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Status Updates posted by tokyobiohazard

  1. "RP Royalty" :P Love your new title XD
  2. XD My hat is comfy... And I got it for like $5 :dance:
  3. I love Xallistine, gah xD He's been cracking me up lately!
  4. Bella got swag! XD lol
  5. (I have become) An abstract ideal.
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BaldurAnthology
    3. tokyobiohazard


      Wait, you know the Doctor? :O
    4. NexusRanger


      "And Iiiiiiiiiiiiiii-yi, have become... comfortably numb." xD ;-)
  6. Thanks! I like Xallistine so far! (I say so far because I never know, he might decide to eat us ;P ) He's awesome though :D
  7. Groovy photo, Kim :P
  8. I've been around, just a little quiet :P Good to know you're around, too. *hugs* ^^
  9. Thank you! It feels good to be back!
  10. Bout time for status update. Status = no status
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. tokyobiohazard


      But of course!
    3. AurianaValoria1


      *noms cookies*
    4. BaldurAnthology


      no status? Time for a celebration! CHEESECAKE FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. *dips Oreo in milk and noms it* >:3
  12. *Peeks and leaves some cookies*
  13. I have a few short poems and such that I can post in Zen's Garden, but most of my topics are short stories. I'd like to keep those separate, if that's alright. However, if a story is short enough, I could post it into a topic called Tokyobleach's Garden.
  14. Haircut is done!!!! I also have braces now. THE PAAAAAAIN!
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. KennethKarl


      I used to have braces 2004-2006. I was a funky looking teenager.
    3. KennethKarl


      I used to have braces 2004-2006. I was a funky looking teenager.
    4. BaldurAnthology


      I guess you are just gonna have to *stands up puts on shades*..... Brace yourself. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHH!
  15. I need a haircut... But I look silly with cut or styled hair... The horror!
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. GrueMaster


      Already there, Tokyo! *presents long, ginger ponytail* Hey, here's an idea: If we get enough people with long hair, I bet we could start a hairband. What do you think? :)
    3. KennethKarl


      I can't stand long hair. On myself anyway, I usually love it when girls have long hair. But I keep my hair short because I hate it touching my ears, plus I need to look professional for my job.
    4. KennethKarl


      I can't stand long hair. On myself anyway, I usually love it when girls have long hair. But I keep my hair short because I hate it touching my ears, plus I need to look professional for my job.
  16. *returns peek* I like your profile picture, by the way :3 Very pretty!
  17. *super late response peek* :D
  18. I clicked yer picture to see what the heck it was... Boy, was that worth it! :3
  19. *dances around like a moron!* Weeee!
  20. Yes, we should do the Fudderwhacken! <.> Also, I have a hat similar to yours! >:)
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