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Posts posted by PowderdToastMan

  1. Like the title says, Im trying to put a new hair from another source on a custom race. In the geck i used to simply find the hair types in the race and added a new one, then selected the mesh and texture.


    In the creation kit, i do not see the hair selections, nor the ability to add one under my custom race. Can anyone help me with this?

  2. I use sharpshooters, but it gives me 24-45 fps. But im using all extreme hd textures with 20 gigs of aftermarket hd textures. I play at 1080 on a 38inch flatscreen tv. But it will get laggy when i go to places like the bar in morthal where there are 15 npc's walking around i will drop to 15 fps. Or areas that have lots of swaying trees visible on screen(lots of math for the cpu) i will drop to 15-20 fps. I put up with it though due to its rarity. If i could OC the cpu to 4 or better, i could get 50+ fps in those areas.


    Ive seen enb's that allow for no fps drop but i cant remember them.


    Also, go to the enb ini file in your skyrim folder and change some of the settings you dont need to off or "false" and you will preformance increases, such as depth of field..

  3. yes i use a 360 controller. i´ll try change movement ratio.

    i already have installed various enb mods. they´ve a build in fps display.

    in that second i´ve got 50-60 frames in the next second i´ve 20-25.

    i even installed a ultra-Low-Range enb.

    i don´t get it


    Mine can be like that too. The skyrim game engine is designed to be very processor heavy. It does not rely on the gpu for much of what is put on the screen. Like i showed before, its all about clock speed on your cpu. The 2500 is the god of gaming cpu's. THe problem that you have is what we all have. skyrim does not like to pre-render details that are not actually visible on the screen, and instead will try to do it in real time. An npc's face, for example, is a lot of math for the game engine to process and put on the screen because of all the variabilities. Go to and npc and spin in a circle and you will see that every time you get to having the npc's face loaded on screen the fps drops and the screen gets slightly jerky. This will happen in any areas you have lots of math for the game engine to process in real time. specifically when there are lots of npc's in the room.

  4. I use an i5-2500k stock with a 6850 and sit at the 60fps limiter on ultra settings. With sharpshooters enb installed i hover around 30fps.


    If i were you, i would use fraps to see what your fps really is. The default motion control speed settings for if you are using a controller sit right at a speed that gives the illusion of jerkyness. If you are using a controller, try changing your movment ratios too.


    Skyrim is very cpu heavy as far as your fps. Its all about clock speed. Check it - http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/skyrim-performance-benchmark,3074-9.html

  5. Somewhere along the way my dagger was moved from the front position to the side position like other swords. I thought this was a aftermarket skeleton problem making the node at a different location at first. I removed the skeleton and nothing changed.


    Does anyone know what file i need to remove to get this dagger back to its proper node sitting at the front of my characters leg? I can post my load order if it is possibly esp related. Any help would be appriciated and kudos would be in order.





  6. So i made a duplicate of the wolf race because i plan to make a companion. When i made the duplicate, all of the pertinent data from the race transferred over to the duplicate properly. But without doing anything else, the animal form no longer shows up in a preview as well as if i drop something of that race in the render window.


    Does anyone know the fix for this?

  7. In the creation kit, go to the actor you have edited and hillight them in the object window. Then hit ctrl - f4 and choose to export npc face textures. Save your plugin and it will work from now on when you play the game.
  8. I just reinstalled and do not have the nmm installed right now and i am getting this error message. My folder is completely mod free as well as my save games folder. I do not have the folder you speak of. Does anyone know a solution?


    nevemind... found the folder...


    kudos to the OP

  9. What game is it? the shots taken in Bethesdas games are Bitmaps. 6MB for a JPEG is very large unless you're playing at some crazy resolution. I upload 7-8MP images without them looking too horrible.


    Your right, it was a bitmap. I am playing on ultra settings @1080p.



    How are you able to upload 7-8 meg images with a 1.5 meg limit?

  10. As the title says, i was going to try imagesharing but i cant seem to figure out how to simply link to my photo. The 1.5 mb limit for direct uploads seem so small i assumed everyone simply linked their photos from a 3rd party source. I cant seem to achieve that. Would anyone be able to inform me of what im missing here?


    Any help is greatly appriciated.

  11. You've probably installed a mod that edited your ini files. Go to your documents/mygames/falloutnv directory and remove all the ini files. When you start a new vanilla game it will detect theyre absence and generate two new vanilla ones by copying them out of your vanilla new vegas folder.


    If that doesnt work, post further what happens...

  12. First off, let me say i cant script to save my life. But im quite familiar with the geck and the construction set.


    I decided i was gonna make a follower so i simply copied the generic dark brotherhood follower. I took the copy, changed her up, dropped her in a location, created a linked reference, and she is not showing up in the game.


    I haven't TES snipped it yet but i diddnt think that would make the difference. Would it?


    I removed the faction affiliations and assumed the scripting for dialogue would carry over as a simple copy. I am not aware if this is affecting it not showing up.


    If someone knows what im missing here, i would surely be greatful. This is my first attempt with the SDK.

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