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Everything posted by LethalThreat

  1. Got it sorted! Turns out when I updated my drivers it auto-turned on some sort of "battery-saving/optimized" option which reduced performance immensely. Jeez. Thanks again guys, that helped me narrow the search and got it sorted. :)
  2. Sounds good, will look into those options, thank you guys!
  3. For some reason in the past few days my FPS has been dipping to only 15 FPS for 30 seconds to a minute. I've tried everything I can think of so need some fresh eyes. Typically I've been able to run 60 FPS with mods and with few performance fixes, but as said within the past few days it randomly dips to 15 now. It dips randomly after ~30 minutes or so, and seems to dip around that interval. Did a total uninstall of Fallout 4, and am back to a total unmodded state, - still the same issue and the same interval. Update drivers and did what optimization I could on my PC, but still nothing. Thoughts or suggestions? I'm open to everything. One thing that caught my eye is when I updated my drivers via the GeForce Experience is more-or-less when the FPS dips began - but not entirely sure.
  4. (FIXED) UPDATE: Good news, got the scripts fixed by the looks! I wasn't able to figure out F4Edit (been so long) so I went back to the good old trial and error of removing mods. Seems like there may be a problem with my load order and the Raider Overhaul, Super Mutant Redux, Eyebots, Endless Warfare and/or Dead for Player+the other one the same author made. I have yet to pinpoint the exact mod and issue, but removing those worked. Needs to be tested a bit longer, however the main quest did not break at Fort Hagen which always did previously regardless of playtime - so that's a good sign. Raider Overhaul+Deadforplayer (or the other one, can't remember which is which) are likely incompatible. Likely what caused my saves to die from 14 hours to 2 hours. Either Eyebots or Endless Warfare caused the other script break. Perhaps EW can't be used along with Raider/Super Mutant Overhaul -- though the issue seemed to crop up shortly after the Eyebot mod. Regardless, it's fixed now. Will edit this comment if I'm able to pin-point the mod and what the issue or conflict is.
  5. Alright, completely forgot about F4Edit. Will have a go at that. EDIT: Yep, I see what you mean. Thanks for the help!
  6. FIXED - I'm an idiot. - - Thanks for any help, it's appreciated. For some reason in my game my scripts keep breaking. I can't pick up cap stashes, disarm traps, the fusion generator doesn't flick when activated. Basically anything that can be activated can't be. In addition to this nearly all the quests that have a script in it are broken. Most notably in the main quest, when confronting Kellog he doesn't move out of the shadows and you can't talk to him. Can advance the quest by killing him regardless, however the Prydwen doesn't "appear" but the voice over the speaker works. Companions don't comment on it either - and also I'm able to board a Vertibird but it doesn't take off and the minigun doesn't appear. From what I understand this problem is caused by animation mods, it bogs up the scripts. However I just did a completely clean install of Fallout 4 and my mods, avoiding pretty much anything that adds scripts. Yet within the first two hours the scripts broke again. Oh and reloading a save doesn't work. All saves break on that character when the scripts break. I'm going to remove potential culprits, if the scripts still break I plan on removing all mods and clean the folders. The scripts always breaks at a specific play time. Before it was 5 hours, cleaned up the files a bit - happened multiple times, exact same playtime. Increased to 14 hours after cleaning. Then I decided to do a fresh install of F4 and the mods - and now it's down to only 2 hours before breaking. Pip-Pad also doesn't work when the scripts break. It's invisible unless I equip the Pip-Boy. This may be the potential culprit of the recent game break, it went invisible and then the scripts broke. Here's my load order if anyone sees anything that may be causing this let me know. I'm not the best with load orders. Also I added little notes next to some of the mods. - Note that this load order is what I've used for quite awhile, a few were added/removed at least 75% is the same, and I've never had any issues like this. Admittedly it happened only a few times but it cleared up shortly after and none of the quests broke. It was only until last month it broke when I got back into Fallout 4. I updated most mods too, so perhaps one of the mod updates are broken.
  7. In response to post #46364080. #46364325, #46367235, #46368205, #46369815, #46369930, #46370390, #46374095, #46374390, #46374475, #46374920 are all replies on the same post. "If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it." A rule that only applies to users and not authors. I don't understand why authors are given a free pass and are allowed to be assholes to their users while the users are the ones to get punished. There's no reason authors can't be a little more respectful and less rude to their users. If "you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it" should be reminded to anyone, be sure to remind the authors too. No reason for the rudeness, if the users get on their nerves it isn't hard to ignore them or delete the comment. You'd think they would be more kind and helpful, it's unfortunate that finding a kind and helpful author here is like finding a needle in a haystack. I suppose the most simple solution for common users is to not engage with people here anymore, just get your mods and run - because no matter what, it will always be their fault. Sad to see this is where we're at now. Then again, no one can really do anything here. Authors will continue to be arrogant asses, users will continue to be ignorant asses. Just a shame the users get a punch in the face for something harmless while authors are given a trophy for being pricks. *Not applied to all authors. Sadly the popular and arrogant authors have given the reputation for all mod authors (or popular users) to be arrogant assholes too. Which not all of us are!
  8. In response to post #43916200. #43939280, #43941485, #43961165, #43971080, #43972530, #43987055, #43990475, #43993905, #43997015, #43998360, #44049035, #44213650, #44276180, #44277845, #44293675, #44558710, #44573230, #44603825, #44707845, #45043150, #45439390, #45779460 are all replies on the same post. This was one of the best, by far, comment threads I've ever read. Hahahahaha.
  9. In response to post #45810910. All you have to do is open up the Bethesda.net launcher and it's right there.
  10. UPDATE: It doesn't seem to be a result of the recent issues with Nvidia and Windows, Nvidia's 372.90 update fixed my game. However the hair is still missing so it must be an issue with my game. Recently I tried extracting the hair meshes and textures into the data folder but still nothing, so I'm going to just do another clean install now that I have the 372.90 update. If this problem still persists I have no idea what to do. Nevermind, back to square one. I'll just wait until the next update to mess around with it. Vanilla game, no mods (aside from NVAC Beta fix to run the game) and there's still no hair. It could be an issue with NVAC Beta.
  11. ISSUE FOUND: It is caused by the NVAC Beta, sorry everyone! As the title suggests, for some odd reason my game no longer has head/facial hair on NPCs and my character. Not sure if it's missing files or what, this is what I've tried so far; I uninstalled all mods, Archive Invalidation, etc, and a full clean uninstall and reinstall. New clean install, no mods (aside from NVAC BETA to actually play with the recent Windows update) and still nothing. This is just odd because I've never seen nor heard of this issue and everything I've done has no results and still missing hair. The only thing I can think of is the recent Windows Anniversary update did this, but if anyone has any suggestions I'll take them.
  12. Thanks for the extra info :thumbsup: , yeah I know it sounds odd and is kind of hard to explain what I'm trying to do. I actually got most of it working perfectly, I just need to figure out how to keep the door and the door marker together, because when you move it around in the settlement the door can move but the marker won't. For the blinding default void to get rid of it you just turn on the sky and instead of the void you'll actually have the sky in your cell, which will look good for ceiling windows but not so much for side windows. Then to prevent players from falling there would actually be a single floor that would act as a starting point, you can snap floors and walls to it to build upon and then scrap+replace the starting floor. I like the "Workshop Warehouse" name as well, nice! :smile:
  13. Hey everyone, I'm trying to create a mod and need some help. My mod idea is basically this, I want to make doors in the workshop that teleport into a cell. Very similar to Basement Living but with a different concept. Instead of entering a preset location it will teleport you to a blank cell that will allow you to create your own interior. Sounds simple - and it probably is - but I can't figure out how to for the life of me, even after dissecting other mods. Would go into more depth but I know the risk in sharing mod ideas and then someone comes along, takes the idea, makes it, takes all the credit and it becomes popular. :down: Thanks, LT
  14. In response to post #39665590. #39665740, #39665835 are all replies on the same post. .... Yes the Creation Kit has been available for Fallout 4 for like, a good few months now? If you're looking to download it you have to download the Bethesda.net launcher first and then you can download the Creation Kit within the launcher. EDIT: Oops posted at the same time as the one above.
  15. Don't worry, we'll fix their s#*! of a game. We always do. What else do you expect from Triple A developers, a good game? Bah! You'll sooner see snow in Florida than that.
  16. Well when we get the Creation Kit these updates typically won't cause any conflicts. The only reason it's causing issues now is mostly because we've gone on our own initiative to create and play with mods rather than waiting for the actual modding tools and such, in other words Fallout 4 doesn't have official mod support yet. It's a bit hard to explain, but rest assured when we actually get the Creation Kit there won't be any issues like this and all further updates will be made mod-friendly and Fallout 4 will begin to support mods. To continue on avoiding Steam and such, there's just no way especially with Fallout 4 and there's no way to go back to a previous version. This is just to prevent pirating and make life hard for any pirates. But yeah, don't worry everything will be in much better standing when we get the Creation Kit, for now we all just have to deal with this, until the next update or someone creates a fix. EDIT: NMM 0.61.3 fixes the issue.
  17. There's no way to avoid game updates, they're kind of mandatory via Steam and there's no way to "take the game off Steam." The only alternative is to always keep Steam offline when you know there's an update and the second you turn it back on it'll start to update. The main reasoning behind this is to prevent people from pirating. Luckily, the modding community is always quick to address and resolve issues - there have already been multiple workarounds found to combat this. Just search it up either on Google or here on the Nexus, you'll always find something.
  18. It's a new issue with the recent 1.2 Patch update for Fallout 4. To combat this you can do one of two things: -First and most easiest seems to be just launching via Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE) found here: http://f4se.silverlock.org/ .. I personally don't use it yet but people say that launching through this will keep the plugins active. -Second is that you can open up the NMM launcher and then the game launcher (just like you usually would) but when you get to that point don't press play. Instead you'll need to active your plugins while the launcher is open and that will keep the plugins active. Also make sure you have enabled (or added) bEnableFileSelection=1 under [Launcher] in Fallout4Prefs.ini if you still have problems double check that you've done all the proper steps to install mods. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Fallout_4_Mod_Installation
  19. In response to post #30816220. #30816725, #30817050, #30817275, #30817295 are all replies on the same post. nexus is illuminaty confermed
  20. In response to post #30279160. We still have no idea. I'm going to assume it's going to work just like Steam Workshop, we'll have the option to "Upload to Workshop" (if Workshop will still be supported) or "Upload to Bethesda.net" But don't worry there's no way they can restrict us to having to upload to Beth.net unless for some reason our mod saves are uploaded into a cloud and unable to retrieve via desktop, which is highly unlikely. Therefore modding will hopefully continue to be as it usually is with Bethesda games.
  21. Indeed, the major problem with the site design is the fact that the site is so narrow and has all the free space on the sides. I think it's a safe guess that most of us have widescreen monitors and not the good ol' boxes we used to have haha :D But yeah, that just needs to be fixed up because it's so.. Ugh. Ugly and a pain. Other than that.. Not much to complain about on my part, just could use up some cosmetic changes here and there. Oh and perhaps something mobile friendly, the drop downs at the top are a huge pain on mobile. Especially for mod authors such as I who have to reply to comments, check up on mods/pictures or just want to look at some pictures while on the run. Maybe even look into fixing the avatar when it changes, try to fix that up so it doesn't take a few weeks to finally change after going back and forth between the new image and old, and even older ones lol. Which brings in another point of fixing up how screenshots and images work. The whole click on an image, wait a few minutes and have it pop out like it does is a bit annoying - maybe look into alternatives? And even screenshots it would be nice to see them bigger without having to right click and open in a new tab (such a hassle! Gawd!) All this I mentioned in the survey with more information, but figured I'd post it here as well. Good luck :)
  22. Fallout 4, Fallout steam sales and school days coming to an end, all probably attributed to traffic increase. Personally I haven't been slowed and everything runs as it usually does for me, (aside from the few site downs.)
  23. I know there was a few times I barley mentioned a different modding site and my post got taken down, I found it quite rude and has left me worried since to even mention anything else on the Nexus aside from the Nexus. (Can't remember the post or anything, it was when I first joined awhile back.) It just seems a bit extreme to go to the lengths of completely attempting to remove even the thought of other sites, even if they are Anti-Nexus or whatever. To me I feel that it's one of those scenarios that the big guys don't like it so no one else can't like it/you can't talk about anything but us, seems a bit oppressive and anti-speech. I also am conflicted with this because I know there are other modding sites out there, some with interesting and unique work (non-stolen/copyright) - but we can't find them because we aren't allowed to discuss other sites here on the Nexus. While I have been on and seen some unique modding sites, none have "illegal" content but I fear to even mention them to others due to not wanting to get the boot or get in trouble. Just because I'm trying to show some support for other authors and perhaps send a little attention there way. Obviously promoting and such I can understand to be against site rules, I wouldn't approve of people shouting to go check out this mod on this site! etc etc. but just in simple conversations it'd be nice to not have to worry about getting in trouble. I just find it a bit isolated here, like the modding community isn't just the Nexus it revolves around the entire modding community on Steam, Nexus and other sites. While the Nexus can arguably be called the modding hub it would be nice for the underdogs and their people to get a little attention here and not be censored out. Because there is a ton of amazing work out there if you can look for it. Just my stance, I don't know if things have changed recently or what. Regardless I'll abide by the rules.
  24. I hope this ends soon, I miss the days (two days ago xD) when the modding community was united and not divided. It's a shame to see so many people who were just friends the other day now fighting with each other and seeing mod authors abandon their loyal fans and turning into jerks due to greed. I hope soon we can put this all behind us and forget it even happened while keeping a close on Valve and Beth. Together we stand - divided we fall. ~ LT
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