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Everything posted by theDemonJackal

  1. Sounds intrigueing. I especially enjoy the phrasing of Recruit train and lead a bunch of f*#@ ups. Oh the death count must be high. As for Red Sun, yeah as out there as the plot sounds its actaully pretty good. These two strikingly different actors from very different films mesh really well together. Give it a look
  2. Have you seen Red Sun (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Sun)? And if so, just on the topic of SS and all that, would we be seeing a kind of crossover based on it?
  3. Captain Fallout and Dr. Ghoul sound like amazing DJ names. I can see the banter between them being quite entertaining. Also, I dont think I know of any ghoul djs out there.
  4. So I started writing out some of the serials and mixing several sci-fi elements to make two versions of Captain Cosmo. One has the humorous dim-witted adventurer and the other has him more of an indiana jones in space. Hell's Chain Gang follows a group of souls as the attempt to escape the nine circles of hell. More a thriller than an adventure story. The Inspector was a doctor who meets sherlock kind of thing. Strange mysteries solved by an impulsive collected intellegent idiot and his robotic assistant. (Wattz) This serial follows the Inspector and Wattz trying to figure out why there are reports of the dead rising in good old London. Kid Whacky is still unwritten I am still working on Grognak and some of the other characters dialogue, but otherwise enjoying how its comeing along.
  5. I am actaully really insterested in one or two of these comics becoming part of the serials. Hell's Chain Gang could follow a bunch of criminals who escaped from hell and are being hunted down by demon bounty Hunters. The Inspector could follow a sherlock holmes like character....and his trusty robot sidekick Wattz (That just sounds either awesome or corny to me. I just like the idea) Kid Wacky could be Like Rick and Morty style adventures. (That just sounds awesome to me) I am drawing a blank on what to do with the other comics. As for the Grognak villains. I was thinking of having the serial run with like a legion of doom esque group trying to kill grognak. And stating that this will be his greatest battle yet. Basicially, I would just want this to be a simple radio station that plays the serials. Nothing too extreme.
  6. Its a sci fi show, so he can speak. Thats kinda why I originally saw Cosmo as something of a headstrong adventurer, so Jingles would be a calculated intellegent chimp...that can talk. Think Monkeys from madagascar. "I say we go in phasers blasting!" "That is your solution to everything Captain....And a rather moranic one at that since these are a neutral race." "Thats right Jingles...these creatures have destroyed their manhood so nothing distracts them....from evil." "Not neutered! Do you hear yourself talk?" "I dont have to take this from a being who throws their own poop at people." "I am going to die next to an imbecile and I only did that once!"
  7. Hmm, space pirate works too I suppose. I just kinda imagine Dashwood in Space when I thought of Cosmo.
  8. I am getting a far cry esque feel from this
  9. Exactly my point. Something like that, three episodes per character and some based on the magazines you find in game so its kinda lore friendly. (I dont know if its 100% but I would say its like 75% lore friendly). Like: ¡La Fantoma! who is clearly a woman could be a spectre/Batman like character or based on Black Orchid(whome the cover is based off)Police Stories could follow a dick Tracy like character and his adventures.Captain Cosmo could have a Zap Branagin like attitude and his trusty Monkey Sidekick could be like an ultra intellegent monkey that prefers diplomacy over his friends shoot first attitude.Grognak could just follow grognak and his battles with his enemies (there are like so much enemies in the grognak series mentioned in the fallout games. Its crazy)Anything after that would just be some new material, maybe a new radio serial about a caravaner and his adventures(like dashwood)
  10. So, a few nights back I was messing with voices for new recordings, and came out with a dash kinda douchie voice. No idea what to use it for but I enjoyed it. Then, something hit me. With the large amount of comic book movies coming up soon(like age of ultron and the like), and the amount of potential radio serials they probably made in pre-war times(Fallout series): I say why not have a radio station with some of the pre-war episodes of these radio serials? Like Daring Dashwoods adventures except with famous heros from the fallout popular culture? Including the likes of La Fantama, Grognak and Captain Cosmo. Hell include some propaganda heros just because of the war. The point is, why not sit back and enjoy the stories with a nice nuka cola and some sugar bombs? Plus, lets face it. Sometimes we just want to enjoy the exploits of some other adventurer, and not deal with the craziness surrounded our own lives.
  11. This mod is still in the works, its just shelved for now. Me and Unoctium have set out a good backstory for Chauncey. We just have yet to start work on him. If you would like to voice some lines Pm me or him.
  12. The man called asher is correct. Someguy we love you for your work, and never doubht that for a second. We all understand that it is a lot of hard work for you, and I am sure if we could, we would try and help you. You take time off when you need it and we will still replay your mods, cuz they are awsome.
  13. I like that idea (Above) But I dont know if I want to live on the moon (Audio of Ralph wiggum saying Maybe she went to the moon on repeat in my head right now) I'd like to blow something up on it though.
  14. "Nothing up there but rocks and those damn Onion Men!" - Richard M, Nixon
  15. Actually I had this idea for a preacher companion a while back http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1028725-priestnun-companion/ A lot of work was put into the character and the backstory..but nothing ever came of it sadly. But that is the way with mods, sometimes you need more than just good ideas.
  16. Basically I had an idea a while back where you hear about this huge spire in the middle of the desert outside the mojave. Apparently the area has tribals, and legion fighting over this huge tower in the centre of the land. The thing is...none knows what the thing does. Hell nones been inside of the damn thing. There are bunkers, and shelters surrounding it, but most the information is usless. The Tribals worship it as a god, and the legion see it as a way to beat the NCR. The Local tribes hate each other, with the only peace time being during festivals of prayer. So what made me want to post this idea? Well I had this amazing image of leaving the cave that brings you and overseeing a cliff and you see everything from there. All the settlement before you, and right in the center. This huge spike like building jutting out of the ground. Now I know this needs some heavy work so open to suggestions.
  17. First off I think this site has a lot of Rick and Morty fans, So I think you can garuntee some help. Im in anyway for writing dialogue or voice work.
  18. Dont worry man, I dont think my mic is much better. Just do your beast, as I will, and see what happens.
  19. Can someone use this as a replacement for fighting theme or the menu theme?
  20. So after playing War Trash I got really into the idea of an infiltration and deception quest idea. So i began thinking, what if the King wanted to clean up freeside the best he could? What if he asked a favor of the courier, to do something that may not be pleasent. The king wants you to go undercover in a sect of the fiends and try to find out who is supplying the drug dealers with their new supply. The Khans stuff isnt this potent so there is a new player in the game of narcotics. Think Breaking Bad meets A scanner Darkly. Or something like that. You have to get addicted to several chems and cannot seek help, otherwise you may blow your cover. I know there needs to be some polishing on the idea, but I think it has potential.
  21. Riders to the storm, perfect song to describe the NVB's series I think. Of course thats just my opinion. Finally got to watching the teaser. And I got chills man.
  22. So I just left a place and it said I failed travel Preparations. Anyone wanna tell me what quest that is from?
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