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Everything posted by MarkInMKUK

  1. For cool-looking robots - try THIS - from British TV SF series Doctor Who. Very Art Deco looking.
  2. There are various tecnical reasons why this doesn't work at all well. Basically, Oblivion doesn't HAVE "flying", so any flying item is trying to make the game engine do things it isn't supposed to do.
  3. Speaking of longevity - I bought both Morrowind and Oblivion about a year after they were released, working on the general rule it takes a year or so to patch the major foul-up bugs. I then play them in waves - currently I'm tinkering with Oblivion but in six months time I may be back with Morrowind - or having a blast with Diablo / D2. But I keep coming back to Oblivion ... because it's ALWAYS a new world out there. So much to see, so much to do, so little time to do it in!
  4. Install the Quiet Feet mod - it is surprising how often the fact the CPU is busy sorting feet out can clobber the graphics. And I'm NOT joking! If it doesn't work, take it back out again. Alternatively try the silent feet setting in Wrye Bash when building your bashed patch.
  5. Laptop? Beg, steal or borrow (please note, this is a standard phrase NOT an incitement to piracy) a USB headset - that'll bypass the sound card and tell you whether you have any other issue there
  6. Oh, yes, the dialogue - allowed you to follow a train of thought triggered by the key words. I liked that ... wonder how to do it in Oblivion... ? EDIT <suddenly realises I'm humming "Blockbuster" by The Sweet ... "Does anyone know the way? There's GOT to be a way...">
  7. Track down a cheap Soundblaster card - the SoundBlaster range is near enough a gaming standard that it should be the best choice unless you have a specific reason to use a different one
  8. "You wind my key, and I'll wind yours"?
  9. The title says it all really. I'm aware of SOME of the bits from Morrowind which are not in Oblivion - but I'm sure there are a good few I've not thought of - possibly because of the character class I've played, or whatever. So here's a place to discuss what's missing, or let people know what you have found a mod to fix. Me first: (1) Multiple section armors - SO limiting. (2) Human-form beast races - look like creatures from a bad 50's B movie instead of realistic cat or reptile-based beings. Currently being fixed by DrakeTheDragon (Argonians) and Razorpony et all (Khajiits).
  10. You've forgotten Morrowind, where there are STILL modders working a decade or so after it was released, and five years after it's successor came out. Oblivion won't die.
  11. Well, a rogue might discard "used" identities once they become too well known, and then need a new one. Maybe part of the creation of a new alias would be to dump the old one entirely, then run a random name generator and make ID papers up...
  12. I honestly don't know - I've never tried 3D modelling. However, if you run that forum through Google Translate, it may be possible to find the original modder, and ask whether they will allow you to port the model to Oblivion - that may be far easier.
  13. It makes sense to not have the second identity auto-clear. As far as the population is concerned, the second identity is a character who has run up those stats, and they wouldn't clear for no reason. You COULD add an identity forger who can create yet ANOTHER identity for you - for a fee...
  14. I suspect part of the reason this doesn't exist is that once you equip a bow, any sword you have is treated like any other bit of loot, it is no longer an active equipped item. I don't play it, but I suspect Fallout handles things a little differently. You might be able to look for a sword class weapon in the hotkey menu, and rig it so the first one you find is displayed as a sheathed item. However, if you have four swords and two daggers in the hotkey setup, you're going to look like a distressed hedgehog if you try to show them all. You can probably attempt to display a two-hander on the back, a dagger on the right side, and a bow at once, or a one-hander on the left side, a shield on the back, a dagger on the right side and a bow. Any more would look ludicrous. An alternative if you have a dual-wield mod is two sword class items on opposite sides. Also take into account some people might want to use mods such as "Inventory is a backpack" and have items not clash with that.
  15. Weta has THIS image up for a Machaera. And there's THIS modelled one which links from THIS forum page in French...
  16. Luvi - that's what programs such as OBMM or Wrye Bash are for. Sadly, they only work if you installed the mods using them. Suggestion: Download OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager. Then, taking each mod in turn, convert it to an OMOD file using OBMM (you DID save the downloads, I hope?), install the OMOD file (ignore the complaint about it replacing existing files - that's the whiole point), then UN-install it and it should automatically clear up the bits of the old mod. Then use OBMM from now on to install mods.
  17. I like those ideas... There is, of course, a twist - if your companion is evil, then maybe sacrificing her relatives is a bonus?
  18. OK, so look at your graphics settings. If you let it auto-detect your card, and it didn't recognise it, it may have set the lowest settings it can manage. Set the resolution to the native resolution of your monitor, and start from that point.
  19. Firstly, check the wording VERY carefully. The summary I'd seen actually uses the phrase "streaming" as the only distribution method it covered. Secondly, there has to be a PER ITEM financial LOSS to the copyright holder of at least £2500 in any 180 day period. So, they would have to prove the loss existed. If you stream a film, then potentially you have deprived a studio of it's revenue. If, however, you create a mash-up of the film to go with a music track, then you are not distributing the film and thus causing financial loss. You'd also have to stream the film to enough people to cover $2500/cost of a cinema ticket, or the law doesn't apply. If you torrent a game disc file, you are depriving the game company of revenue. If you do a video walkthrough, you don't deprive them of anything (unless you slate it so badly no-one will buy it - but then it's covered by existing laws about reviewing). And, agaon, the torrent would have to upload ($2500/$ cost of game) times (or equivalent data quantity) in 180 days to be covered.
  20. Remember that 99% of the screenshots you see have been done with something like Qarl's texture Pack, HGEC body replacer, Ozmo's Hi-Res Skin Textures, Oblivion Grapohics Extender, Sharder replacers, water replacers, grass replacers, tree replacers, the lot... ... AND often Photoshopped to boot. Also the default display for menus is designed to match the Consol version, so it's in headline-sized text for the hard of seeing. Many people use either BTMod or Darn UI mods to improve that Yes, the game IS capable of decent graphics, but it is NOT supplied with them.
  21. You don't have all of then active at once - you use Guildmaster #1 at first, then switch to Guildmaster 2 (who is still the same character as far as the player is concerned), and so on. I know Claudia's Little Secret uses that method in places.
  22. Make more than one identical Guildmaster, and use a different one for each quest section? ... may not be elegant or efficient, but i bet it'd work
  23. The "grass" clothing is probably going to have to "swish" to look right when moving ... so that makes it a little more complex. Could an animated wig mesh be a good basis for it? (not an animator so may be talking complete garbage)
  24. Personally I was surprised how good Microsoft's own free antivirus was (Microsoft Security Essentials). Norton's a major resource hog though, as is Mcafee
  25. Additional stages for those who are not as computer savvy as I originally thought. Assuming Windows 7 (Vista is similar) (1) Right-click the start button/flag, and select "Open Windows Explorer". A window will open labelled Libraries. (2) In the left-hand coloumn of the window, scroll up and down until you see Computer. Left click it. (3) In the right-hand window you should now see one item marked Local Drive (C:) (the C: is the important bit here). Right click it, select "Open" (4) At the top of the window, there should be an entry marked "New Folder". Left click it. (5) Type the name of the new folder you want to create - I suggest "Games" (6) If you have a Steam version, I suggest using the same process to make a folder inside the Games folder called "Steam" (7) When installing Oblivion, with Discs install to C:\Games\Oblivion, with Steam install to C:\Games\Steam\Oblivion Simples, yes?
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