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About crimsonedge11

  1. Why do people feel entitled to everything? If someone makes their own mod, or character or armor and posts a picture, it is their work and they can do whatever they want with it. And it is their choice if they wish to share it or not.
  2. There is a mod loader that you need to install first for most mods to work, called Risugami's mod loader I think. And also if you use a texture pack, and patch it with MC patcher, that clears out the other files in the minecraft.jar. So you must install the texture pack first, or it will erase any other mods you installed. So basically the order is: 1. Texture pack with MC patcher 2. Install Mod loader 3. Install your other mods. If you do that, you should have no problems.
  3. I just added Dragon Age 2 to the pile of shame. Before that I added Fallout: New Vegas. Oh and a couple PS3 games I bought a few months ago that were added: Nier Armored Core 4 Splatterhouse I haven't bought a console game since Splatterhouse, and there really isn't anything I can see in the near future being released that even catches my eye. So the only thing keeping the PS3 out of the pile of shame is that it doubles as a Blu-Ray movie player, which is about all its worth to me ATM.
  4. They (in the US) tried to pass a law just this last fall for this. I can't remember what it was called, renamed something like the Internet Blacklist Bill, that would have allowed them the ability to shut down any site they deemed inappropriate, from torrent site to whatever site they might have deemed to be of "terrorist" nature. Thankfully, the bill wasn't passed, but someone will bring it up again. I don't trust the government with that kind of authority to shut down sites they deem inappropriate. The internet is the last refuge of genuine freedom we actually have. Suppose they started shutting down internet sites because they were too critical of the government or the president? And then just turned around and labeled them "terrorists" to justify it. And then nobody would give it a second thought, because everyone is against terrorism right?
  5. Maybe someone should get a petition together to send to the game manufacturers, basically saying, we will not honor your EULA because it is not a legally binding contract, and it infringes on consumer rights. But it would go into more detail than that. They are selling products, and then revoking the rights to use these products from paying customers because of a digital agreement, for basically any reason they see fit. This will have to be a well written petition, and go into some detail. If we could get a few hundred thousand signatures, or a million or 2 from gamers around the world, they would almost have to listen. And also it could be sent to the houses of government in our own countries showing out displeasure of these "digital agreements" and "digital rights management". Perhaps it could also start a class action lawsuit in a few countries, if it got popular with enough signatures. I would love to send a message to them. They think they can just trample everyone's rights because they do it and not enough people are screaming loudly enough about it. The thing with a Democracy, is if you don't speak or defend your rights, you will have them taken away from you. Also the squeaky wheel gets oiled, even if they aren't in the majority.
  6. From my perspective, most on this site are very left wing. Basically the only thing I can agree on with most of you here, is that we agree to disagree on too many things. Although there is some common ground on a few things. I didn't see too many people defending the game manufacturers and their draconian EULA agreements, or DRMs, and their utter disregard for consumer rights. People often run into problems when you try to convince another person to change their mind. I will admit, I have been guilty of doing this sometimes. Sometimes I feel such a strong difference in opinion that from my perspective the other side just seems crazy, or naive and my posts will often reflect that. And before I go into a debate, I have already made up my mind about the topic, and there is little anyone can say to change it. And I think that holds true for most people already having their minds made up before they even enter the debate.
  7. Bolt action is simply more accurate, for reasons people have already suggested. But snipers in areas where they won't need the 2500+ meter range, and only need about 500-1000, like inner city taking a position to fire at the other end of the block, they might trade accuracy for rate of fire and use a semi-auto rifle. In the future they will be making more accurate semi-auto rifles, and eventually everyone will be using semi-auto.
  8. I would really like to see how they plan on enforcing that? If you use a proxy, there is no way they can trace it back to you. And also there are settings in many torrent programs that let you circumvent bandwidth caps put on you by your cable provider. Basically if you do both, there is no way in the world they could have any clue what the hell you are doing. They would have to fundamentally change the way the internet works, and how people access the internet to enforce piracy laws on any grand scale, and the critics of such a draconian big brother intervention would be very vocal. I don't think either political party in America would support such a control over the internet, it would be too unpopular and risky for either of them to tread those waters. As far as piracy goes, the best I can tell the game manufacturers is learn to deal with it as an acceptable loss.
  9. Anyone who would sacrifice freedom for security will get neither, and deserve neither.
  10. I don't have time right now to watch the whole thing, but unless it includes really specific and substantial evidence. I'm taking about way more than witness testimony, because its also possible our governments got some really advanced aircraft flying around and it would be beneficial to them in keeping it secret because people would report it as a UFO, which most people wont even say anything about because they would be afraid of making themselves look crazy. Whether these UFOs are aircraft from this Earth, or somewhere else, it is a fact that the governments of the world are not telling us the truth. The US is perhaps the most secretive when it comes to UFOs. If they have an invested interest in keeping whatever is going on secret, that kinda worries me, because I sure as hell don't trust that they are doing anything good as a result of it. Also, if alien life was proved to be as common as I believe it is. The structure and teachings of many religions around the world would essentially be proven to be wrong by science. Similar to the way science was held back in the middle ages if it dared to question that the Earth was not the center of the universe or etc. I think some of that is still going on behind the scenes. And there is a whole lot of people with power that would rather maintain things the way they are.
  11. The argument I see a lot of people using to support the game companies and their "EULA" and "DRMs" can be summed up in one word, pirates. Now pirating is stealing, no excuse for that, but the implementation of EULA, and DRMs, is not impacting piracy that much, piracy is more frequent now than it has ever been, and it will continue to increase during an economic recession where lots of people don't have the money they used to have. Trying to control individual people is a mistake, because this only includes the people who pay for the games, and not the pirates. So the whole argument for this implementation just doesn't hold water. Pirates don't give these companies an excuse to enforce draconian EULA agreements and DRMs on their paying customers. But I guess few gamers actually care about principle, and just want to play a game and don't really care if they throw another hoop in front of you to jump through. Some of this has to also do with agressive marketing, routing people to sites that are posting prices for other games, and even sometimes deals basically forcing their customers to be involved in their agressive marketing attemps. I think the later has a lot to do with it, controlled marketing, directly to the consumer, brilliant idea from a sales/marketing standpoint. And then they get to turn around and use "pirates" as the excuse for doing it.
  12. crimsonedge11


    The point I am trying to make is if we are ever to heal race relations to a greater extent than they are now, people need to bury the hatchet, which includes one side blaming the other and demanding stuff from something that didn't even happen in their great grandfathers generation. And if we are to single one occurrence in history out that qualifies for reparations to be given, we could apply the same to every other case in history any injustice was done to any people. People need to quit making excuses and buck up and take responsibility instead of blaming it on something that happened over 100 years ago, things aren't like that any more. Basically, what happened was wrong, and society has made a lot of progress in correcting that. Reparations would in fact be injustice, because how could anyone justify taking from one and giving to another based on race? Especially when the people involved never actually did anything or had anything taken away? If you really want to throw fuel on the fire with race relations, reparations would be the way to go. It would do way more harm than good. That is true, but Egypt conquered/pillaged/enslaved much of sub-saharan Africa for thousands of years. And nobody is asking Egypt for reparations. I have heard of Jim Crow, he was a slave owner who came up with the idea to make Blacks stay rivaled with each other, so they are too busy fighting each other to worry about rebelling against their slave masters. Now my question is, how can ALL of the problems be blamed on this one man? Jim Crow isn't here, and hasn't been for hundreds of years. This is exactly what I mean by making excuses, instead of owning up to responsibility. People need to drop this dumb **** and move on, instead of dwelling on the past. It is so ridiculous to keep blaming one man for the problems of an entire community, just because he had an idea on how to keep control of his slaves a few hundred years ago. Jim Crow? Bull****. This is about the most pathetic excuse I have heard, so this is why some inner city Blacks form gangs and kill each other in the streets? Its Jim Crow's fault. Give me a damn break....... Someones worth should be judged on individual accomplishments and achievements, and not based on anything else BUT that. With that said, everyone isn't equal, and life isn't fair.
  13. crimsonedge11


    I never told you how to feel, I said I hold no personal grudges or feel no entitlements for occurrences 100+ years ago that happened to a great great grandfather, if I did, then it would be the epitome of ignorance. Actually my statement is true, they came into this country with nothing but the shirts on their backs if they even had any clothes, they didn't bring diamonds, gold, etc with them. And in many cases the elders of the tribes they were in often sold them into slavery, so all the blame doesn't fall into one group. And we could go on and on and on about resources "stolen" from people during colonial times during conquests, and even conquests all throughout human history, where the same has been done by pretty much every civilization of any power that ever existed. Maybe Egypt should pay the Africans back for all the gold, diamonds, and labor they stole. How far exactly would you like to go back? 150 years? 500 years? 5000 years? You say that Africa "was" full of resources? There are plenty of resources in Africa, gold, silver, diamond, oil, various types of gems not found anywhere else on Earth. Its just that the corrupt leaders and dictators control it all and the people benefit none from it. You aren't very well informed. Ask any geologist about how resource rich Africa is, and if there are any self proclaimed geologists here, better be willing to prove it.
  14. crimsonedge11


    Then it will never end as long as people continue to dwell on the past rather than the future. And for the record, I have many Irish ancestors who came to this country as "indentured servants", not the same as all out slavery, because they had some choice in the matter, but it was still an unjust practice. And I don't feel entitled in any way to the assets of the people who took advantage of my ancestors through this practice. Its all water under the bridge, and there is no changing the past. Some of my ancestors came into this country with not a lot more than your average slave came into this country with. And they made it work. And the Irish at one time were treated very poorly in the US, viewed with much prejudice and in some cases seen even lower than Blacks. I also have some Cherokee Indian ancestors, who were treated even worse than Blacks, and actually did have wealth taken away (land), but I am not making any excuses for my shortcomings and blaming circumstances that happened 100+ years ago, its all water under the bridge. You are just looking to throw blame around for past dealings that cannot be changed. I guess you are also one of these people who thinks one person should hand their wealth over to another because of something that happened 150 years ago. The fact is the slaves never had any wealth to be taken away to begin with, but that was not why slavery was wrong. It is wrong for one person to have ownership over another under any circumstances.
  15. crimsonedge11


    I am not saying you, but some people have tunnel vision when it comes to racism, and only see part of it and don't see the bigger picture. There is plenty of racism to go around, and it can come from people of all walks, races, religions, and political views, whether they realize it or not. And racism can also manifest in different forms, some being worse than others, but still racism nontheless.
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