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Everything posted by fg109

  1. In this case, the problem is that the source script (.psc) already has the lines for the properties added to it because of previous failed attempts at compiling the script. The properties don't show up in the properties window when you check the script because the compiled script (.pex) does not have the properties added. When you try to add the properties to the source script (.psc) again, the lines for the properties get duplicated. These duplicated lines are the cause of the current errors (xxx already defined) when trying to compile the script.
  2. Do a search in your scripts folder for the TIF__0209F3D6.psc and TIF__0209F3D6.pex files. Delete them. Re-do the steps in the tutorial.
  3. What's the error that the compiler spits out when you try to compile it? Because I see absolutely nothing wrong with it.
  4. Instructions by David Brasher
  5. Just looked at the tutorial, and there is a slight mistake; the script should extend Actor, not ObjectReference. So the whole script should look like this: Scriptname GSQThiefScript extends Actor Quest Property TutorialQuest Auto Event OnDeath(Actor killer) TutorialQuest.SetObjectiveDisplayed(20) TutorialQuest.SetStage(20) EndEvent
  6. The script needed for this is easy: Scriptname BlueprintScript extends ObjectReference Perk Property MyPerk Auto Event OnRead() Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk(MyPerk) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(Self) EndEvent All you need to do is change the value for the property for each set of blueprints. As for a good place to learn Papyrus, I don't know. TES Alliance has a very good tutorial for beginners, but there's only one tutorial. Have you tried the tutorials on the CK wiki?
  7. Thanks, it worked. :)
  8. I tried to extract some textures from the "Skyrim - Textures.bsa" but whenever I try, I get a "System.OutOfMemoryException" error. I think it's because I am using BSA unpacker which is a couple of years old and made for Oblivion. I've heard about BSAOpt but I can't use it because I'm running Windows XP, and it says that it requires Vista or above. What are some other BSA extractors I can try?
  9. Bread1 and Bread2 should be Potion properties (or you could go with Form if you want).
  10. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=88
  11. I have the legal version, if that's what you're asking. Version, the latest beta. Are you sure that you're using the correct file? I don't have an "SKSE.exe". SKSE comes with "skse_loader.exe"... I've never even downloaded Script Dragon before, but I heard that it's supposed to hook into the game during run-time in order to work, same as SKSE. Perhaps your "SKSE.exe" is something from your installation of Script Dragon, to make the two compatible?
  12. The errors are from the Skyrim.esm file. The game was released with these errors. No idea about the other problems; I can use the CK just fine.
  13. All that stuff is done in the quest dialogue. There are multiple possibilities for what the NPC(s) can say. What they choose depend on the conditions in the dialogue. Here's a very simple dialogue tutorial by Bethesda that should at least get you started on creating dialogue. And the prisoner clothes are equipped right after you start a new game, when you get into the cart.
  14. I don't have SD and I can run SKSE just fine...
  15. SKSE has a GetName function. You can have a script check that, then set a global which would condition the NPC's dialogue. No real way to do it with the vanilla functions though. The only place text replacement is used are messages, books, and topic titles. There's no way to run a comparison on them.
  16. The scripting isn't that hard, though it would really depend on exactly how you want it. If you want them to behave like during the civil war battles, you can just put a script on the actors like this: Scriptname Example extends Actor Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) Utility.Wait(10) Reset() EndEvent That would make it so that the actors will respawn themselves 10 seconds after their death.
  17. Scriptname AAMyActivatorScript extends ObjectReference Event OnActivate (ObjectReference akActionRef) (AAMyQuest as AAMyQuestScript).AAMyAction() EndEvent Quest Property AAMyQuest Auto or alternatively: Scriptname AAMyActivatorScript extends ObjectReference Event OnActivate (ObjectReference akActionRef) AAMyQuest.AAMyAction() EndEvent AAMyQuestScript Property AAMyQuest Auto
  18. I have not taken a look at it, but I have a pretty good idea of how it works. The "Dovahkiin Relaxes Too" mod uses SendAnimationEvent in order to force the player into a sleeping/lying down pose. Since the player is not actually in bed, he/she can be scripted to activate a bed and have the sleep menu show up. I didn't want to do it that way because there is no actual animation of getting in bed. Also, you can't really tell the bed height, so you have to guess at it, along with guessing whether or not it's a double bed (so you don't end up lying in the middle). Anyway, someone else is already making the the See You Sleep mod: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1375589-wip-see-you-sleep-by-madmole/ I've given up on making it since it doesn't look like SKSE is going to have the functionality to pull up menus any time soon. This is what I had so far, using clones: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRyHVOk4XBk The menus don't seem to show clearly in the video for some reason.
  19. I wanted to throw in a whole bunch of links, but I can't find the threads I got the info from... Some weeks ago, I read a couple threads where people mentioned a problem with teleporting from a custom home or some other world space into a city. The problem only occurred when teleporting to cities, and not when teleporting to the Tamriel world space. I believe that the source of the problem was an overabundance of weapon racks, book shelves, and mannequins in the home or world space. Having so many scripts firing off at once somehow caused the destination cell to not be finished loading when it was in a city world space. The solution found for this was to have the player go through two load screens (eg teleport to Tamriel or some dummy cell first, then to the real destination). Of course, you could always try reducing the amount of scripted items in your cell.
  20. I think the over-encumbrance prevents sprinting is hard coded. You won't find any mention of it in the scripts. If you want to prevent sprinting at low move speeds, instead of scripting, you could try editing the conditions for the sprinting animations. Gameplay -> Animations... -> Actors\Characters\Behaviors\0_Master.hkx -> ActionSprintStart -> SprintStartRoot Add a condition such as "GetActorValue SpeedMult > 25". I do not know how to force an update of the PC's move speed. You could try experimenting with SendAnimationEvent to force the player to change animation states. There may be some event that will update the PC's move speed without any visible changes in animation. No idea on how to get time to pass while in menus.
  21. Scriptname ExampleScript extends ReferenceAlias {Script put on reference alias filled by player} Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) (GetOwningQuest() as QF_HCE_02000D62).Fragment_0() EndEvent Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer) (GetOwningQuest() as QF_HCE_02000D62).Fragment_0() EndEvent I don't know what you mean by the Engineering Guild, but AFAIK a box marked begin or end that you can put your code into only appears for topic infos and packages.
  22. It's impossible to really control capitalization in strings, though it might be possible with SKSE's ToLower and ToUpper functions. The game automatically converts most of the words used as names for object types to all upper case, and many other words used by the programmers to all lower case.
  23. For the second question, it's really up to you. One NPC can fill multiple reference aliases. Using a new alias would enure that the script is only in effect during the duel, but you would need to beware of any conflicts between both aliases.
  24. OnItemAdded and OnItemRemoved are native to the ObjectReference script. This means that only the ObjectReference script and anything that inherits from it can use them (otherwise the events are never received). Inheritance means that a child script will be able to use all the functions that its parent script can use. If script B extends A, then A is the parent of B. If script C extends B, then C has access to all the functions of A and B. Your script extends Quest. Therefore it cannot use the native functions from the ObjectReference script. It wouldn't make sense anyway. It's not as though a quest has an inventory. Instead, to use those functions you need to put a script on the player. One way to do this is through a reference alias.
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