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Nexus Mods Profile

About TheBaconOverlord

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    NMS VR, ARK and Fallout 4 VR
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout 4 VR

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  1. It's absolutely horrible right now. I just moved to Florida and the speed on the website is so slow... it took 3 minutes to load ONE PAGE and that's on 1 Gbps download speed. It's happened before, but that was in Illinois and it cleared up eventually. It hasn't cleared up this time.
  2. Thanks for all the feedback. I think I got the answer when it was mentioned that scripted mods often break if their memory addresses change. So, loading newer mods to the end of a loadlist (the highest possible static mod ID available) will keep them from messing with other mods. I'll give that a try and see if it works. I use quite a few mods that inject weapons and other scripts. Hopefully this will keep those working. It would be great if Vortex had a way to freeze mod ids so new mods wouldn't mess with them. I guess another way to do it (just to be sure) would be to assign a static mod ID to each mod. That way newer mods would automatically sort to the very end and wouldn't be an issue.
  3. Oh, yeah I definitely get the incompatibility. I wouldn't load those together anyway. But, just normal mods. If they move a mod's load order or change their memory address, won't that screw things up?
  4. Game: Fallout 4 VR Using: Current Version of Vortex This is a two faceted question really... I'm asking how and how to do it with Vortex. Typically if I add a new mod during a current play through, something breaks or I get erratic behavior from some mods, etc. Especially mods that control things like spawns, weapon injections, etc. So. How do people do that? I'm soooo tired of starting a new game because a really awesome mod comes out I want to try, lol. There has to be a way to add the mod and not have it break other mods. Probably something to do with setting them all to a static mod index maybe? Or making the new mod load with a mod index that's at the end? Dunno.. anyway.. help me not have to listen to "war never changes" from professor skinny-neck for the 10000000th time, lol.
  5. I get this reliably every time I try to view my "save games" for Fallout 4 VR. It just says "exception" and refers me to this thread.
  6. It appears this was fixed in the update I received today. Nice.
  7. I'm sure this gets asked quite a bit, but are you planning a VR version of F4SE yet? Big fan, by the way. Thanks.
  8. Any fixes for this yet or information? I still don't get any notices when mods are updated. I know for sure some of them have updates, I'll select the mod and hit "check mod for update" and it doesn't show anything anymore. It USED to show the version number in red and give you the option to udpate it. Now I have to go manually check them on the website and do a fresh install with the new version and uninstall the old one. If this is just broken, that's fine, but can someone validate that it's not just my install?
  9. When I hit a single mod to check for updates, or several even, it says it's checking for updates, but none are reflected when there are several that have been updated since the last time I downloaded them. I'm trying to re-download the new files and install them, but I'm afraid I'm going to break my save this way. Please fix this or give us a workaround to make this work without re-assigning load order positions, etc.
  10. So I found a couple mods on the Creation Club that aren't on Nexus that I would like to install and use with Fallout 4 VR. I added them to my "library" on bethnet. But, how do I get them to the point where Vortex will see them? Are they downloaded somewhere? The whole process for mods on the CC is about as intuitive as brain surgery during a rectal exam.
  11. Yeah.. this actually WORKS! I just did the automatron DLC for the first time! So cool in VR!
  12. In response to post #62722856. #62730631, #62750281, #62781471 are all replies on the same post. I use that one. I meant the Extra Life Mod so you can skip the intro.
  13. In response to post #62722856. #62730631 is also a reply to the same post. It's the only subset... so, by default it's the highest. It was kind of a trick. But, yes I'm just bitter that I can't use it :(
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