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Posts posted by PowderdToastMan

  1. nope there's nothing at all in the folders although when i right click on the desktop icon for it and click take to file location it takes me to another file in the games folder along with some other games that i bought e.g deus ex and empire total war but when i click on the skyrim folder the only folders are saves renderinfo skyrim and skyrim prefs also whenyou click on the skyrim or skyrim prefs it opens up a load of coding in there there is still no data folder in any skyrim folders






    Your looking at the game saves, not the data files.


    Im comfused because you stated at the beginning almost the correct file path for the data files.


    The files you are describing above are located in the saves games section. re-post the file path you are looking at again? We'll get you fixed up...


    ok the file path that i'm looking at WITH the save games files are documents my games skyrim and then saves witch just has a list of all my saves in it the file path WITHOUT any files in the folder at all is local disc steam common steamapps and then skyrim that has no files in it at all another file path WITHOUT anything in the folder is is program files x86 steam steamapps jdylan1 and then skyrim there is no steam folder located in my actual program files it is only located in program files x86 and local disc


    Im confused as to how you got these multiple steam files under your save games.


    You said that you have purchased other steam games but the file path your showing is programfilesx86/steam/steamapps/jdylan/skyrim. Is that right? How did jdylan get in there? im really curious...


    The data folder your looking for should be in the x86 file path.

  2. nope there's nothing at all in the folders although when i right click on the desktop icon for it and click take to file location it takes me to another file in the games folder along with some other games that i bought e.g deus ex and empire total war but when i click on the skyrim folder the only folders are saves renderinfo skyrim and skyrim prefs also whenyou click on the skyrim or skyrim prefs it opens up a load of coding in there there is still no data folder in any skyrim folders






    Your looking at the game saves, not the data files.


    Im comfused because you stated at the beginning almost the correct file path for the data files.


    The files you are describing above are located in the saves games section. re-post the file path you are looking at again? We'll get you fixed up...

  3. Go to documents/mygames/skyrim


    Right click on the skyrimprefs.ini - go to properties and make sure it is not marked as read only. If it is, uncheck it.


    Double click and pull up skyrimprefs.ini and hit ctrl+F.


    Type - enablefile - and hit enter. Change it from benablefileselection=0 to benablefileselection=1


    Then save.


    then go back to data files and it should work.


    I would recommend using the Nexus Mod Manager instead though. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/461759-nmm-release-notes-01218/

  4. Well, the disc version still forces you to install it from steam unless you know the command to force install.


    So your saying there is nothing in your skyrim folder at all?


    Have you tried making it show you hidden files?


    Are you on windows 7?


    Im in guessing territory here...

  5. ive seen this before. Although ive heard of ini edits that help especially with people claiming to get infinite loading screens in whiterun.


    But in reality, all signs point to this being a hardware issue in my opinion. i had this happen to me in new vegas once i started using heavy math mods like heavily edited npc faces that i had done myself. It seemed to be because my HDD was too slow and wasnt able to properly communicate and deliver info into my ram into a timely manner, in lamans terms. Once i got an ssd even doubling my mods that were causing those problems gave me no troubles. Another thing that compounded it was the size of my save game. To get to the save game i wanted to play i had to have a new save game that was a fairly small file that i could load up first, and then load the game i wanted to. Otherwise if i tried to load my real savegame, i'd get an infinite loading screen. It seems it was pageing a good amount of the info i needed into the ram on the first load and wasnt dumping it for the second, simply loading the remainder.

  6. When you say nothing comes up, do you mean the screen is blank?


    To troubleshoot i would uninstall,remove the mods after the uninstall, then re-install. I can give detailed instructions on how to do it if you like.


    Also, go to steam and click on the game, right click and go to the last option and verify your game cache. if you deleted a file in your skyrim folder on accident, it will detect it and re place the file so your game works again.


    You say you downloaded and placed in your - skyrim folder - texture replacers only?


    The texture replacers go in your data folder but even placing them in hte wrong folder wont cause what you are describing.


    If your on an older system, post your hardware too.

  7. Im playing it now on a PvE server and its definitely more rpg and less mmo.


    The only thing that gets me is to save you must get to a specific location and if you have used your fast travel within the past 30 minutes, your stuck on a 15 minute walk thru the area you just trudged thru, fighting the re-spawned enemies you just killed to get to where you really wanted to be, just so you can quit and keep your progress.


    I had this exact thing happen the other night where i had to leave the house in a hurry and the two hours of gameplay was wasted because i diddnt have time to manually walk back to a save area. I find this constantly plaguing me when i go to quit there is no transport in sight. It feels like fallout/oblivion/skyrim with the fast travel turned off.

  8. Yea, i saw the dlc too. That is ridiculus.


    They wanted to charge a few bucks for some obscure weapon too. The only people who i could possibly conceive of paying more money for something so obscure is a early teenager, who cant buy the game anyway.


    Im severely dissapointed with not only the level of detail in the campaign but the capaign itself is so poorly written that none of it is faintly conceivable.


    They break half of the RPS rules for games too. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/12/29/the-complete-rules-for-games/


    Half the reason i liked saints row two was the cutscenes and they've curtailed those too.


    I cant even get the cops to chase me. Makes me miss gta....




    Hey JD did you ever finish those youtube geck tutorials?

  9. I would wait the two weeks for the cs to come out. You can name it, set all the stats, location, give it unique spells, even make a quest with unique new locations and enemys to attain it once the cs comes out. People downloading replacers that are far different from the original will usually shed them once stuff comes out that is rightly done with the cs.




    There is a khajit race perk that adds to unarmed combat that you could easily add to the armor with the cs without having to write a new one, to answer your second question.

  10. This has been covered M_A_N_Y times before but ... Have you edited your "SkyrimPrefs.ini" file with "notepad" ? (it's usually in your "** user name**\My documents\ My Games\Skyrim" folder, or similar place depending on your Windows version) if you scroll down the lines of stuff you should come to a [Launcher] section, underneath you should find the line "bEnableFileSelection=" (if It's not there you can add it ) It should be =1 to allow data files to be selected. If it says =0 or is not there, that's what's causing your problem. If you've done that and It's still not working, try refreshing the local game cache in steam to see if there are any corrupted files.


    Actually that might only be necessary if you are not using the mod manager and instead checking load loose files, or you are installed under program files x86 and it is giving you trouble.


    To correct your issue be sure to reset archive invalidation in the mod manager anytime you install a mesh or texture replacer so the changes will take affect.

  11. First off, try making a new game for diagnosing purposes and see if it does the same thing. If it does not then your save game is just too big. Over 100 hours can make for a large save game.


    If it does the same thing with a new save then run FRAPS - for your frames per second when the incident occours, and post your results and hardware and we can further diagnose.


    DId it always do this or did it start recently?

  12. Yes.


    Where you originally dl'd the mod. Open it up and you will see folder names, and within those folders more folders and eventually dds or nif files.


    If you have no other mods that you want to keep within the subfolder, you can simply delete the entire subfolder instead of going in and deleting all the texture files individually.

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