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Everything posted by crimsonedge11

  1. This game is just a lego builder for me until they finish the product, as it is I don't like the combat/mobs system at all. But that could change, if they polish it up and add some sort of complexity to it and fix the incredibly bugged spawns. I don't think its challenging at all, and just gets in the way of me building because I "gotta be careful at night time", etc. I have played single player games where I focused mostly on survival, exploring caves and fighting mobs, etc, wasn't that hard, but it got old fast. I like to do one or the other, either build lots of big stuff, or do survival/explore where mostly I got lots of small places. But on SMP, I like to build big stuff, and mobs only get in the way of that. Just gathering the materials and the planning for some of the large structures is hard enough without having to worry about mobs with bugged spawns showing up and blowing my stuff up even when I made every attempt to keep it well lit.
  2. This isn't gonna be a mob server is it? I logged in last night and a creeper blew up half of what I was working on. I really hate mobs in this game with a passion. If you guys want mobs, fine I guess I find another server.
  3. Call me a conspiracy theory nut, but I think there is a whole lot more to the story about 9/11 and the Iraq war that we will never know about. The cards feel into place a little bit too well, like the whole thing was planned out. I am a US citizen and I don't trust my government as far as I can throw it, and I don't see any reason for anyone else to either. I saw some stuff on wikileaks that did nothing but fortify my distrust of my government. Lot more civilians were killed in both wars than they are telling, as well as deaths of US troops. And they also bombed and killed a few villages just to get to one or two people, but of course in the media they tell you it was an accident.
  4. I agree with Antonkr we should use a new map. And in a day or two craftbook will be updated so we can make lifts and stuff again. Here is the thread saying craftbook will be ported to Bukkit soon: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/craftbook-25-feb-were-on-track-release-this-saturday-pst.2724/
  5. I'm up for Gargamel if we want to use a seed, I think that makes 3 votes for it lol.
  6. Uber you should try putting in Gargamel for seed, this place is sick.
  7. None of the mods I use have been updated, so if you guys get the server running before my mods are updated, then I will see you there once they are. I think I'm gonna do a massive ocean palace this time.
  8. I don't think LWC has been updated yet, the mod that lets you lock chests and stuff. I would prefer we get some security before we rush into a new server, as well as figure out which mods would be a good addition. And I don't think Zan's Minimap has been updated yet either. Given another week or so, all the the mods that are going to be updated, probably will be. I know Modloader, and MC patcher have both been updated to 1.3_01, I looked earlier. Misa's texture pack also got updated.
  9. The combat system in minecraft is so crude and non-complex, the first person to get a hit in will win, because after that its just a spam attack trading hits fest. So basically, I'm not interested in pvp.
  10. Ive never even heard of this PC gaming alliance, its probably not even important enough to be taking part in anymore, because it is so irrelevant. Its not like they need to be a part of this to sell their products.
  11. Only way arena would be fair is if both had the same equipment, I would be against using armor period, because it is just one more thing that breaks on you. How about 2 people with no armor just grab an iron sword out of a box and go at it? No food. And has anyone else just randomly lost stuff from their inventory? This has happened to me twice in about 2 weeks. Randomly losing stuff from my inventory just by logging in the next day concerns me. I am starting to wonder if my account is hacked or something.
  12. I got a question, what makes items just magically disappear from my inventory? Last night I had my inventory full of materials and was in the middle of building something, I log back in they are all gone. Was the server loaded from a back up or something? I lost like 2 stacks of Obsidian, a stack of glowrock, 2 stacks of netherrack, 6 stacks of glass, 4 stacks of bricks and a bunch of cobblestone (not worried about the cobble). I think the stuff in my chests was all there, only my inventory got screwed. Oh and I guess I am up for switching maps, I will just build something even bigger. And hopefully we can get some cool mods we can use that we didn't have before. And I hope we get to keep craftbook, dunno what I would do without it lol. And how about runecraft? I heard you could make full fledged teleporters with that? I think it would be a good addition. I would prefer no mobs in game, but would be willing to compromise on mobs as long as creepers are disabled. And even then I would want the spawn rate to be very minimal, like I don't want to go outside my front door and find 4 skeletons, and 2 spiders ready to gank me.
  13. I would rather not have a new map, if we do a new map and upgrade just for beds? But lose everything we built? And the craft mod or whatever its called that lets you do lifts and bridges probably wont work either, because it hasn't been updated in forever. **Edit The server is up now, everything works fine for me. I didn't download the update, and will wait for my mods to get updated before I update the game.
  14. I read somewhere you can take the multiplayer map, load it on single player, and let it convert to the new save feature, and after that just put it back on your server and it should work.
  15. It lets me log in, but as soon as I enter, everything is blue and sheep and pigs falling all over the place lol.
  16. I dont know. The IP hasn't changed. Youre welcome to stay if you can get in. I just tried to login with the IP listed just a minute ago, says unknown host, I take that as meaning its not a valid IP address. I have checked it multiple times, and know for a fact I didn't put it in there wrong. Either the server is down every time I tried to login or there is a typo with the IP address posted.
  17. Is the IP address on the first page still valid? Says unknown host every time I put it in. Can someone answer my question? If I am not welcome, just say so and I will stop posting in this thread.
  18. Has the server IP changed? Says unknown host every time I tried. I would like to join, if its white listed my minecraft name is crimsonedge11.
  19. Has the IP of the server changed? I wasn't able to login. Says unknown host. I promise I won't grief/steal anything.
  20. The mod doesn't work for me, and I would have to restart 10 hours back. I don't know why Bioware would have let this one slip through. If they tested the game at all with multiple people they couldn't have missed this bug. I am really annoyed that bugs like this consistently ruin my gaming experience, I don't mind the small bugs, or a crash every now and then, but losing equipment? Anyone know of a way to get another Spellweaver sword in my inventory?
  21. I lost my Spellweaver sword from the Silverite mine bug, and I don't know of any other way to get this back even the console debug runscript zz_fab doesn't have it.
  22. My main character can't recover the equipment that is supposed to be in the chest, I lost my spellweaver sword and a hirois helmet. Is there any way to recover these items by any means necessary? Is there a way to go in the toolset and give myself these items back? Is there a console command to add these? Did a modder make a bug fix for this? Last save I got outside of the mines is 10 hours ago, and that isn't an option. Do I got any options here or am I completely screwed?
  23. I used to play Anarchy Online. Actually in that game, I hardly ever had enough money, the key is to get one high level character and farm with them so you got enough to supply equipment and stuff for you low levels. In the 150+ range you could easily spend a couple billion credits on just armor. And when you need to upgrade, you have to go through the hassle of trying to resell it before you can buy something higher QL. If you got all the expansions and you just want a high level character fast, I would recommend a Bureucrat, they get powerleveled for free basically because they got an XP bonus ability, and they are solo friendly even with crap gear because pets do the damage.
  24. The only problem I got with Steam is that my retail box copy has no resell value. But I got around that by making a separate account for each game. Already sold FA:NV to a friend of mine and gave him the steam account with it. I just wish they didn't make me have to do that. Overall its more of an inconvenience than anything. And my internet connection isn't fast enough to be DLing 4+ GB games (DSL sucks, but all I can get out here), so that feature is not that useful for me personally.
  25. The information on specs says you get one at 7, 14, and 22. And Vellanna gets 3 specs. Is there some sorta mod to fix this? Don't see any reason why some characters in Awakening get 3 and the others don't. My Anders and Nataniel are level 33 and 34.
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