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  1. I would like to give Dogmeat the Lawbringer and Light Step perks, so I get fingers for his kills and he doesn't set of all of the mines in the area. I tried to add the Lawbringer perk to him via the console, but it doesn't do anything. Although this would be easy in FNV or Oblivion, FOSE does not have the various commands that would make this possible as far as I can see. Is there any way to make sure Dogmeat's kills get a finger at least?
  2. All good points! But it's 14 years old, which is like 150 in computer years. The HD has gotten very slow. It takes 5 mins to boot up. There's no point in upgrading the OS on it. Given how slow it is now, it would take hours to even install the GoG version of Oblivion on it; Days to install Win 11. Yet it plays Oblivion, FO3, and FNV just fine. I have been putting off getting a new one until this one dies or I want to play a new game beyond Fallout New Vegas (2010 I think). Even FO4 is too much for it. Time to upgrade.
  3. I guess I am the only one here still on Win 7. Chrome still works but does not update itself any more. I am trying to keep this 14 year old computer (that I built myself) alive. Maybe time to finally get a new one.
  4. Yea, but it worked until yesterday. Hence the question.
  5. If I try to start the game or just try to start Steam first, Steam freezes at the first screen it shows (the black borderless window with just its logo). It won't start Oblivion no matter what I try. Did Steam finally kill Win 7 support yesterday? If so I may have to buy the game (for the 3rd time) from GOG. For now I am playing FNV from GOG.
  6. I can do it for ya. Can you pm me the pics or put them in a post? What format are they in (DXT1/3/5)? EDIT: Hello? You finally go completely nuts? LOL!
  7. It works for me. I am using version 309.1 and haven't changed any ini settings. It works whether the green OBSE box is checked or not. I have the stand-alone-version installed in the \Oblivion\Mopy\ directory.
  8. Well, when you drop the staff, something must do an ECP on them, or they will just stay on what ever package they are on. That's the whole purpose of that command.
  9. Did you do an EVP command on each scamp to get them to change their AI pacjage?
  10. TheNiceOne and PushTheWinButton are two of the most brilliant scripters I have encountered. I just looked over Ascension's scripts and didn't see anything suspicious. But, you should start deactivating one mod at a time until the problem stops.
  11. Some mod is doing a SetDisabled command on the NPC and failing to undo it. It could be a mod that replaces their inventory (or removes things) when they die, like Enhanced Economy can be set to remove things to make loot scarcer, but I never use that feature and don't know if they would set it to destroyed for some reason. That's the only thing I know of that could cause the things you're seeing.
  12. You can achieve this yourself by modifying the related Game Settings, with this command: SetNumericGameSetting fMarksmanFatigueBurnPerSecond 0.0 SetNumericGameSetting fMarksmanFatigueBurnPerShot 0.0 You can put those commands in a .bat file you run every time you start the game, or (if you are using a mod that has an .ini file it loads every time you start the game) you can try and put them in that file. Other than that, you can just create an ESP file in the Construction Set that modifies those game settings.
  13. Why won't this work? begin MenuMode 1014 if IsKeyPressed3 30 ; 'A' PrintC"Hotkeys Lockpick menu: a pressed" ClickMenuButton "#2" 1014 endif end I want to make it so that if I press the 'a' key in the Lockpick menu (1014) it will cause the "Auto-attempt" button to get clicked. The "#2" is the id of that button in Data\Menus\lockpick_menu.xml. <include src="darn\button_short.xml"/> <id> 2 </id> <user0> <copy src="strings()" trait="_close"/> </user0> <depth> 7 </depth> <x> <copy src="lockpick_auto_attempt" trait="x"/> <add> <copy src="lockpick_auto_attempt" trait="width"/> <add> 15 </add> </add> </x> I am seeing my PrintC message in the console. So the ClickMenuButton command is failing to work for this menu. Thanks.
  14. I have the AV Uncapper installed, and the only thing I have that may change sneak values is Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul. This bug has never happened to me, and I love doing sneak kills on everything I can sneak up on. I am also using Oblivion Reloaded for graphics. It requires this setting in the Oblivion.ini file: bAllowPartialPrecision=1 Any chance that has anything to do with it? Just a wild guess, since nothing else occurs to me. EDIT: Something else occurred to me. If you use RefScope on that NPC, it will tell you the ID of the script (if any) on the NPC. A bad script could cause that behavior. You can also look at what Active Effects are on the NPC.
  15. What if you have the spell set the actor to destroyed (SetDestroyed), which will stop the player from being able to activate them? Will your OnActivate event still fire? If so, you would need to do the 'SetDestroyed 0' to return the actor to normal. I am guessing you are using the OnActivate event to catch this. For further help please post your scripts.
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