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Everything posted by fg109

  1. @AwesomeSkyrimDude There is an actor value called "WeaponSpeedMult". I would try changing that. The "IsStaggering" is an animation variable. "WeaponSwing" and "WeaponLeftSwing" should be in the list of animation events in the CK that I told you about before. @tg08096 Scrivener07 just released a mod that does exactly what you describe. SKSE with Papyrus support was just released so I'm going to be busy messing around with that. I'm going to find a mod and ask that he/she close this thread. Sorry guys and hope that you manage to get your scripts done without me. :thumbsup:
  2. Actually, OnContainerChanged will fire whenever akNewContainer != akOldContainer. So if it was picked up by the player, or added through a scripting command, it will fire with akOldContainer = None.
  3. ScriptName AAFoundTheObject extends ObjectReference Quest Property AAQuest Auto Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer) if (akNewContainer == Game.GetPlayer()) AAQuest.SetStage(15) endif EndEvent
  4. @kryptopyr I tried with a magic effect script just now using the same function the same way, and it worked fine. Did you remember to set your properties? @AwesomeSkyrimDude There is an "IsStaggering" animation variable. You can try registering for animation events "WeaponSwing" and "WeaponLeftSwing", waiting half a second, then checking the animation variable with GetAnimationVariableBool (or it might be an Int or Float).
  5. @BeastlyBeast That's what the values PCRoll and NPCRoll is for. Example: PC: Let's play. *Rolls Dice* call the CalculateRollsFunction NPC You roll 1. Now it's my turn. GetVMQuestVariable YourQuest PCRoll == 1 [*]You roll 2. Now it's my turn. GetVMQuestVariable YourQuest PCRoll == 2 [*]You roll 3. Now it's my turn. GetVMQuestVariable YourQuest PCRoll == 3 [*] etc. PC Okay. NPC I roll 1. GetVMQuestVariable YourQuest NPCRoll == 1 [*]I roll 2. GetVMQuestVariable YourQuest NPCRoll == 2 [*]I roll 3. GetVMQuestVariable YourQuest NPCRoll == 3 [*] etc. PC Damn, I lost. GetVMQuestVariable YourQuest PCWin == 0 [*]Nice, now give me my money. GetVMQuestVariable YourQuest PCWin == 1 [*]Hmph, a draw. GetVMQuestVariable YourQuest PCWin == 2 @tonycubed2 Give the followers reference aliases too.
  6. @BeastlyBeast Well then you would do what I suggested earlier, with all the GetRandomPercent conditions. You would need to save the value of the reponses somewhere so that you know whether or not the player won or lost. In the script, PCRoll would be whatever the player rolls, and NPCRoll would be whatever the NPC rolls.
  7. @BeastlyBeast OK, I suggest adding this to your quest script: You can call the function whenever you start the dice game, and use the condition GetVMQuestVariable on the responses.
  8. @BeastlyBeast So both are supposed to be completely random? As in, what the NPC rolls should not depend in any way on what the PC rolls?
  9. @UniqueKind You don't need to use scripting for that at all. Edit the wall-mounted Mudcrab and copy the location and name of its nif model file. Extract it from the meshes BSA (or you could just create a dummy file in the meshes folder and rename it to the nif file). Create a new container in the CK and as its model, use the extracted (or dummy file). Fill the container with mudcrab chitin and place it wherever you want. Save and test your mod (remember to delete the dummy file if you made one). @BeastlyBeast Your request also doesn't require any scripting. There is a GetRandomPercent condition function that you can use on your replies. It chooses a random integer between 0 and 99 (inclusive). So if you wanted to have 10 random replies, the conditions would be like this: GetRandomPercent < 10 GetRandomPercent < 11 GetRandomPercent < 13 GetRandomPercent < 14 GetRandomPercent < 17 GetRandomPercent < 20 GetRandomPercent < 25 GetRandomPercent < 33 GetRandomPercent < 50 No conditions EDIT: Your example confuses me. Are you saying that you first choose a random number between 1 and 10 to choose how many replies that the NPC can choose from, and then the NPC chooses a random reply from that list?
  10. @IluisIndustries I successfully tested it by having it be the magic effect of an ability, and setting the value of "UpdateInterval" to 10. EDIT: Also, if you experienced the same thing trying to use OnUpdate in a magic effect script before, then you probably had it as a spell or a lesser power and didn't set the duration of the effect. The magic effect script will only run as long as the spell is in effect (except in certain cases).
  11. @IluisIndustries I don't know of any way to add in new actor values, but I can think of a way to make it seem like there's an actor value like that. You can give the ability to just the player, or check this to dynamically apply it to all actors. I've also heard that SkyProc can create patches to apply things to all NPCs, but I've never used it (and truthfully I have no idea how to even begin).
  12. @SetterHead Your mod idea doesn't actually require any scripts. Or at most, it would require a simple script to check the stage of a quest (used to keep track of when exactly a fort/outpost is considered cleared) and then either enable or disable an Xmarker. The Xmarker would be the enable parent of all the NPCs (and perhaps banners) in the fort/outpost. @Woverdude Is that a script you're going to put on the player? I think it's better to have the script on a reference alias or magic effect that's then put on the player. Anyway, this is an object reference script: Reference alias script: Not much of a difference. @cobrasa9987 Sorry, I don't think your request is possible with the default scripting commands. Maybe someone who uses Script Dragon can make it, but otherwise you would have to wait for SKSE (the version with scripting functions is still in closed beta).
  13. Did you actually set the property of HorseSaddleItem to point at the HorseSaddleItem in the CK?
  14. @TheMan21 The player is found as "Player" under "Actor" under "Actors" in the object window. I don't recommend attaching a script to him though. Instead, consider using a reference alias or magic effect script. Function SomeFunction() RegisterForAnimationEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "JumpLandEnd") EndFunction Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName) RampRumble() endEvent @ulera I've tried to use the Fire function with the player, but that results in some very poor range and angled shots. Instead, you would need to fire them from some other source. I came up with two scripts (because for some reason the object reference script just couldn't receive any animation events): However, there is a noticeable pause between the player firing an arrow and the scripted arrows actually appearing. @YellowPaint I have no idea what's going on without taking a look at the script.
  15. @DarkPhoenixxy The "Self" keyword refers to whatever object/effect/quest/etc that the script is placed on. Any function called without specifying an object is implicitly called on self. OpenInventory() is a function of the Actor script, so if your script extends ObjectReference instead of Actor for example, you can not use it like that. If you want to use it in your script without changing the script to extend Actor, you can use (Self as Actor).OpenInventory() @phenderix Scriptname Example extends ActiveMagicEffect Float property DamageMin auto Float property DamageMax auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Game.GetPlayer().DamageAV("Health", Utility.RandomFloat(DamageMin, DamageMax)) EndEvent
  16. @DarkPhoenixxy Event OnInit() BlockActivation() EndEvent Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) if (akActionRef as Actor) if ((akActionRef as Actor).IsSneaking()) OpenInventory(True) Return endif endif Activate(akActionRef, True) EndEvent
  17. @DarkPhoenixxy Thanks. :) EDIT: Oops, just noticed that I missed your request. Well looking at your code, there's nothing really wrong with it. What did you to happen, and what actually happened when you used it? @anubispriest Actually, it checks to see whether or not the RelationshipMarriageFIN quest is running, and then whether or not the NPC is the specific alias in that quest every time the npc is loaded.
  18. JustinOther's Bag of Holding (the Skyrim version).
  19. @bluesmurph Unfortunately, there aren't any scripting commands that can affect the crafting system. @anubispriest Just change the value of the "NewOutfit" property for each NPC to the outfit you want: @Nite16 Sorry, but there's no way to get rid of those scripts. @ulera 1. You could script the weapon to appear to fire multiple arrows, but it's impossible to make it seem like they're all fired at the same time. At best, it'd look like a machine gun. 2. You could use GetItemCount in a script to check the amount of arrows the player currently has. EDIT: Can someone recommend some free video editing software? I don't need anything complicated, just something that would let me cut out parts of the video.
  20. @Nephilim722 There isn't any function to set your crime gold with each faction so I had to improvise. Using this will cause the misc stat for total lifetime bounty to skyrocket. For all I know, this script could break your game as well.
  21. @marcaurelio745 You would first have to create a formlist of all the doors in the game, then use this script: @Phnx To run a script only once the first time you start the game with the mod loaded, just create a start game enabled quest, and put whatever you want done in the purl=http://www.creationkit.com/OnInit]OnInit[/url] event in the quest script. You can stop the quest afterwards with the Stop function. If you want to have the script run once every time the game is loaded, you would have to do something else. @kryptopyr I haven't done any tests to see whether the RegisterForUpdateGameTime is any better (in regards to script processing) than WaitGameTime, but I would go with registering for update. However, I doubt that using the WaitGameTime function would cause any harm. Keep in mind that the timing for these things can be off if you do something like sleep/wait/fast travel.
  22. @avenger404 I tried out what I suggested to you and it didn't work. Also tried using PlaceAtMe with the projectiles and that didn't work either. I guess that you can't actually dynamically create runes in the game using scripting. Instead, you could make some fake runes. Make some static object that uses the same nif as the real runes, then place them around your cell. For each rune, create a trigger (you can use the default blank trigger) and set it as the enable parent of the rune. Put this script on the trigger: And in your magic effect script, use this:
  23. @azza1989 If you mean a way to add perk points to the player, I think that there was a mod requiring Script Dragon that does it. I have no idea how to do it though. @avenger404 I haven't tried it so this is only a guess, but I think it's possible. You can place runes in the CK, and that makes them object references. If they're object references, then that means you can call Reset on them.
  24. @AwesomeSkyrimDude You can find a list of all animation events by loading up the Creation Kit and then going through the menus: Gameplay -> Animations -> Actors\Characters\Behaviors\0_Master.hkx Then checking the animation events in the drop down menu to the right. For more information about scripting and animations, consider reading these three threads. @azza1989 Give the player an ability. The ability should have a magic effect, with the condition "IsSneaking == 1". The script attached to the magic effect will run every time the player starts sneaking.
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