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About AsariX

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  1. It just won't be a truly nerdy modded sci-fi game without Jane Fonda's iconic Barbarella outfits.
  2. Now, if only that toggle meant we wouldn't be wearing boxers under the shower. Or that characters keep switching between dressed and undressed in sex scenes. The simplest start, would probably be making the boxers invisible, even though that still wouldn't show the package.
  3. I think they originally planned to do it that way, but that it was either too much work, or that Q&A raised the issue that it became near impossible to aquire their favourite pieces. Just a strong hunch I have from 2 simple details: 1. The Eyebot blueprint found in the Mechanists' Lair (strongly suggests that crafting pieces was meant to require seperate blueprints). 2. The sudden "all parts unlocked" blanket solution at the end of the mission chain. Overall, I think this is something for those making more bot-parts to consider: releasing them as blueprints that have to be found some place or another, or dropping the parts as un-craftable from hostile bots (with the blueprints being rare drops, or special mission rewards)
  4. Fallout 2 used to have the Heckler&Koch CAWS experimental shotgun :-/
  5. These two. I constantly carry both a submachine gun and an assaultgun. And I was a bit lucky, the submachine gun has explosive bullets (it's a legendary you can find somewhere), but so does the assaultgun (dropped from a mirelurk). The explosive bullets basically makes it deal even more damage, and now not only the automatic weapon perk improves the damage, but so does the explosives perk. These two still chew through ammo like there's no tomorrow, but they're lifesavers in a tight situations.
  6. Occasionally I escort them back. But it happens so often that their pathing messes up and they end up heading in an entirely different direction, that I don't bother too often anymore. Something interesting I did notice though: one of the settlers I had to free was one I had assigned as a guard at a different settlement. I dress up my guards and provisioners in specific recognizable ways, and the settlement I got the call from didn't get any guards assigned yet, so I was a bit baffled when I found a fully equiped guard (including 1,000 rounds of 5.56 ammo) settler being the hostage. I never figured out what settlement the settler came from, but ah well. But, this basically means that when you free a hostage, you don't get a new settler. You only get a replaced settler from another settlement.
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