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Everything posted by PowderdToastMan

  1. once the sdk comes out, you will be able to look and see the name of the file and its exact file path. Until then, you'd just be guessin
  2. extract the sprinting sound of your choice from the sound bsa, then re-name it to match the file for the orc sprint sound, re-create the file path manually, and apply archive invalidation.
  3. Howdy First off, be aware that the game is very cpu heavy. Thumb thru pages 5-9 on this article: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/skyrim-performance-benchmark,3074.html Secondly, with a game like skyrim, the important factor is your gpu mhz, and secondly, its stream processors. The vram is not a factor at all. The major difference between those two cards is that one has 2 gigs of vram and one has 1 gig. One gig is more than you'll every need for this game. One has 1500 stream processors and the other has 1100. Both those cards are 13 inches long, and it would be important to see if your box can fit a card that long before you purchase it. I am running the shorter version of those, a 6850. Its an 8 inch card with 900 stream processors overclocked to 840 mhz.With my I5-2500k, my FPS stays at the 60fps limit on ultra settings in 90% of places and never drops below 50 in the most intense locations. With a decent CPU, either one of those GPU's will run ultra settings without batting an eye. But unless you plan to use a game that requires 2 gigs of vram in the future, which is currently unheard of, save youself 100 bucks and get the 6870. (if it will fit) *edit* i misread you card type. I thought you said 6870 vs 6950. oops. But like i said, the 6850 is good, but that 6950 is great but long. If your box can fit it the 6870 is the superior card.
  4. The update replaces your exe with a new one that is dependant on steam. On the off chance you diddnt actually get the update and want to keep your old exe, save a copy of it in a different area on your pc, or re-name it in your skyrim folder so it will not try to replace it. To verify you game cache, you should only need to right click on your game in steam and select it
  5. The one from the game files is almost ready. I'll post it in a new one when he gets it up heres the prep http://denkirson.xanga.com/756891604/bf3/
  6. Glitches lie that usually correct themselves when you do a complete memory dump. In other words, when you load the game from the destop it will no longer be present. Sometimes it can stic in the save and you will have to go bac a save. Does it do it with any weapon in that slot? sorry, ey between j and l not woring.
  7. it detects and records your gpu in your ini Try creating a vanilla ini and running the launcher and it should re-detect your new card. To create new ini, remove everything from your save games folder including your ini's to a temp folder on your desktop. Then run the launcher. It should detect your new gpu. Then start a new game and save. Then place your save games only back in your save games folder.
  8. go to your control panel, click uninstall programs. Then uninstall skyrim. It should re-register on steam.
  9. You say stutter. theres nothing you can do about stutter except slightly increase your sensitivity. It will cause the game to not try to process detail - blur free. The default sensitivity, for some reason, is right in the sweet spot of processing faces and detailed 3d renders without blur and so you will see a slight chop as those things come into you frame. To eliminate it, simply increase your sensitivity 15-20% Your setup should run 40-60 fps in all areas. I suggest insalling fraps to see what your actual fps is.
  10. Install fraps and run it and it will accuratley tell you what frames per second you are running at. The lynnfield and clarkdale chipsets that intel used are not only outdated but underpreform against other cpu's at the same mhz. Edit* But you setup is really not bad at all. Its actually quite good. For boosting your fps, the bottleneck, to answer your question, is the cpu the 5850 is the short version of that graphic card line right? the 5870 was the godly behemoth... on high settings you should register 25-45 fps on fraps with your setup
  11. If some of your textures are bright pink then you DL'd it from steam and some of the files were corrupted. Verify your cache with steam and it should fix it. As far as these ini problems.... Go to your save games folder and remove EVERYTHING in there to a temporary folder on your desktop. Start a new game and save. A new vanilla ini file will have been created in your save games folder. Find the save games you want from your temp folder and place them back in your save games folder. This should fix the problem. If it does not, then something you changed affected your actual save game and the save is corrupted. But those things are very rare. *edit After doing the above, to see if it is a corrupted save game, fast travel with your new save and see if it works.
  12. Your CPU type is the big factor here. But bethesda games are naturally choppy even though you might be getting good fps. Is the 10 fps an assumption or are you using fraps?
  13. Right on Yea the nvdia uses typically 30-40% more power than its comprable ati card but with that kind of wattage....wow.....no troubles there The only reason i say win 7 is the 64 bit utilizes the 4 core cpu's better, but if your just looking to upgrade to play skyrim and mod it, skyrim is 32 bit, as well as only using 2 cores.
  14. The minimizing in skyrim is a skyrim issue. There are several threads in the skyrim technical support section where denziens of people are complaining about it. If this sort of thing is occuring for other things, then do this. Assuming you have windows 7 go to the search bar and type - msconfig - and hit enter click the third tab, should be labeled - services. (going from memory here) click the check box in the bottom corner that says - hide all microsoft services. This will show you any programs that you computer is running including hidden ones.
  15. Its a tough call to try to squeeze any more preformance from that setup. Any upgrading would involve a cpu that uses an 1155 socket and ddr3 which your motherboard doesnt support. You would need to change your motherboard, ram, and cpu. You can get the god of gaming cpu's for 200 bucks - the I5-2500k You can get a motherboard with that 1155 socket for around 100 bucks, but buying a cheap one, be sure to read the reviews, and dont get anything less than a p67 or z68 northbridge. DDR3 ram you can get for about 30 bucks on amazon - 4x2 etc... so far we are at 330$, that leaves 160$ for a gpu and windows 7x64 bit If you want to use your stock power supply, i would suggest an ati gpu as they use less power. Craigslist is your friend...
  16. The gamebryo engine is only designed for two cores. More than two will see no increase in preformance at all. Check it: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/skyrim-performance-benchmark,3074-9.html unfortunately, the phenom II uses a AM3 socket and ddr3 and wont work on your current motherboard if you can oc your current cpu, you might see an increase in preformance *edit if the am2+ does support a phenom II, i suggest a 980 black over the best hexa see the comparison: http://www.anandtech.com/bench/Product/203?vs=362
  17. The ram is sufficient, but the processor speed and gpu are not.
  18. I havent used the new one yet but most mod managers have a too that allows you to crack open the bsa to get the file your looking for. Finding the file you want in the bsa is almost impossible since the CS is not out yet. Once the CS comes out, you can easily determine the name and file path of the file you want to extract and duplicate.
  19. If your doing default textures, you must extract them from the bsa, then edit and save them in gimp, then re-create the file path for archive invalidation, or use the construction set to place custom named versions of it in the world.
  20. Tampering with the original makes it so that you cant revert back to to original. Its one of the first things you learn regarding making esp's. Messing with the original esm is not a bear you want to poke. You probably wouldnt be able to validate your steam cache after you did it too.
  21. Learning from scratch can be quite difficult. If you know how to use gimp and blender, you can create new armors and weapons and such. If your looking to learn how to do basic construction set modding, i'd go to these two locations and start reading. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Main_Page http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Main_Page The construction set for skyrim has not been released yet
  22. Actually the minimum requirments for skyrim are higher that any of bethesda's predecessors as well as black ops and their ilk. Black ops is a very gpu heavy game and was designed on the xbox 360 platform and ported to the pc and ps3. Therefore it is much easier to run on slower systems. Skyrim was built on the pc and ported to the consoles, but most importantly the pc version is much more intense. Gamebryo engine games rely very heavily on the CPU due to the way information is processed. While a board integrated gpu can certainly make things a bit difficult regarding running the game, the largest factor is your processor and its speed. I would take 5 minutes to read this article here, especially the last two pages: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/skyrim-performance-benchmark,3074.html If you are unsure of your cpu's preformance compared to the minimum ones in the study, you can compare them here: http://www.anandtech.com/bench/CPU/2
  23. Mae sure your in online mode on steam for your first start otherwise it will create messages like that. You need to verify your game cache.
  24. Post your pc stats and are you playing on a tv?
  25. No, unfortunately that is just the way the gamebryo engine is. Increase your sensitivity about 15-20% above the default setting and it will go away
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