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Everything posted by Ironman5000

  1. Speaking of tornadoes, there was one near my tent when i went on camping trip last year. Didn't know until the next day but that night the wind and rain were as bad as it gets and the thunder was solo loud, luckily we had a massive durable waterproof tent so wasn't too bad. Good job too anything less we would've been f*#@ed! Doing it again in a week hopefully no extreme weather this time :P
  2. Well tornadoes aren't people so you couldn't have anyway :P
  3. Ban brokenergy for hiding in my attic
  4. Well holy crap for the first I've ever known it to happen in my country (UK) we had a tropical thunderstorm last night which passed right over my house, and i live high up so was really close! The sky was almost constantly lit with lightning flashing ever second, then it the sky cleared to show one huge tall cloud flashing all around with lighting bolts coming out at every angle, the weirdest thing I've ever seen!
  5. Ban brokenergy for smelling me Ban Moto for not smelling me
  6. Banned Vyper for bod swelling
  7. Well the mod is uploaded - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/21441/? There are a few things to perfect, and some more stuff to add but this works great as it is so decided to share while i'm still paying attention to it. Input is still welcome to build it up or improve it in any way. :)
  8. AGH! No way I used to have this on megadrive it's cool, now got it on my emulator :D Actually no, mine was SUPER Fantasy Zone
  9. Billy you just get better and better with every new weapon, awesome job :)
  10. Ive been having issues in the past week but robin posted an fyi news feed on the known issues, seems to be improving on my end
  11. Theres a kickass guide on skyrim nexus by grandbulwark which he consulted me about which is foolproof http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32363/? I have this setup, and I can happily play for hours without issue :) After optimising all my games I rarely ever ctd apart from from FO3 and to a lesser extent FNV but those games cannot be totally fixed sadly (fingers crossed for FO4 but not holding my breath).
  12. Billy that pic is your hot file ticket if you ask me :P
  13. Dunno if I posted this already, too drunk to check or give a f*#@ :laugh:
  14. Oh thanks blackrampage now i'm horny!!! :facepalm:
  15. http://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/58182230.jpg
  16. Banned Vyper cos I found your irl photo Banned Pagafyr cos I found your irl photo http://stinkin-thinkin.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/crazy_old_man2.jpg Banned Brokenergy cos I found your irl photo Banned Billyro cos I found your irl photo http://images-2.domain.com.au/2013/04/11/4182981/guest-aussie-729-620x349.jpg Banned Moto cos I found your irl photo http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/station_alien_7154.jpg Nuff said :teehee:
  17. http://cdn.smosh.com/sites/default/files/ftpuploads/bloguploads/0814/wtf-japan-gif-boob-punch-2.gif
  18. Banned brokenergy for not realizing weed would make me too lazy to bother posting my rambling crap :P
  19. Horay im reinstated, and as my first act as grand high exalted wizard in the holy church of nexonius I hereby ban Moto for reinstating everyone I banned, ban paga for assuming I have friends let alone elderly ones which makes me realise how sad I am and made me get drunk again but you may appeal if you provide a map to this rock n roll trail...but there had to be good bands and also give me a flashlight coz I will crash the bus maybe on purpose of if there is a chance I am drinking the beer in my hand at this moment, banned Vyper for even thinking you need a link and not googling it then listening to the track and mimicking the dance whilst feebly trying to mime along, banned brokenergy for posting so little information about banning not even bothering to rant on and on like moron as im doing without consideration for punctuation I mean seriously there should at least be a full stop by now but this way its read like im talking a very long sentence without breaking and struggling for breath but here I am carrying on when I could be banning more people, etc etc etc rant rant blah blah bollocks bollocks etc *insert a picture of tits here* the end.
  20. I ban you all coz... CANT TOUCH THIS! http://www.gifizer.com/gifs/in/76306c8f014f6ab800b6c71598fae9ff.gif
  21. Holy f*#@ing shitting bastard twat, I am hungover!
  22. http://www.billdietrich.me/shrubbery.jpg
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