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Everything posted by fadingsignal

  1. I randomly came across this while browsing mods. I haven't tried it but it looks awesome. If someone could expand on this it would be great. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33461/?
  2. I know it's a very different game type, but the things other game engines are doing so fluidly now that we have to mod up and down to get (physics, lighting, large fights, etc.) are making my jaw drop. They say "Open World" a lot and I bet that is extremely limited. Shadow of Mordor looks like a hybrid between the Batman Arkham games, Dark Souls, and Witcher. Pretty awesome. Anyone playing it?
  3. That is tremendously helpful, actually. It gives me a really good place to start tinkering. Thank you!
  4. What a beautifully thought-out process, I'll give that a shot. Thank you!
  5. Hello! I've been trying to solve some of the problems that happen with things baking into saves (NPC stances, etc.) and have learned quite a bit about the structure of save files themselves. I found a Skyrim Save Editor, that paired with a Hex editor can do some pretty incredible things. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27119/? The one thing that I want to tackle first is changing the "Use Opposite Gender Animations" problem. If you're unfamiliar, many females in the game have this checked in their properties in the CK, so they use male animations. Once you meet the NPC for the first time, some of their attributes are written to the save, and are never read from the ESPs again, so they stick, this being one of them. There have been a lot of efforts to fix this, but never at the root level. Everyone has to start their game over. I'm affected by this problem myself, so I want to try and solve it. I haven't had a lot of success so far, but have found a few areas where bits are stored for different things for each NPC. I'm looking to get someone's help to track down the flag for the opposite gender animations, and make a mod/tutorial to edit this. I'm sure it will be quite popular. Let me know if you can help, thank you!
  6. I accidentally posted this in the TES forum first not realizing Skyrim was separate. Sorry for double post! Hello! I made a tree mod called "Simply Bigger Trees" that scales up the meshes/bones/collision/etc. of all the tree meshes for a simple "overhaul" of the landscape. It had a dramatic effect when I tried it out, so I (too hurriedly) put it up as an alpha release on Nexus, and didn't realize how popular it'd be. It made it to Hot Files and has been getting video reviews / etc. though there are a couple of issues. One is "mid-LOD". This is something I didn't realize existed, and it apparently doesn't really do anything. It just re-loads the same mesh at medium distance, but apparently the way I re-sized the models I missed something, so trees actually SHRINK back to their original scale when you approach them (opposite of 'pop-in'!). There is a mid-LOD setting that Bethesda puts at 10,000,000 (infinity) at ultra that fixes this issue, which works for most people, but not some others. I'm going to re-do the meshes over again using some different methods and I think this will be fixed. The bigger issue, however, is the familiar long-distance LOD we all know. I made the flat LOD meshes larger as well, but it didn't do anything. I quickly learned that LOD is actually generated from within the CK, but I wanted to get some pointers before I got into this, and have to re-generate the LOD for the entirety of Skyrim (ouch) :( Any help is greatly appreciated, and I will obviously credit anyone who offers assistance and contributes! Thank you!
  7. Oops, meant to post this in the Skyrim mod authors, didn't realize it was separate from TES
  8. Hello! I made a tree mod called "Simply Bigger Trees" that scales up the meshes/bones/collision/etc. of all the tree meshes for a simple "overhaul" of the landscape. It had a dramatic effect when I tried it out, so I (too hurriedly) put it up as an alpha release on Nexus, and didn't realize how popular it'd be. It made it to Hot Files and has been getting video reviews / etc. though there are a couple of issues. One is "mid-LOD". This is something I didn't realize existed, and it apparently doesn't really do anything. It just re-loads the same mesh at medium distance, but apparently the way I re-sized the models I missed something, so trees actually SHRINK back to their original scale when you approach them (opposite of 'pop-in'!). There is a mid-LOD setting that Bethesda puts at 10,000,000 (infinity) at ultra that fixes this issue, which works for most people, but not some others. I'm going to re-do the meshes over again using some different methods and I think this will be fixed. The bigger issue, however, is the familiar long-distance LOD we all know. I made the flat LOD meshes larger as well, but it didn't do anything. I quickly learned that LOD is actually generated from within the CK, but I wanted to get some pointers before I got into this, and have to re-generate the LOD for the entirety of Skyrim (ouch) :( Any help is greatly appreciated, and I will obviously credit anyone who offers assistance and contributes! Thank you!
  9. Doing some tests around this, actually. The interaction with animals in Skyrim is barely even a thing, and I want to be able to "bond" with my animal follower and horse.
  10. I haven't had a chance to come back and check on this, thank you so much! This is all very helpful.
  11. Great work! I think this will work with static objects, as well (houses, etc.) Where it gets tricky is when skin partitions and bone weights come into play. Anything that needs a _0 and _1 version of the NIF to deal with the body weight slider (including necklaces, as I am painfully finding out) is extremely delicate. If someone buckled down and wrote some Python scripts for properly importing/exporting NIFs in Blender 1.71+ that include all bones/skin partitions, they would be the heroes of the land!
  12. Just wanted to point out that it was in fact the duplicate skin partition that was the problem. I was pointed to this thread by someone on Reddit, made the change, and voila!! http://niftools.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=4090 From the link:
  13. I went through the well-layed-out tutorials on TES Alliance, did everything by the numbers, got my armor into the game (simple combo of two armors as a test), but keep getting an exploding jagged mesh in-game. I traced it down to a problem with the Skin Partition. Blender is exporting TWO BP_TORSO instances, one of which contains only a couple of vertexes on the arm, and it is invisible in Blender so I cannot fix it. I deleted the BP_TORSO vertex group entirely and did it over again, and the stray still comes out with it. It seems the Blender file is corrupted or something. I can start over, but I came a long way just to get something in game, so I wanted to see if there is a way around this for future reference. Can anyone help? I am determined!! Images showing the problem: 1. Body is fine http://i.imgur.com/ZjSGNmu.jpg 2. Arms are fine http://i.imgur.com/u3IJ6YM.jpg 3. Legs are fine http://i.imgur.com/78RBGVS.jpg 4. Wait, what is this mysterious Skin Partition Block? http://i.imgur.com/L5jYdqL.jpg 5. Mystery vertex group that is not anywhere to by found in Blender http://i.imgur.com/79j9Nu2.jpg 6. Side by side with the vertex groups in Blender http://i.imgur.com/6oO265e.jpg 7. Lastly, using the Outliner to try and find any strays, but alas, nothing http://i.imgur.com/aDYAJNV.jpg
  14. I realize this is old, but I'm having the same issue with all normals and tangents being 0, so my mesh is black; wondering what your resolution was, if any?
  15. Hello! I'm working on a mod, and need to spawn a new note on a ledge in Whiterun, but do not wish to directly edit the Whiterun cell. I know the correct way to do this with NPCs is to make a custom cell, spawn them there, then make them travel to the location, to avoid edits. Is there something similar for objects/clutter? Secondly, I want to make the note re-spawn once per day if it is picked up by the player, so it's always there. I'm more concerned about how to place the object without editing the cell. Thank you!
  16. Are you just going to make this replace the mesh once the animal is looted? I'd be curious to learn how you're going to do that, I want to do a few more things like that! Not enough objects change state. Anyway, I might be able to help with the textures. I'm busy with a lot right now, but you can check my profile for my environment mods I've textured (all 100% new), and check a preview of the all-new male body texture I'm almost done with here: http://imgur.com/a/3YpAP
  17. I know this topic is old, but I just noticed this problem after installing Real Rain, too. I disabled it and the problem persists. Going to try an earlier / clean save.
  18. Wow, I don't think I've ever watched an NPC go through the entire process! I'm going to do some investigating, I wonder if I can copy the animation for the player. Thanks for the tip.
  19. Hello! I just released an HD re-texture of the smelter, but in the process noticed a few things about the mesh and maps. First, the mesh is highly detailed, in that the door, bucket, lever, and other pieces actually function and move, and the alpha channel for the molten metal in the bucket was prepared for a pouring animation. It appears they had bigger plans for the animation, but probably cut it out due to time/resource constraints. I always thought it was dumb that when using the smelter, your character simply shovels coal. I would love to expand this animation so that the player shovels coal, then turns to the smelter, pulls the lever, which pours an ingot from the bucket, then repeat. I have ZERO experience with Papyrus, or animating the meshes yet. I'm just a texture artist, at the moment. Anyone interested in helping out?
  20. Found this thread because I'm dealing with the same thing, but I think it's just from paying close attention! There are lots of ugly things in Skyrim when you look close and we get used to hi res body mods. My face shade is always a tiny bit less saturated than the body even with flat normal maps, flat specular maps and solid one color textures. Something with the mesh shader properties for sure.
  21. I am having this issue too but am almost positive this is just how vanilla is. We are so used to hi res textures and body meshes we forget how low quality and mismatched lots of things in vanilla are. Also, 95% of the time in game we are clothed or zoomed out. I spent three days trying to find and fix the issue as well to no avail! I'm running an nvidia GeForce 680 gtx, maybe it's something with the shaders.
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