The end boss is retarded hard, I can't beat him. I have tried a level 35 warrior Sword and shield, Champion/reaver/guardian tank basically no chance with this one. So next I try the level 34 Arcane warrior/blood mage/battle mage. Best I can do with the AW is beat the first one, and for the second fight I got few to no health pultices left, and can't make/find any more. Also the rest of the party is guaranteed to be dead by the start of the second part. And I usually got 5+ skeletons hitting on me for 80+ damage each. I even tried running around in circles and letting the DOT auras hit the skeletons, but they just got too much health and don't do enough damage, and I run out of mana really fast. Both the warrior and the AW mage both have top tier equipment, not really much to improve on there, its all runed out with paragon runes and everything. I tried this 13 times already with just the AW mage. The problem is not my main characters but the ones it gives me to work with, they are basically useless, except for the golem, at least he heals. I disabled all of the golems attacks that can do friendly fire damage. My tries were all on Nightmare, I lowered it to Hard just to see if there was any difference, and I honestly couldn't tell a difference between hard and nightmare in this fight, so I left it on Nightmare. The AW/BM/BM facerolls everything in this game except for this fight, so the problem isn't me here, I know how to use this build. Should I just console my way through this? Unless someone has a guaranteed strategy for me to win this, I'm going runscript pc_immortal on this fight. I have tried over 20 attempts total with 2 characters.