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Everything posted by theDemonJackal

  1. Yay :D I am looking forward to hearing the voice now.
  2. Near Boston, perhaps? He is undaunted by the prospect of walking great distances, so... Walking yes....travelling by train, vertibird, or other is a different story maybe?
  3. Just saw this announcement now. What the hell is going on with my email? Did get no notification of this. On other news, Welcome back Someguy. I never lost faith in you. And I look forward to bringing the whole gang out to KILL MARKOS ASS!
  4. I am just kinda all over the place right now. But still we wait. Just as we did for fallout 4.
  5. Hmm....well thats pleasant isnt it? Guys, we waited for Fallout 4. We can wait till Someguy decides to break his silence on the mod, cant we? I mean its not like we Fallout Fans arent used to it by now.
  6. Thanks for the support mate. Sure hope it is. I'm hoping to release it sometime next week. If everything goes smoothly. Well I am looking forward to playing the mod then :D Excitement levels rising
  7. Can I point out that if it was indeed cancelled the Topic would have been removed by now.
  8. I was working on a Chauncey mod, along with some other of the cut SM characters from Fallout NV. However, I've had to shelve it due to lack of resources, work, and family issues. However, I dont know if anyone is working on the work we have done here. For all I know, people out there are probably working on a ranger chauncey mod seperate to this one. Which I hope is true, because I still really want a no nonsense ranger mutant with a chip on his shoulder. As stated before hand, there was a story behind this version of chauncey (look below)
  9. I am so up for testing this. Love Honest hearts, love improvements, and would love to try this.
  10. My top 5 things I look forward to from this mod: 5. Full Circle on the Bounties Trilogy 4. Cowboys (I love the wild west themes that run in these mods) 3. Marco - I dont know who you are, but I will find you and kill you 2. The Story itself. 1. Every person being negative about the mod being late eating their words about how the wait was well worth it.
  11. I wonder if Someguy is just reading all of the bad comments and for every asshole that asks where it is, or demands some answers, He stays silent for another day. In all seriousness, he is one of the best modders on this sight, not to mention story tellers. If something happened we would know, if something is wrong, then we would hear. He is probably taking some time off.
  12. In my opinion, a companion should be someone that either portrays a certain character arc that you either never would normally be associated with (Niner = Junkie/ Ares = Crazy Sex Bot) or has a personality that makes them unique in the game(Willow=Cheery & Childish\ Desmond = Kinda Anti-socail) So I would say make something unique. The character just has to be enjoyable and interesting. Not someone that we feel we are protecting constantly, but a character we feel we could depend on in a fire fight.
  13. See, at least to me, I like companions(Mods) that have something to say. A nugget of wisdom or comparative to add to your characters development. All of the following are my interpretation. Live with it. Examples:
  14. So, I just realised Doc Friday's name is a reference to Doc Holiday. Friend of Wyatt Earp. Well done Some Guy
  15. Hey Devin, when you get the chance can you pm me, I got a favour/news for ya.
  16. I cant see this being as horrifying as FNAF, but, you can still make it hella creepy. Lets face it, the only reason the game is amazing is because we dont have anything to defend ourselves with(bar hiding and locking doors.) in FNAF, but in NV we got loads of weapons on hand (Even if you get them taken from you you can get console commands to get some weapons). That being said, getting your weapons taken from you is still a good idea. However, dont think that just because you can arm yourself doesnt mean this mod wouldnt be scary. I direct you towards House Of Horrors. The mod itself has scares in it, so I say this. Have the player wake up in the office and find Audio logs, old mascots and the letters(if you need bear suits, go for Teddy Tum Tum or the monster outfit mod.) Now, (unless you use console commands) your only option is to run from the animatronic's (who can be as strong as deathclaws. Just to still keep them challenging even with weapons) and get your stuff back. Now, with your gear you must fight or run through the different levels of the three story pizzria (Excluding the basement. Which "Spoiler" You will be visiting) and find a way to unlock the front door, and discover the horrors of the pizzaria. The idea of weapons, suits and other items to remember your stay at the Pizza Place is also very good. Makes you feel like the s#*! in your pants was worth it in the end...(FNAF serouisly scares the crap out of me.Which is why I love it!!)
  17. In preperation for this mod, I have sworn to playthrough Every Someguy Mod for NV. I will make sure I know everything I can about Marko and what I am in store for. I am so f*#@ing hyped right now
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