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Everything posted by Ironman5000

  1. Ban Paga cos Leliana is a lesbian :teehee:
  2. Skyrim?? Oh that is sooo 4 years ago! :cool:
  3. Having looked around it appears that those with a built-in SSD are out of my price range so i'll make do with one suggested, i've no doubt the performance might not be quite as epic but as long as I can play FO4 with anything above low/mid graphics settings then i'll be a happy chappy :D
  4. 5 it is, might as well pay the bit extra if it's gonna perform better, and tbh can't wait to see the back amd. Thanks very much everyone this has been most helpful :thumbsup:
  5. Nice one mate better you got better insight than me :thumbsup:
  6. Cool thanks I figured Nvidia was the way to go, especially after struggling to get Skyrim effects working on my AMD graphics. Well that's gonna be the one I pick so far unless someone else can argue otherwise...and not try to sway me into buying an expensive one :thumbsup:
  7. Stop what you're doing and help me pick one :teehee:
  8. Hello again, I have decided to get a totally new desktop because my current one isn't exactly ideal for gaming, and with FO4 coming out soon I would like to get my hands on it asap. I don't know a great deal about specs and their contribution to getting the games running best (didn't do much IT in my school growing) and I preferably like to get the latest and best performing systems at a reasonable price, so I provided a short list of a few I got my eye one if someone would be kind enough to have a quick glance? Then I can think about getting it within the next month :smile: Here is a list, forgive some unnecessary details I just copy and pasted specs: 1. PC SPECIALIST Infinity Trion-X Gaming PC 2. PC SPECIALIST Infinity Trion Barebones Gaming PC 3. PC SPECIALIST Vortex Impact Gaming PC 4. Cyberpower Gaming Battalion 960 PC 5. Zoostorm Gaming & Media Desktop PC 6. Chillblast Fusion Shield 2 Gaming PC 7. Cyberpower Armour GT II Gaming PC
  9. I ban Kyle Katarn cos I couldn't beat the end boss in Dark Forces 2 :facepalm:
  10. Ban Brokenergy cos the the lightsaber didn't kill me but it did fry my suit's urine filtration system and now the water tastes funny.
  11. Brokenergy is banned because I am a big strong man and you are a puny little woman (...women like being spoke to like this right?)
  12. This part in the game freaked me out and made me super paranoid...I was smoking some...stuff at the time (I don't smoke anymore).
  13. Im thinking the router is f*#@ed I may have to get my isp to sort it out, if that doesn't work just pay for a specialist to physically take a look at everything. My brain can't cope with all this nonsense. Oh and now my Xbox 360 won't display my DVDs anymore starting today, will play the sound but not the picture instead it's the white xbox logo screen...and the only online solution I can find is "take apart the console and f*#@ around with the inner working so you void your guarantee with the store you bought it from". I am going to lose it.
  14. No don't have any extra programs to do with networking. I have the line going through a BT Openreach box with a second lan, connected to a Plusnet router, then to the PC which has the one port. The BT box's other lan is cover saying "not in use" so is it disabled or should I try it? I didn't want to mess around with it in case I mess it up further :ohdear:
  15. I did suspect the router, tried that, didn't help. Plus my phone gets a perfect signal with no delays. So far I seem to only get cut from the internet when im on an MMO or downloading something, if it's idle there hasn't been an issue. I'm even now having difficulty loading pages or making these posts, which points to that ping business so I downloaded PingPlotter but not sure how to use it :confused: The thing is on the first day getting the broadband installed I was online all day without a single problem including online gaming, then, because the desktop had no internet connection for about a year, I had to wait for 75 mandatory updates and I don't have a restore point to go back to. Could that be a factor? Can I undo changes that might negatively affect my system?
  16. Hmm well as it turns out it isn't just the wireless, hooked up the ethernet and it's happening again, or giving serious lag. I am trying to play SWTOR but about 10-20 mins in it freezes with the lag climbing constantly without quitting until I CAD out, despite my connection showing 100mbps. I also notice that a few sites are struggling to load when im browsing, having to refresh a few times. I had a google and saw stuff about pings but that's too complicated for me to wrap my head around, i'm thinking something is knackered in my system.
  17. OK it keeps happening but I can repair it temporarily through the standard diagnostics, to get this result http://it2.imgtown.net/img/zbypo7267vqzojeq4egjacgufth5ihsaqealc5btli/wire.jpg It seems to keep it going for a while sometimes around 24hrs but not an ideal fix, nothing can be broken surely because it wouldn't connect wireless at all would it? Any advice how to prevent this happening again?
  18. Liam Neeson? Whats he been up to then? (BTW I think I drunk the whole beer cooler last night, my head is pounding like mad and my muscles don't work right today) :sick:
  19. Hello, I got my home internet set up the other day and my desktop is being weird about it because the internet access keeps getting lost. It isn't anything to do with router because the laptop and phone can pick up the wifi just fine even while the desktop loses it. It's the http://i.stack.imgur.com/hu6hZ.png icon and one time the desktop wouldn't find any wireless connections at all despite there being loads in the area, restarting the computer normally fixes the problem but this needs fixing regardless.
  20. Hey, i'm attempting to make Simms into a companion but i'm not sure how to temporarily break his routine so he will actually follow on command. What I have done so far, using an "advanced companion guide", was to integrate the given actor script into his existing one, but make the follower quest seperate which is triggered after disabling the megaton nuke - which works except he doesn't follow when I tell him, but carries on his route with following dialogue options when you engage him after (wait, trade, etc). How can I get him to ignore his default routine during the time he is hired, but reset when he is fired, or is this even possible at all?
  21. Meh, recently got a 120gb Xbox 360 for £60 :D
  22. http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/honest-iron-man-interface.jpg
  23. Yeah i'm not used to modding Oblivion much, still finding my feet getting used to an older basic system.
  24. Not my all time favourite song, however it hasn't grown old to this day and is great to sing along to :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGVh8qCHZqk I cannot disguise, all the stomach pains and the walking of the cranes when you, do come out and you whisper up to me in your life of tragedy But I cannot grow till you eat the last of me oh when will I be free and you, a parasite just find another host just another fool to roast cause you my tapeworm tells me what to do you my tapeworm tells me where to go Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, HEY Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, HEY Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, HEY Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, HEY I cannot deny all the evil traits and the filling of the crates when you, do come out and you slither up to me in your pimpin majesty but I cannot grow till you eat the last of me oh when will I be free and you, a parasite just find another host just another stool to post cause you my tapeworm tells me what to do you my tapeworm tells me where to go Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, HEY Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, HEY Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, HEY Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, HEY Pull the tape worm out of me... I'm just sitting in my room with a needle in my hand waiting for the tomb of some old dying man sitting in my room with a needle in my hand waiting for the tomb of some old dying man cause you my tapeworm tells me what to do you my tapeworm tells me where to go Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, HEY Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, HEY Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, HEY Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, HEY HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY
  25. It actually is about Oblivion, not modded Skyrim in ages. The demon creature does have high aggression...maybe 100 after all, will change it when I get back to it later to...75? It could very well be a wander radius issue with the farm animals, maybe if I make a package with a very limited radius like 64 could help rather than using default ones. I am ofc using CSE, the CS sucks without it :tongue: Ah will definitely assign them all markers that should pin em down somewhat. Will try playing around with these factions, probably do a new one. Cheers for the help guys, much appreciated I can't see how this advice would fail :smile: I don't know what it is about taking breaks which makes me return as a semi-noob all over again :tongue:
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