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About ianjoseph1986

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    Skyrim, Witcher 3, ESO

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  1. Hi guys, if someone could please give me some insight on Skyrim VR. I have started modding Skyrim VR and after checking a lot of crash logs i can see that some textures crash my game in certain areas being loaded. When i remove such texture it doesn't crash anymore.. Any idea why this happens so frequent in Skyrim VR? is it something i am doing wrong or missing? any insight is greatly appreciated, thank you very much.
  2. EDIT > solved my problem by digging deeper in the code. thank you anyway.
  3. Hello Everyone. Thank you to whoever comes and reads this. I do not want to give massive details on the mod i am working on to not spoil anything. but mod will be ready in about 3 more months. I will try to keep things short. I talked to Alexander Velicky (Creator of Falskaar) because i was having problems doing the LOD of my land. He was kind enough to answer me and told me my lods are not matchng up (trees, land, objects) because my worldspace is not a perfect square. He said i could fix this with the Tesedit tool or also using the Region editor in the Creation Kit. i have tried to do this but i havent been able to pull it off yet. If anyone can help me or give me some tips i would be more than grateful. i would even pay if someone has the time to help me out or give me any good tips on how to make all my lods visible. Thank you so much guys. my sole mission with this mod is to give you guys a 100% new adventure to all you Skyrim lovers so we can keep this wonderful game alive. Thank you so much everyone. best wishes.
  4. Thankyou Dark0ne for all the efforts of the team on having the site still up while you guys work so hard on offering us the best site for gaming in the world. i am really happy about what Nexus will become.. all the best :)
  5. Hello Guys, I need help urgently!!!! I am trying to create a custom duck for the game. i just cant get it to work, i am working it in the 3ds max 2012, and then importing it to skyrim but i am not getting anywhere to be honest. I downloaded a Free Nif model of a Duck on the Internet, when i open it in 3ds max 2012 i dont know what to do, do i have to copy the animations of a chicken to get it to work??? please could somebody help me, it is my last challenge to upload my epic Farm Mod that includes all farm animals with cool new features. if somebody could plase help me explaining to me how to make a custom model work into skyrimI have even handed in the Duck nif if somebody is willing to do it.. IT is here on this message attached. thank you very much for any help.. it is really apreciated.
  6. HI Guys. If someone could please help me, i have been banging my head for arround 30 hours trying to fix something. that i dont really understand because i am very new to the creation kit. I am making a Farm Animals mod. it is for my own personal use.. if i get permisions i would gladly upload it. i am trying to ad a custom voice to a Pig in my mod. I have the Wavs. i uploaded to FX in Deathpig IdlePig and InjuredPig. then in the quest thing. i link all the files to where they should be, also creating a new voice type ( crPigVoice ) I am using as a reference the Skytest Realistic Animals and predators mod, to pretty much do the same thing eyatorius did to link the voices to his farm animals. everything is the same with mine. except for one thing... in the quest of my pig (yellow icon) in the part where it says combat and misc (that is where i have added the custom sound). in the box... right where it says INFO... my quest shows a * symbol. and for example in the skytest mod... there is no symbol. might that be the reason why the pig custom sounds are not working in game for me???? please ..if somebody could help me i would be truly grateful. i am trying for days to get it working but i am getting really sad and frustrated.. i have uploaded a picture just to show where is the * symbol i am talking about. i hope there is a friendly voice out there that could help me. all the best
  7. oohhh man... thank you so much... you are a true shinning star.. all the best :D:D
  8. Hello Skyrim community. Is it possible if someone could make a very simple mod were the Gold Ingot and Silver ingot instead of being valued 100 or what so ever, could be valued at 1000 or more?? for example, silver ingot 500 and gold ingot 1000, just to make it more realistic because I am using a mod that I use copper coins as main resource of money. because you probably agree with me that a loaf of bread on vanilla skyrim cannot cost 5 coins of gold, its odd isint it?? lolz I have searched the Nexus and there is one mod that does this, but it also alters many other things that kinda breaks immersion. If somebody can take a little bit of time and create this simple change to the price of the gold and silver ingot I would be truly grateful. Thank you so much. Best wishes
  9. had the same problem.... went through my mods... one by one.. and there was only was mod that was letting this happen.. Castle Grey... I took it out, and it worked fine after.
  10. Hello my dear fellows I have a suggestion.. at least 99 % of all new land mods with interaction and quests..... are always uploaded before they are finished... I think there is nothing wrong with that.. but...... people never finish the mods after they upload them!!! wouldn't be better if the mods get finished at all?? I think a reason a new land mod does not receive as many followers is because most of the mods are buggy or are broken in one way or the other. after a while... the modders get bored, start a new mod, and do not update the old one because I can imagine that once they are uploaded..they have a feeling of completion. which is not true. best land mods out there are not the biggest or greatest.. I think are the ones that the modder finishes them so people can enjoy these magnificent places at their max. please tell me your thoughts guys.. many thanks
  11. Hello Guys!! I need some help I uploaded a mod of land that is 18 times bigger than skyrim. now when I try to open Nexus mod manager it loads forever and doesn't open. somebody knows how to uninstall the mod without going in the manager??? I really want to have my manager working. is there anything I can do?? thank you very much
  12. thank you Somnazul for you help, you are a star!! :D
  13. Hi Guys, Im am new with the Creation Kit, but I am highly ambitious and creative, I am planning to make a new world mod, one with no crashes, and so big.... that it will feel REAL if you know what I mean.. and one that reflects all the beauty of the game itself. I would love to create something lore friendly.. something not yet made... like the lands of atmora... maybe an old Elven land talked in the history of elders scroll. If somebody wishes to take part of this project I would be soo grateful, we could all start at the same level. have the same level of opinion and have a very good team work. I am an amateur, but I would really love to do this... to a level that we could create a new land with thousands of npcs.. creatures and be able to do quest battles holding hundreds of npcs at the same time, real epic stuff. nothing is impossible. thank you so much for giving the time to read this. and if you see what I see... please join. and share your thoughts.. thanks to all of you.. and to Bethesda for making this fantasy.. REAL!!!
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