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Everything posted by ThoraldGM

  1. Maybe OpenInventory() is the right place? Still looking for it, but referenced here: ;/ Decompiled by Champollion V1.0.5 PEX format v3.9 GameID: 2 Source : g:\_F4\Art\Raw\Scripts\OpenInventoryInfoScript.psc Modified : 2015-07-14 14:24:34 Compiled : 2015-12-11 13:01:16 User : builds Computer : RKVBGSBUILD05 /; const ScriptName OpenInventoryInfoScript extends TopicInfo { opens actor's inventory on the info OnEnd event } ;-- Functions --------------------------------------- Function OnEnd(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef, bool abHasBeenSaid) If (Utility.IsInMenuMode() == False) Utility.wait(0.2) If (akSpeakerRef == Game.GetPlayer() as ObjectReference) (akSpeakerRef as Actor).GetDialogueTarget().OpenInventory(True) Else (akSpeakerRef as Actor).OpenInventory(True) EndIf EndIf EndFunction
  2. We need a simple way to detect button/key presses and intercept the activate/event function to do what we want instead. I've read that F4SE can do some of that, but I've never used it and there's not really a helpfile for noobs at this point. (I've been using Bethesda Archive Extractor, Champollion, and Caprica to mess with scripts.) Here's some rabbit hole swf reading if anyone's interested, but I'd rather enjoy the game at this point than spend all my free time getting frustrated. I prefer to make things, but c'est la vie. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3375175-deobfuscate-the-swf-files-aka-ui-moddinga-start/ http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/287391-tutorial-editing-actionscript-in-as3-swf-files-for-wot-088-with-rabcdasm/ https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/actionscript/articles/avm2overview.pdf Edit: Gut feeling says the keypress itself shouldn't matter, that the "bring up Pipboy" event should already be in a function or script. Haven't found it yet, though. In fact, the only reason I've been hunting button/key presses is to see if they reveal the name of the activated functions.
  3. That was my conclusion too after banging my head on the keyboard again and again. I was looking at bartermenu and containermenu swf files to track switching between my tab and vendor tab (with goal of keeping them in sync). Found some insightful syntax that's probably part of the solution. My gut feeling is that our problems will be solved in the same manner, some form of button/key interception. Just one of several ideas shelved until CK.
  4. Agreed. I've been looking down the keypress rabbit hole but alot of what I've seen* is swf files (that can decompiled and read with Show My Code site). My guess is you would just divert the button/key activation from Pipboy to load Power Armor hud instead. Idk how it's done though. *Been looking through SouthpawUI files. Advanced things can be done, but the files I've read are 5k+ lines of code. Hopefully there's an easier way.
  5. I was hoping someone more knowledgeable would chime in. I use Build Reference Info to find associated files in FO4Edit, but I don't know how one would do the same for all function references. It would be a nice ability to have. Seems like I frequently want to read functions or scripts I can't find :-/
  6. Found it. 0006F153 in FO4Edit. Function GetIsSex, option Female. I downloaded Zilav's Full dialogues and voices files list and searched for the text. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7273/?
  7. This video helped me understand graphics editing: https://youtu.be/2a_2cMLDRcI Nukapedia provides base IDs to find files in FO4Edit to study. (Ctrl & click in FO4Edit to surf between files.) http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Portal:Fallout_4 On Nexus, Champollion decompiles scripts for reading/editing and Caprica compiles them. The scripts are ripped from Bethesda Archive Extractor.
  8. Getting closer to finishing my first mod in FO4Edit and want to make sure I put it on Nexus correctly. I didn't see anything on the site as far as recommended procedure. Should I package the esp file somehow? I noticed my mod is listed in the plugins tab of Nexus Mod Manager, but is not listed in the mods tab. Some mods have options windows and a window showing their description in NMM... how is that done? Also, there's a handful of related mods I want to create compatibility patches for. Is this the recommended method? (YouTube video: Fallout 4 Modding for N00bz - Compatibility patches*: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CHfpzsdi8A ) If not, what tool should I be using? Is there anything else I should keep in mind when posting the mod? Trying to get it right the first time without doing anything too embarrassing. *Sorry, having trouble getting video link to show. Had to remove ads from text box and lost the toolbar.
  9. I tried removing NPCs elsewhere (Easy City Downs) without any luck. Next time I can look, I will see what formIDs and scripts (if any) reference the pack Brahmin. But I don't know the right removal process. I've seen multiple answers about how to do this in prior Fallouts and Skyrim. They mention setting initial disable in Creation Kit or using scripts to kill/hide/prevent loading. Not a helpful answer, I know, but you're right about it being a needed feature.
  10. Plus the bots definitely aggro before player spotted by any humans. Confirmed in gameplay.
  11. Update for anyone interested. The Place NPC files in worldspace will only accept another NPC or a null reference (I thought it would be fun to replace Ernie with his passkey, and replace the other humans with racetrack flyers, bottlecaps, and flowers). Trying to remove any reference from the Easy City Downs main location file (0005885c I think, not at laptop to confirm) causes the entire reference list to highlight white, shift, and look strange in FO4Edit. Plus there are so many linked references and scripts, that removing expected objects may cause more problems. In short, ECD is a hot mess.
  12. I'm going to make a version that removes everyone but the robots and see what happens.
  13. I spent a couple of days taking a genuine crack at the Easy City Downs (ECD) aggression problem, with mixed results. - I found 24 placement entries that load 22 NPCs (2 are generic thug duplicates). - 9 of the entries are racing robots. - I set NPCs and their potential variants (based on player level) to: Unaggressive, Cowardly, Neutral, Helps Nobody, Aggro Radius Behavior False. - I changed all of the factions to Captive NPC (friendly to all). - There are tons of variants: Triggermen, Raiders, Robots, and a Turret with stats that change based on player level at time of encounter and some pseudo-randomness. I went from 24 files to 140ish just by editing the variants. - In FO4Edit, I copied the 10 unique NPCs (9 robots and boss) as overrides. - The remaining NPCs are generics that load in ECD and beyond, so I copied them as new entries, then copied the chain of all their templates, etc, and replaced aggressive traits with neutered/neutral. That way they only change in ECD instead of the entire map. - I changed the non-unique NPC placement entries as overrides, loading the friendly NPCs instead. - I found several ECD scripts (3 of them deal with aggression). I decompiled all of them with Champollion and read them. Then I edited the 3, recompiled them with Caprica, and put them in the correct directory structure of my game. - My FriendlyEasyCityDowns esp file is checked in NMM. End result: When I go to Easy City Downs (walking in as first time visitor from nearby school, non-fast travel), the Raiders and Triggermen do NOT aggro on me. At least, not until one of the bots completes a lap and aggros (usually Iron Maiden assaultron or The Boston Blaster Mr Gutsy). Then it's game on from the robots, one melee knife-wielding Raider in a yellow helmet, and the machinegun turret. If I stay in the lobby (under the boss floor) when I arrive, the Raider and Triggerman hang out but don't talk to me. Then the robots take a lap and red squares pop up, with one of them trying to find me (non-stealthed, not hidden). As soon as I walk over to the bleachers, I get laser blasted. *makes smirking noise* I'm tired, 2 days of reading, coding, and testing. Would be happy to send the zip file to anyone who wants to see it. I just don't want to upload a non-working mod. But a fresh set of eyes on it might help. It's pretty close to the goal, I think. If anyone is interested in open source collaboration, I'm up for that. Halfway there is better than nothing, but not as great as it would be to have everything working. The end goal is to make ECD a racing/gambling/merchant/party hub. Once friendly, I'm sure the overhaul mods will follow. I really thought I nailed it. Grrr. :-/
  14. I have the same setup, coding on laptop and testing at home. I may try Ingestible* next chance I get. Otherwise, need Geck to see available Object Types. * http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=Ingestible
  15. No go on the noodle stack method. I'm going to walk away for a bit, buddy up to some raiders, and come back to the problem. Earlier I was trying to find the right Object Type for the Property in NukaColaBottleCapAdderSCRIPT instead of using MiscObject or ObjectReference. Wasn't sure whether a consumable would be ALCH, Ingestible, FoodItem, or something else. I see Object Types are listed in a drop down menu in Skyrim CK, but that doesn't seem to translate here yet.
  16. I suspect the Noodle Cup Stack can't be held in inventory... I think the stack is on a table and places 4 noodle cups into inventory when activated. Build Reference Info says there are 14 instances of the noodle stack in the game, but I can't get one to add in console. So I'm wandering around Diamond City Security now trying to find one of the instances :-D Edit: Three stacks are on the counters at Power Noodles in Diamond City. The stack does not go into inventory... it creates 4 noodle cups in inventory as expected. Wish me luck as I run away from the guards with armloads of stolen noodles waving in the breeze. I'm going to call that script from inside an object and see what happens. Screenshots: Noodle Cup Stack - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=626437859 Four Noodle Cups - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=626438144
  17. *** SNOOPY DANCE *** NoodleCupStack "Noodle Cups" [ACTI:000D6E56] ;/ Decompiled by Champollion V1.0.5 PEX format v3.9 GameID: 2 Source : g:\_F4\Art\Raw\Scripts\DefaultAddItemOnActivate.psc Modified : 2015-02-06 17:30:12 Compiled : 2015-12-11 12:53:21 User : builds Computer : RKVBGSBUILD05 /; ScriptName DefaultAddItemOnActivate extends ObjectReference { Give the player an item when they activate this reference. } ;-- Properties -------------------------------------- Form Property ItemToGive Auto { The Item to give to the player when this references is activated. } int Property iNumberToGiveMin = 1 Auto { How many of the item are given? If always the same, Min and Max should be equal. Otherwise it's a random value between min/max } int Property iNumberToGiveMax = 1 Auto { If Greater than the Min, the number given will be randomized between that value and this one. } bool Property bDisableWhenDone = False Auto { Should this object disable when clicked? False by default. } ;-- Variables --------------------------------------- ;-- State ------------------------------------------- State done Function OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) ; Empty function EndFunction EndState ;-- State ------------------------------------------- Auto State Initial Function OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) int iNumberToGive = 0 If (iNumberToGiveMin >= iNumberToGiveMax) iNumberToGive = iNumberToGiveMin Else iNumberToGive = Utility.randomInt(iNumberToGiveMin, iNumberToGiveMax) EndIf akActionRef.AddItem(ItemToGive, iNumberToGive, False) If (bDisableWhenDone) Self.disable(False) Else Self.GoToState("done") EndIf EndFunction EndState
  18. Lots of testing last night/this morning confirms you are exactly right. Only MISC items are created by NukaColaBottleCapAdderSCRIPT. I created a bottlecap in one test, an Eyebot model in another test. Changing the new item to a noodle cup failed. It seems like NukaColaBottleCapAdderSCRIPT only needs to be edited and recompiled as a different script if the modder wants more than ONE item, or wants the consumed item to create something other than a MISC. I'm reading through the Papyrus docs now to find the right syntax. My immediate goal is to get this working with a non-MISC. Beyond that, a more generic ConsumedAddsItem script would be nice. If there's a way to let the modder set NewItem/NumItem/SilentMsgFlag in FO4Edit instead of hard coding those values into the script (Caps001 as Form, 1, False), I'd like to find it. But my Papyrus skills aren't there yet. Lots of tinker, test, rinse, repeat going on.
  19. I'm running in circles with the same error. I tried to change only the object like you said (see screenshot), but FO4Edit forced me to change the formID name when copying as new item. The end result is a magic effect that does nothing when the item is consumed. I wonder if this is because the "file name" and the script name are no longer identical (?). Is the only working option to edit my own script, then recompile and reference the edit? Here's the decompiled version without any edits: ;/ Decompiled by Champollion V1.0.5 PEX format v3.9 GameID: 2 Source : g:\_F4\Art\Raw\Scripts\NukaColaBottleCapAdderSCRIPT.psc Modified : 2013-10-14 09:52:48 Compiled : 2015-12-11 13:01:15 User : builds Computer : RKVBGSBUILD05 /; const ScriptName NukaColaBottleCapAdderSCRIPT extends ActiveMagicEffect { This script causes nuka products to add one bottlecap to the actor who consumes the drink. } ;-- Properties -------------------------------------- MiscObject Property Caps001 Auto ;-- Variables --------------------------------------- ;-- Functions --------------------------------------- Function OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) akCaster.additem(Caps001 as Form, 1, False) EndFunction
  20. Excellent idea. I get wrapped up in the programming and forget about visual cues. I'll check out the debug scripts too. Thanks.
  21. I'm used to telling myself things in programming on screen, aka flags or debug messages to know a script has been activated, etc. Is there a simple way to write to my game screen in FO4Edit? I made the Brahmin Noodles cup and added the recipe to Cooking Stations. I'm still having trouble with care packages cloning other items when "consumed". Screenshots if interested: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=625396185 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=625396437 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=625396745 New to non-text game modding and this is the most progress I've ever made. Plus I'm reading decompiled scripts with Champollion. Pretty happy with the way things are going, but would like to keep making progress. Thanks.
  22. I'm pretty sure bullets and care packages would be handled the same way. Check out the Nuka Cola bottle comment here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3777150-add-multiple-effects-in-fo4edit/?p=34443330 Edit: Comment #7 there discusses getting bottle cap after drinking Nuka Cola. That effect can be copied as a new ANYTHING that creates ITEM when consumed (selected). Immensely useful.
  23. Thanks for showing me ways through my stumbling blocks. I'm back to making progress :-)
  24. Life imitates art. Small world. http://kotaku.com/fallout-4-ramen-is-for-real-1758227934
  25. I found an update* to the last link but it involves hexadecimal editing. I'm on my phone and the script photos in that link aren't showing. I don't know if that is the best method or if something easier has been developed. * http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3448190-posting-this-so-anyone-else-with-the-same-question-can-get-answers/
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