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About djroby

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  1. maybe i'm in late,but i've a lot of ideas(and i'm not able to make something like this project unfortunately) to make skyrim a Game(or THE Game), with capitol letter, and not only a "GOTY" 'cause bethesda is...bethesda.you try to follow my thought(that it could be right for every skill,from this one to speech IMHO!): SACRED COW: you must do choice during your skyrim life! And every choice will influent your grown and you can't come back and reset your "knowledge". your race like your magicka/health/stamina are permanent,AND IT'S GOOD !. but when you're at level 60 or more it doesn't matter if you chose to be a nord,an argonian or a kajit etc,because you are ALWAYS too much powerful for skyrim world and benefits of race for example became non influential! bethesda says that TES is famous because you don't have to choice something,you can be everything you want, but this is the best way to make annoying something that could be GREAT,STUNNING,..and ALWAYS NEW! if i begin a story and i become the best in every way,why i should begin another story?the ending would be the same,so WHY ?!?!?!...so: 1) the world MUSTN'T change with you!a dungeon is filled with a troll if you've playing for 5 minutes as well as you've playing for 150 hours.if you want a good treasure,and you know that the dungeon is hard, you've to make a choice: "try to go inside and maybe die" or "wait until i'll be enough strong". it's not fair that if i go in that dungeon at the beginning i meet rats and i fight for discover an useless ring,and if i go to the same dungeon when i'm at level 50 i find only trolls for discover a diamond. it's no sense!the places must be like in real life: some should be more difficult than others,but without changing!!!!!!!! 2) your player MUSTN'T be master of everything: it's funny(for about 1-2 month at max i think!) to be level 100 in every skill,to be the headmaster of every guild, to be the best warrior, the best mage and even the best thief at the same time! but it could be better if i had to do choices even in this way: i could be a warrior,the best warrior maybe,OR a mage(maybe the best mage), OR a thief(the best thief maybe)...OR i can be a mediocre warrior thief mage maybe, but not the best of all three ones!(and in this way, it could be realistic/reasonable to begin another story...to become another character,a REALLY another character different from the first one) but why,and for how long, skyrim is interesting? because we wanna grow,we wanna improve our skills,and we wanna be better in something...when we arrive to the level 100 on the skills and we're at level 81,we start again not to see a new player but 'cause that player it will be boring soon. i'm wrong ?!i don't think so ;) ... 3)like in the real life, if i don't use something i couldn't stay the best one in that way forever!!!for example: i'm a runner,the Usain Bolt of skyrim...if i begin to use everyday horses,fast travel,wagon to go from one city to another,boat to go on islands etc and i don't walk or run or swim,why i would be the master of "run ability"?it should downgrade gradually i think. A LITTLE BIT,of course,'cause if i'm the best one to run and i stop it even for two or even five years i don't come back to walk four legged like a baby,i'll become a normal person,pheraps even a slowly person and not a world record man,but something i'll always know about it(i'm talking about a downgrade of some levels like 5-8 ones and not more.something that i could upgrade with the re-use of the ability in the time but at the same time something that make impossible to do for have every skill at level 100).and this it should be in EVERY skill: if i don't use distruction,alteration etc,why i would be the strongest mage of the world? or if i don't use swords/daggers/hammers etc why i would be a scary warrior?there should be an algorithm,a structural formula that could decrease our skills if we don't use them for a specific period. i don't want "real skyrim 100%" with gold coins heavy for example,with sun-tan if i go naked around the world etc,it'd be absurd, but even an arcade strategy like now it's not a good idea i think. i play forever with that player, maybe for some months i'd be a warrior,after i could try the stealth thief,than the mage..and maybe even the pacific merchant,why not ?!?!?the important thing to remember is that your grown was one,and if you had spent your points in stamina for example because you "born" to be a warrior,when you tried to be something else you felt the lack,the absence of magicka points,or health..(and HERE is the boost to begin a new player,grown to be a mage this time,that couldn't be like the warrior because their ways are different and couldn't meet) 4)even the guilds should be more "restricted"(always to stimulate many players and many games): if i want to be archmage,i couldn't be even assassins' headmaster,thiefs' headmaster,arena's champion,imperial guards,dawnguard,etc...if i'm a thief and i want to become archmage i can do it(i'll have more difficult than a "pure mage",sure),but then i can't be the other ones. and when i become the headmaster of one guild,the powers that i receive must be TRUE,something of special,something of unique,and not only a cheers and listen other npc's that call me "Archmage"/"Shadow master" etc ....i don't say that the player can do ONLY one guild,but that he cant do ALL THE ones. 5) the enemies have to be more difficult. but not everyone. if's not like "play the game in easy/medium/hard",but if i see a dragon in the beginning i MUST be scared,i've to run away,i've to go in a city and pray to survive and to find someone that could help me. it's horrible that when i was at level 2 i killed dragons and giants like other enemies. only with more patience.NO!!!they should me stronger than a bandit,not only with an harder skin!i could run around them how much i want..NO..i can't run around them 'cause they must kill me,as well as if i see a crab i cannot be scared(even if skyrim crabs are as big as my chest ahah) and ive even a little idea about conjuration,a really good magic way but useless in skyrim now! at level100 is "nice" to conjure an atronach until he dies..but why only this thing ?!?!?!?!?!?!if i'm the master of conjuration,the best one,with the enough magicka why i can't conjure more ghosts/spiders/rats/animals/etc that like an "undeath army" fight for me until they die one by one or that they disappear when the enchant ends always one by one??? i know that i've wrote A LOT OF THINGS,maybe already told,maybe boring,but i saw that you could do something of better than the game that we play day by day waiting unofficial patches and DLCs filled with lots of bugs and few news,you could change a normal game that's it's a copy of morrowind/oblivion/fallout in something of better and new,and if i could help you i'd do that,but like i wrote in the beginning i've a lot of ideas but i'm not able to work with scripts,creation kit etc ...
  2. maybe i'm in late and ive a little idea about conjuration,a really good magic way but useless in skyrim now! at level100 is "nice" to conjure an atronach until he dies..but why only this thing ?!?!?!?!?!?!if i'm the master of conjuration,the best one,with the enough magicka why i can't conjure more ghosts/spiders/rats/animals/etc that like an "undeath army" fight for me until they die one by one or that they disappear when the enchant ends always one by one???
  3. great works(and i'd ask you some things about hammers and maces..maybe in PM 'cause are questions a little bit "silly")...i don't know if it's possible,but on the Thor's Hammer why don't you make the ribbon on the back of the hammer and when you do the hold clicked attack(the attack that use your stamina) the character do like Thor in the movie?(he rotate the hammer quickly...in the movie he do that thing when he wants to fly for example)...
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