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Everything posted by ThoraldGM

  1. When an ad loads in the forum reply text box, preventing me from typing or using the text toolbar, then AdBlock is the only way to participate. Even if it means manually typing BBCode instead of using the toolbar. It's not my choice... that's the way the site has been (not) working.
  2. http://i.imgur.com/ebIbdqOl.jpg I removed the helmets, but then the guards looked like clones. So I added random hats and sunglasses that still reveal their faces. Thanks for the suggestion :-) Diamond City SWAT
  3. http://i.imgur.com/KhYc3lal.jpg Here you go. Thanks for the suggestion :-) Diamond City SWAT
  4. Glad to hear. I used the same process in Choice Chopped, but I know very little about the nif process. Will your mod be posted to Nexus?
  5. Yep. You have a second Fallons twin selling your new item in some Twilight Zone. Override for the win :-)
  6. I misunderstood the first read through. If you edited a leveled list, then LVLD Chance could've been an issue. But it sounds like you edited the vendor directly. When you right clicked to edit, did you choose Copy As New or Copy As Override? (You want Override in this case.) If you Copied As Override, then a mod loading after yours is also changing Fallons and wiping out your mod's changes.
  7. Is there a value listed next to LVLD - Chance None? Some of the leveled lists will only pick your item to load X percent of the time. Edit: Sorry, just read your post closer. If you added directly to the list in 00072013 VendorDCFallons, your item should be there. Did you Copy As Override?
  8. Would be interested in seeing anyone's progress on this. Tracking down the source of mag reloads... I think it's handled in the UseWeapon() function, but the old Geck site seems to be down. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=UseWeapon_(Function)
  9. I might compile a list of vanilla resources for you (bottling factories, items, etc) that could tie in somehow. I'm sure some NPC would try to put all that inventory to use, and there would be plenty of fetch quests to expand on.
  10. Idk about schools, but I'd like to restore the drive-in and diner. That would result in needing more NPCs. I don't recall the names of the schools, but there are several the raiders are squatting in.
  11. Yes, they graduated to a full-blown food mod :-P The care package part was separated to another mod in the works. Talking to a few people about mail delivery ideas. Next part I want to work on is a transportable container (packages, backpacks, stash bags, etc). Basically a dummy inventory object that will access a hidden container when dropped, then hide it again when picked up. Or something. Still trying to decide if that's useful or overkill.
  12. I recognize that noodle cup screenshot. In a month you'll be pretty good with FO4Edit :-)
  13. Random or use all, yes. But I appreciate the thought. Trying to get my old level of fluency back. Not being able to find or do something is frustrating.
  14. Right click on Hancock's entry and select Copy as Override. It will create a duplicate column. You can edit the new column in your mod and load those changes in game.
  15. Yes. Prewar vs post-war, and logical vs weird. Had the same issue with care packages. Wanted to include wasteland survival mags, but the packages are prewar college mail. The best part of the weird approach is that NPC can have weird motives. Either ghoul who won't let go, or scavver who wants to take up the mantle. Lots more to say but gtg work.
  16. I bet someone could look at the bullet holes mod* and place bullets there too. And place some on the bodies for looting. Not sure what else you'd need beyond that. * Long Range Bullet Holes. I use this and it's awesome. Also see Rain of Brass in the mod's description. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1075/ http://i.imgur.com/Rmm5ynLl.jpg
  17. It's easy to stock mailboxes. I started a mod for care packages, but developed the ramen noodles into a full-fledged food mod (Choice Chopped). Now that the food mod is done, I should finish care packages. I had similar thoughts on finding the dead mailman, but nothing as detailed as yours. I think there should be a crazy old mailman NPC who delivers mail because he doesn't realize the bomb dropped. Thinking of the mailman from Funny Farm, or crazy Ice Cream Carl who wanders around in his ice cream van in Old World Radio Boston. I won't get to mod again until next week, but I'll release care packages then. We need at least one post office and a mailman, like the Skyrim courier mod.
  18. Is it possible to use an array for a required ingredient in a crafting station? For example, my Breakfast of Champions is crafted in the cooking station with Sugar Bombs and beer. The beer MUST be a beer object with formID 0011EA93. It would be more robust if the player could use any of the beer or liquor variants. The old LPC way to do this was to create an array of acceptable items, then check that the player had an item on that list at the time of crafting. I'm just using the breakfast as an example. There are many things that could be improved with arrays. A Nuka Cola grenade that could be crafted with any of the warm/cold/flavored empty bottle variants is another example. So far, the only way I see is to require the scrapped component (glass instead of bottle), but that adds a trip to the workshop and makes it more tedious on the player. I suppose if the modder created an object with a custom crafting script, that would be possible. (Example: a tool belt that deletes ingredients and clones a grenade when activated.) But it would be nice if arrays could be done with things listed in the different stations.
  19. I was thinking there are multiple (layers?) to the Pip-Boy animation, since only the bottom bar showed up on my test. Then this happened today when I was hit by a (gamma?) round. Seems to confirm the multi-layer theory. Thoughts? http://i.imgur.com/z340RhC.jpg
  20. The radio mods are great. We need a skip button. More interesting NPCs. Mods that use existing things in exciting ways.
  21. I'm familiar with these files from Choice Chopped ( http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10434/? ). I'll see what I can whip up, should be pretty easy. EDIT: I did a description search of Nexus mods before diving in. These already do a fine job at that task. I compared both in FO4Edit. Both add empty bottles to inventory after drinking. Craftable Alcohol also adds bottlecaps and wine cork. Craftable Alcohol: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1964/? Hobo-Scavenger: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8791/? Lmk if you need radically different functionality from these. I recommend supporting and talking to the author of whichever mod you choose. (And only pick one, there are numerous conflicting records between the two, so they appear to be incompatible with each other.)
  22. I've done some digging and I think I understand the issue, but am not sure how to address it. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3880465-where-is-the-show-pip-boy-function/
  23. TLDR: I don't know anything about hkx animation files. (Actors\Character\_1stPerson\Behaviors\Pipboy.hkx) Issue update: The game checks whether player has perk "PowerArmorPerk" [PERK: 0001F8A9] when showing the Pip-Boy. I copied powerArmorHUD (00022D04) as override in FO4Edit and removed the HasPerk condition. (Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/fZgJlQl.png ) The end result was: - When not in power armor, the "Stimpack (button) Radaway (button)" bottom bar appeared when accessing Pip-Boy. The rest of the Pip-Boy was invisible or didn't draw. - When in power armor, bringing up the Pip-Boy screen worked fine as it does in the vanilla game. Another option would be to give player the PowerArmorPerk via file or console. I didn't try that because there are 171 references to PowerArmorPerk, including NPC reactions and the assigning of weight and fall damage negation. (Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/PZ4OZGk.png ) In short, adding the perk just to remove the vanilla Pip-Boy HUD would introduce a slew of unwanted side effects during gameplay. All of the relevant Pip-Boy entries list Actors\Character\_1stPerson\Behaviors\Pipboy.hkx as the (animation file?). I don't know if that's where one would go to make the changes, but again, things got complicated fast. Posting the info in case a modder finds it useful and wants to do something with it. Edit: For more rabbit hole diving, check out PipboyInspect [iDLE:00042D83] > ActionPipboyInspect [AACT:00042D82] > Default Object Manager [DOBJ:00000800] . Also, what if PowerArmorPerk was granted when opening the Pip-Boy, then removed when closing it? Idk if that's a possibility or if there would be any issues. Just thinking out loud.
  24. I think I found it. Idle Animation > 00022D05 pipboyOpen Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/0qEB5h0.png
  25. First, a shoutout to all the hard working modders out there. Spend all day reading files, learning code, doing stuff? You deserve a cold one. I improved my workspace to search psc, pas, and swf files. Still, there's a bit of haystack combing and frustration at not being able to find something. Especially when I don't know the syntax of what I'm looking for. There was a mod request to bring up power armor HUD instead of the Pip-Boy, regardless of whether power armor is worn or not ( http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3874670-i-need-a-simple-mod-that-removes-the-pip-boy/ ). Has anyone found where the game brings up the Pip-Boy? I'm guessing there is a condition check for IsInPowerArmor(), then the game launches PipboyMenu.swf or PowerArmorHUDMenu.swf. Am I way off target here? There are calls to IsInPowerArmor() in actor.psc and haircutscript.psc. I haven't wrapped my head around the HasPerk line yet. ACTOR.PSC: bool Function IsInPowerArmor() return Self.HasPerk(Game.GetFormFromFile(129193, "Fallout4.esm") as Perk) EndFunction HAIRCUTSCRIPT.PSC: Actor PlayerREF = Game.GetPlayer() [..] ElseIf (PlayerREF.IsInPowerArmor()) // can't sit down in barber chair
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