (rarely) Lighting -------------------------- Some lights are blocky looking, not all just a few. Not to sure how to explain it. Carriage -------------------------- I can't seem to travel anywhere when I purchase a destination, I give the driver coins and nothing happens, I can't enter it or anything he just says better hurry up, and I can't talk with him other than buying another ticket. Creation Kit -------------------------- This one is simple but I can't seem to figure it out. I want to change how the panning works, I want the object/cell to move left when I move it left other than moving right, same with the other way around, and to look up instead of looking down. I tried a few things in the panning box (forgot what it's called) but I can't seem to figure out which one to do. And I don't think I have any mods that modifies this stuff or conflicts with it, I tried not to get many mods since Skyrim isn't exactly the best on my computer. Thanks in advance.
  4. So I created a mod (for my own use) and some/most of the interior object disappear then reappear I have some images, I'm not sure how to explain it. "Far" http://screenshot.xfire.com/s/122899961-3.jpg Close http://screenshot.xfire.com/s/122899964-3.jpg And every step forward some objects will appear or fade. Also it isn't just this room all the others do this other than like two or three others. BTW! This modified interior is Alexandria Arms, I kept the lobby the same but the other rooms I changed up and the lobby doesn't do this. Is the interior based on a the original and if the object isn't in the path of the original set up it'll disappear? God I hate the GECK sometimes haha but does anyone know how to fix it? Or if it can't be fixed? Hopefully it can, spent awhile on this :wallbash:
  5. I'm currently working on Fort Constatine in the G.E.C.K. I was editing the landscape (the texture) and for some reason there is this one spot that looks like a square and is pretty big that won't color, and it's pretty annoying because I was using the 'Pavement' and removed all the destroyed road (since it looked a little better I thought.) I tried to reload the exterior cell where it was but it still wouldn't do anything and I just reopened the G.E.C.K. and it's still unchangeable. I really hope there is a way to fix it because I forgot to make a duplicate of the cell :wallbash: Lastly, when I place in a object from a .esp mod it doesn't stay when I reopen the G.E.C.K. and isn't in the game, is there a way to use stuff from .esp's? Or does the objects have to come from masters. Thanks in advance, I'm still learning how to use the G.E.C.K. I think I got it all down except for them two issues :thumbsup:
  6. They still go back to their original equipment after awhile which is what I'm trying to stop. :/
  7. I need some help, I'm trying to change the peoples equipment in the Mothership Zeta Crew mod except I can't seem to figure out how. :wallbash: - I've tried in game console commands but they just switched back after 6 days, with .bat files and giveitem ect. ect. - I've tried FO3Edit but couldn't seem to merge the files together. And couldn't get the .esps into the MZC. - I've tried the G.E.C.K. but everytime I reopen the mod all the equipment is gone from them, probably because it doesn't make the two .esps masters. I'm trying to put new armors into the Mothership Crew.esm with Skrees_2142.esp and StarWarsV2.esp I've gone through a bunch of 'helps' but couldn't find a answer so now I'm asking, If anyone knows how to do this through any of the three or even another method please reply or send a message. :thumbsup: Thanks in advance! :thumbsup:
  8. My biggest issue is the tracking center, clutter and images. Tracking Center: Not being able to see changes is very annoying. I see it's said that it'll be updated but I just thought I'd mention it. Images: No idea why everything is so stretched but it's highly annoying and even some won't open no matter what. And having to hover over them other than having a title above it really annoying to. Clutter: Well that's pretty much this whole new site. The main page should have the tracking center in it, the file names shouldn't be sized down even if it means no photos or less. It was nice having everything right there for you now you gotta navigate through everything. Maybe not as many news stories shown on the home. Bugs: Not really any to complain about. All in all, I'm not trying to be a complete ass I know site editing can be a pain, but.. You really should've just kept the old design.. It was so much easier and friendly, plus it wasn't as confusing. I'm color blind and even though there isn't too many colors it just confuses me and gets me lost that much quicker. Unless further updates are made to make this place better I won't be on much, I use to like giving feedback on mods and trying to help out people but now.. It's just depressing. I feel bad for image editors and modders because I haven't really seen much support from people since the new site. So, in the end this went from my favorite site to not even on my top bookmarks. Rating: 4/10 .. If I started blabbering sorry, the colors were confusing me again lol - Lethal
  9. Yes I know I commented like 38 pages ago but now that I've gone through the new site I changed my mind. I've gone through the site and stuff and honestly I preferred the old design something just made me wanna chill on Nexus but now with this new one I don't even wanna write this comment :( Probably because it does seem cluttered. Hope to see some bigger improvements to this site, it is a good start though it REALLY could use some more colors or at least a background. Oh and I would've preferred a hat :)
  10. I like this new design, its more classy. I think it's easier to get to stuff now, and the wasted space I see people complaining about, they'll just have to suck it up because it isn't that bad :)
  11. Hello, okay so I just got done with the 'Talent Pool' and waited to see their performances (it was the first time I actually decided to watch them xD) and when the Drifter stopped playing "Home on the wastes" he just stood there, couldn't even talk to him. So I tried fixing it by disabling then enabling him, didn't work, then resurrecting him, didn't work, and now I just killed him and placed a new one, he left the stage and now I can talk to him but now no one else will go up on stage. Is there a way to fix this? If not it really doesn't matter. .. Also I have populated casino mod on, but I don't think it'd have anything to do with it.
  12. I would like to see Fallout 4 or Fallout: Something, take place in NYS or NYC, The Commonwealth, Denver, and maybe even Alaska? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why New York? Because of the buildings and urban feeling, Vegas was just desert, didn't feel like a Fallout Universe. Also New York would have been a hot spot for nukes, so a ton of ghouls and stuff. Plus metro systems, and also I just want to see New York destroyed I hate NY/NYC. I could go on and on about detail but I imagine you can think of things. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why The Commonwealth? Well.. It's just mentioned a lot in Fallout 3 (I never played Fallout, Fallout 2, or Tactics so Idk if its in there or not to) Anyways, yeah it would be cool to see a large wasteland complex but obviously have radiation dangers and enemies ect ect.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why Denver? Not sure it just sounds kind of fun.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why Alaska? It would be cool to see Alaska in ruins, not to be an ass I like Alaska.. But just because we got to see Operation: Anchorage which was pre-war it would be cool to see it in a different view. Also if it were in Alaska there could still be Communist ruins that you could loot and like learn more about the war or something, like they had a huge secret installation there you could go find and stuff idk. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I didn't add details of a mission plot, I would've but I'm too tired lol, I imagine you guys can think of something 8)
  13. Alright so all of a sudden when ever I save or quick save my game crashes. I even removed some larger mods and I got to save one then crashed again. Also, I traveled to different locations and auto-save didn't even do anything (didn't crash.) This never happened until now, with the same amount of mods ect. Here's my load order -------------------------------------- FalloutNV.esm HonestHearts.esm DeadMoney.esm Run the Lucky 38.esm NVR-Strip.esm Military NV Backpacks.esm ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm HDTshop.esm Brahmin Bess.esm Feng Shui NV.esp Slave In Pose NV Edition.esp Lucky 38 Lights.esp HDTshop.esp Wasteland Defense.esp FewPosesMore NVedition.esp Military NV Backpacks - No Straps.esp ELECTRO-CITY - Darker Nights.esp 7DanceFnV.esp Readius_NV.esp AirForceArmorT57C.esp Project13 - Populated Wasteland.esp FNV-PC idles.esp Max Followers 12.esp Sunglasses Shipment.esp Nevada Skies - URWLified.esp UnlimitedCompanions.esp Realistic death.esp NVR-ELECTRO-CTIY_Patch.esp DWDEagle44.esp NVR-NPCs.esp NVR-Version_10.esp RNVExtended [40].esp TheArmorer.esp aaaJNFSniperZooming.esp JillBSAA Multicolor.esp UrgeWasterScarf.esp populatedcasino.esp Nevada Skies.esp MegaContainer.esp FalloutNVCheatTerminal.esp The Groovatron NV.esp DragonskinTacticalOutfit.esp DragonskinBonusPack.esp Alexscorpion'sNVG.esp SunnyCompanion.esp FactionIDCards.esp Brotherhood and House Alliance.esp CRHDV3O3.esp Total active plugins: 49 Total plugins: 92 ---------------------------------------------------- Another thing.. I am very computer stupid so when you ask what kind of computer I have or anything technical even with FOMM and stuff .. You'll get a better answer from a fly. :wallbash: If anyone hopefully replies with help thanks in advance! :thumbsup:
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