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Everything posted by MarkInMKUK

  1. Thanks for the support! I'm glad you like the idea of this. If you think there's anything you could do to generate interest or bring more experienced modders to this project, by all means go for it :) Does this allow you to still experience the execution scene, or skip it completely? I rather like the classic game opening so I wouldn't want to lose it entirely. One of the options is the full vanilla start, the others pick up the main quest at the Alduin fly-past at the end of the tutorial I believe.
  2. Many people seem to ask for ideas for modding, so I thought a thread where we could share suggested "worlds" for a total conversion was a good idea. Worlds from literary sources: "Skarpsey" from the Elizabeth H. Boyer "World of the Alfar" and "Wizards War" series' - a dual-world with gates from one to the other in fixed locations - heavily based on Norse/scandinavian mythology. Orthlund from Roger Taylor's "Chronicles of Hawklan" series. A mountain area populated by a people who specialise in rock-carving - ruled over by a high king who has Jarl-equivalents to advise him, and there are also several adjacent lands to expand a mod into... Both of these have a scandinavian feel to them, and should be (relatively) easy to implement as a new worldspace. Any others which fit the style of land we have textures for already? Over to you...
  3. Don't forget the various "Beast race" mods where "proper" feet are being added to the Khajiit and Argonians - that'll need any custon footwear to be available to suit the digitgrade feet too, so lots of extra meshwork.
  4. For those who find it helps at the start - use Arthmoor's "Alternate start - Live another life" mod to start someplace other than the tutorial dungeon - then the whole "dragon" storyline can wait until you want to start it.
  5. I second this request - seemed strange that you could go from being a target to being a member of the Dark Brotherhood and no-one would say "Hey, aren't you a target?"
  6. Just in case you guys haven't spotted it, the mod "Unique Beast Races" separates out the paths for the beast race bodies and skeletons so you can then rig your body onto whatever you like. Seems like a good starting point for any modding you do, to be consistent with a fairly major existing mod which does related stuff. I kicked off the project which ultimately reuulted in digitgrade feet being available for the Khajiit in Oblivion, and I know DrakeThedragon had a set of scripted feet for the argonians, so maybe looking at those (and asking permission to borrow from their scripts/models) may help you push your own projects forwards. Good luck! (Although I'd really like you to start by helping to upgrade the anthro races we have with proper feet, THEN build your own mods on top of that)
  7. There is already a mod which allows you to pay Eorland GreyMane for smithing - that's a good starting point ... SHARPE Craftsmanship
  8. Ian Richardson is, sadly, no more ... they had to switch back to Christopher Lee (who did the original voice anyway). L-space would be a great link to/from the Discworld from Skyrim - just follow the trail of banana skins in the library of your choice... And if Alduin pops in, I suspect Lady Sybil would have more than a few words with him about his behaviour. The biggest problem with Death might be getting his scythe to animate right. And, of course, you have to have cats, and Death's Domain with the famous impossible child's swing...
  9. Someone should have a word with the guy who did Claudia's Little Secret, and ask permission to port his kissing animation across
  10. Agreed, a renaming mod would be good (but watch for any in-dialogue references to other character's names). Regarding male and female names, there's always Marion Morrison (a.k.a. John Wayne) and Shirley Crabtree (a.k.a. wrestler "Dig Daddy") - a case of "Surely you can't be serious?" "Yes, I'm serious, and don't call me Shirley!" And how many of us have Nordic-based character names when running a Nord? My current character (female Nord) is Runa Olasdottir, which (based purely on naming sites) means something along the lines of "secret lore of the ancestors"
  11. If you walk directly south from the shack with the dead owner, Meeko should be at the point where you meet the road, and will then run back to the shack starting the "Meeko companion" stage
  12. Did you get anywhere with this?
  13. Is there a way to, if you have made Meeko a companion, transfer his ownership to Lod the blacksmith (who is looking for a dog)? Obviously this couldn't happen if you have not already done Clavicus Viles quest, because you wouldn't know he wanted a dog, but it seems like a good place to home your out-levelled mutt once you start going places where Meeko will almost certainly die.
  14. Now, I don't know about you - but when I'm sneaking through a cave, I'm relying on all my senses to watch out for something sneaking up on me. Which is fine, apart from ... WHY don't waterfalls make noise?!?! That much water landing from a height is darn noisy in real life, and would not only make the sound of a footstep totally inaudible (for me OR for the inhabitants) but would also make conversations hard to overhear. (I'll allow subtitles as that can be taken as an implication of lip reading ability maybe) So ... can someone make the waterfalls, both interior AND exterior, have that "muted thunder" we all know really exists. In fact, it has to be said that the whole "water noise" concept is VERY muted in Skyrim, and leads to oddities like hearing rain falling onto a waterfall. Also, is there a way to then adjust whatever the npc perceived noise level is so that they don't still respond to a dropped pin while I'm being nearly deafened? Over to the clever people... (Edit for typos)
  15. Because the problem is related to a mod which has a massive number of files involved, maybe double-check you don't have an antivirus running in "scan on file access" mode - this can normally be disabled for selected files or processes and makes a heck of a difference when a game such as Oblivion is running.
  16. Just a reassurance - people ARE reading your updates and waiting for you to have something playable as a test :) Keep up the good work - you are doing amazingly well.
  17. Hi RazorPony - thanks for the meshes. I'll try and get that installed this afternoon if nothing crops up, and give you some feedback ASAP. Thanks for all the hard work!
  18. One point - while an assassin in black is a classic idea, a mid-to-dark grey would conceal far better, and would make more sense for a stealthy attack character - and making it somewhat mottled like camoflage would help too. Obviously trying to achieve that while still ending up with an aesthetically pleasing outfit will be harder, but it'd be nice to see - as would a male outfit based on the same principles.
  19. Questions: (1) Is antivirus disabled - if it's set to scan on denmand it could slug response on ANY file access. (2) Try decompressing all the BSA archives and running with the uncompressed contents instead - does that speed stuff up? (3) Sound card - use a separate card not onboard, just in case.
  20. Hi Razorpony. When you release it, if you can package it as a "resource pack" with the custom meshes and a separate pack with the trader and shop addition, then it'll be easy for the scripted version to be added and not add any unneeded clutter to people's files. Personally I'll be trying the version above out, of course - and will then hope Drake gets some time to pick up the script and finish it off. Great work!
  21. Have you given the Omega video drivers a shot? I found they worked far better for gaming than the vanilla nVidia ones did. They're well worth a try, anyway.
  22. There are a couple of technical reasons why this can't be done. Firstly - the interior doesn't always fit inside the exterior. If you made them "open" - you'd have walls from the interior sticking into the exterior world space. Secondly - Buildings would not be waterproof. If it rained outside, it'd rain inside too (game problem). Try standing under an arch in the Imperial City to see the effect. Now imagine it inside every shop. A rain mod to address this has been tried, but crashes most computers it is run on.
  23. It appears Razorpony is waiting on a gifted scripter to pick up Drakes script and get it ready for use, then maybe we'll get something up and running for the Khajiits. Any volunteers?
  24. Quick and dirty install of FCOM - google the Fcom Superpack - also adds COBL to the basic FCOM. Don't forget all the "bigger texture" mods other than QTP3 - reskinned creatures and characters. And add in some of the mods which add extra npcs wholesale to the roads and cities
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