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About Kurumu1337

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    United States
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  1. I'm no Da Vinci when it comes to making mods, however, I would like to try for this one.
  2. Awesome idea. A mod like this would take some time to construct. Anticipation! http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3685/9394373065_56bea2fe74_m.jpg
  3. Anticipation. http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3685/9394373065_56bea2fe74_m.jpg
  4. Child: What..... What are you? Dubstep monster: They call me the Skrillex Child: Oh god! Dubstep monster: D-D-D-D-D-D-DROP THE BASS Child: CALL 911 NOWWWWWubWubWubWubWubWubWubWub Win
  5. Has anyone Done this already? I was just wondering if anyone has made a space/jumpsuit armor or clothing yet. I know it isnt lore freindly but we all deserve to break free from mainstream once and a while ^-^ for example http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5337/9381981693_9c26f7a377_o.jpg
  6. Looking for something along the lines of this? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11904/?
  7. Release, however I don't know how many compatibility issues you might run into :thumbsup: definitely release
  8. I had the same problem, somehow I fixed it using tes5edit
  9. everybody uses apachii... im not everybody :) still fussing around in the CK/ Edit/ NPC editor. sucks that they dont work together and they each have their own issues that i have to work around cant. gonna have to start from scratch if i cant make her face normal, because i accidentally made it alll brown -.- She's finished just gotta upload her I fixed the race compatibility and changed the hair and face textures are back to norms,. I'm gonna delete my topi if possible when I upload her
  10. everybody uses apachii... im not everybody :) still fussing around in the CK/ Edit/ NPC editor. sucks that they dont work together and they each have their own issues that i have to work around cant. gonna have to start from scratch if i cant make her face normal, because i accidentally made it alll brown -.-
  11. actually i might have but im going to pick a diferent hair and Upload it. ive been sitting on this mod for a while might aswell upload and let people have a go at it
  12. I'm tempted to just change the hairstyle, it's no biggie I'm sure thers more styles that would fit her
  13. I'm tempted to just change the hairstyle, it's no biggie I'm sure thers more styles that would fit her
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