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Everything posted by Werne

  1. PSN isn't just limited to the PlayStation console, PC games with multiplayer that get published by Sony require a PSN account. I know because Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut requires a PSN account to access multiplayer but since I don't do multiplayer Sony can suck it, I'm not making one. The game is genuinely good though, I do recommend it, the combat does gets pretty repetitive after a while but the rest of the game is great, just avoid multiplayer and PSN. Speaking of good games, I've been playing Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 over the weekend and I very much enjoyed it. It's fun, it runs silky smooth and I haven't encountered a single bug yet, I do suck at combat though so I gotta git gud. Surprisingly enough it also runs fine on my old gaming PC, I guess FX 8320 still has some fight left in it. Anyway, it's almost 4 in the morning and I can't sleep so I guess I win.
  2. RAM overclocking is pain. Also, I win.
  3. I stopped using wifi years ago, I laid a bunch of CAT6 STP cables through the entire house while reworking the electrical wiring and switched all my PCs to wired, it greatly improved the bandwidth/ping and network stability. Only the phones and the laptop are wireless. And since I've mentioned the laptop, those Ryzen mobile chips are stupidly efficient. Wife bought the thing a week ago, by which I mean she got me to buy it for her, it has a Ryzen 7 5700U in it which I haven't played with yet so naturally, I had to run some benchmarks. Turns out the little APU is good, it reaches ~60% of my overclocked Ryzen 5 5600's performance (clocked at 4.74GHz) while using 1/3 of the power (30W vs 90W PPT), that's not bad at all for a €400 laptop.
  4. Dragon's Dogma 2 appears to be quite a mess, I was thinking of getting it so that kinda sucks. Ah well, I win.
  5. For me the game was free thanks to the AMD promotion, got two codes with my hardware. The performance did improve quite a bit in the past month but the bugs are standard Bethesda stuff, physics spazzing out and random crashes when opening/closing a menu, I can live with those. The gameplay is meh but the basic framework to make a decent game is there, it just needs a lot of work, also needs a fix to the inventory system cause holy crap it's bad. Luckily, it is a Bethesda game so mods are available, if the devs won't make it good the modders likely will, provided they stick around in the first place. As far as integrated graphics go I can only think of three reasons to use it - low power video transcoding (slower than a real GPU though), driving large multi-monitor setups and diagnosing a GPU failure, otherwise they just take up RAM for no good reason. Some mobos actually allow you to set the iGPU as disabled unless there's no graphics card present which is kinda the best option in my opinion, it's there when you need it but gone when you don't. The iGPU doesn't support RAM/VRAM or the dedicated card in any way. That said, using an Intel iGPU for transcoding streams was once a viable option when streaming games cause it lightened the load on the GPU/CPU which can kinda be called supporting a GPU I guess. Kinda useless nowadays since pretty much all cards have dedicated hardware encoders. Anyway, I win.
  6. Buy a 4090? Never. It's way too expensive with a ridiculous power consumption and heat output, that stupid 12VHPWR connector with the dongles that loves to melt, huge size, sagging issues and some AIB PCB cracking. And then there's other things that put me off like GeForce Experience requiring a login, a proprietary software/hardware ecosystem, my poor personal experience with Nvidia drivers and their crap customer support, Nvidia's shady business practices and, worst of all, overclocking on RTX 4000 series being more frustration than fun. GTX 1060 6GB (RIP, it will be missed) is the last Nvidia card I've owned and it will be the last one until they start making hardware that comes with less cons than pros and start treating their customers and AIBs with some respect. Anyway, Starfield got really really buggy with the new updates. I haven't played it in about a month and while the performance improved since then, the game itself got buggier. Ah well, it is a Bethesda game after all.
  7. I think you might be a tad confused there, Titan Xp is Pascal architecture (it's what the p stands for in the Xp) and Pascal doesn't have tensor cores nor does it support any of the AI stuff, it can't even do hardware ray tracing and does it through software like AMD cards. It was Volta with RTX 20 series and Titan V that introduced tensor cores and started the whole AI thing. In terms of performance your Titan should be similar to my RX 6650 XT so yeah, it does still perform well, high-end cards in general can go for quite long before they become the bare minimum spec, they usually get killed off by lack of driver support. If you play at 1080p it'll be perfectly fine for a few more years, especially with frame generation tech appearing in new games, that stuff is just pure magic. And now I win.
  8. Ah, you mean the Titan Xp Collector's Edition? They looked amazing but were waaay overpriced, one of those cards cost more than my last PC and current one combined. Titan Xp was already too expensive for what it was (essentially a 1080 Ti with a different name) and the Collector's edition Titans had a premium on top of that. Still didn't stop me from wanting the Sith one. By the way, it's kinda sad that 8 years ago $1000+ Titans were seen an overpriced luxury product and now we have high-end gaming cards in the $1200-1500 range.
  9. It would seem Nexus decided to give me a free lifetime premium upgrade cause my mods reached 30k total downloads. Nice. Seeing the price tag that's probably Ampere A100 80GB in which case it features lots of tensor cores and a mature library for AI training. Since AMD is currently not in a great position regarding machine learning and Intel's GPUs currently still suck at being GPUs (that said, I do want to get an Arc card) it gives Nvidia a chance to milk companies that build systems for machine learning dry before competition comes in swinging. Also, a large part of a workstation graphics card's cost is support. For example, filthy peasants gamers can wait for a general driver update for their gaming cards that may or may not fix a problem they've had for months while companies that buy those cards get custom drivers made for their specific systems and in case of problems have Nvidia technicians, even field technicians, available 0/24. All of that stuff costs a ton of money. Besides, $27k for a card is an acceptable cost of doing business if you make many times more than that by using it, vast majority of those cards end up in giant cloud systems which are rented to those who need the hardware, it's easy to recoup the cost that way. And now I win.
  10. Speaking of pregnancies, a long time ago I had intimate relations with a girl that used to live in my old neighborhood, her parents moved in a hurry a few days after that cause her dad was a junkie who ended up owing a lot of money to a local dealer, I lost all contact with her at that point. Fast forward to last year and I run into her in the store, she moved back here to the city since she "has good memories of the place". She also has a daughter who looks like the spitting image of my mother when she was around that age. Turns out condoms are not 100% effective, who knew? Anyway, I win.
  11. I kinda miss my old FX-8320, that thing alone made heaters in the gaming room completely redundant even at stock. Unfortunately, Ryzen doesn't put out nearly as much heat. And I win. Also, I can't seem to get this song out of my head for some reason, I heard it on the radio this morning and my brain decided to keep running it on loop all day long.
  12. Yeah, hopefully mods will make it better at some point, I really want to play an open world space RPG that doesn't suck. Unfortunately, even if the gameplay itself is fixed I doubt modders can fix the game's poor performance, the level of graphical quality and AI complexity is pathetic compared to the amount of processing power needed. Also, I've seen an interesting sight today, some drunk guy at the local advent festival ended up puking into a recirculating fountain and then he decided to "freshen up" with the fountain water. Gotta say, drunk people are fun to watch. Now I win.
  13. I figured since AMD gave me a Starfield code back when I bought my graphics card I'd finally try the damn game and I gotta say, it was a colossal waste of time, the game looks like crap, runs like crap and the gameplay is crap. I'll try to power through it some more, maybe it gets better but I doubt it will. And I win, I guess.
  14. I've been thinking of buying a 3D printer, printing custom parts would be hell of a lot easier than modifying some random plastic junk I find around my garage to fit. And now I win.
  15. Some of those mods sound interesting, especially AI overhaul, Skyrim's stock AI sucks. Also, I win.
  16. Text gets a lot smaller on bigger screens in games that can't properly set the UI scaling, though Windows can also be a PITA in regards to that with it's fixed scalars. Basically, if you can't adjust UI scaling, the size of the monitor would have to increase proportionally to the resolution increase in order to retain the same text size at the same viewing distance which is impossible to do cause larger size = longer viewing distance, hence the size mismatch. Despite the fact that 4k monitor usage is on the rise with the hardware that can finally render fast enough at that resolution they are surprisingly poorly supported when it comes to UI scaling. That said I would absolutely love to use a 4k monitor with small text, by rotating it 90 degrees I could have a ton of code on my screen at once so I wouldn't have to go scrolling as much. As far as games go however, the best monitor I've played games on is a 34" curved ultrawide and I'd love to get one but I don't have enough space on my desk for it thanks to my huge speakers. One day... And now I win. EDIT: I just realized, what happened to my post count? As far as I recall I should have more than 1.5k in this thread alone.
  17. Wow, I obviously haven't been here for a looong time, I didn't even know the forums got a glow-up. When did all this stuff happen? Anyway, I thought about going back to modding but holy crap, the tools are as old as they were back when Skyrim came out and they were old back then too. NifTools seems pretty dead, NifSkope last saw an update almost 6 years ago and while the nif plugin is fairly fresh, I don't know which Blender versions it supports. Can't access their forums either, they just don't load at all. If anyone here is doing 3D models for FO4/Skyrim, I'd like to know what tools you're using. With that said, I shall now be victorious once more!
  18. One of my wife's friends came yesterday to wish us a happy new year while she waits for her test results. She conveniently forgot to mention that last part until her test came back positive, then she felt like informing us. So now we're spending 10 days in self-isolation, hoping we didn't get infected. I hope everyone here has a happier new year than me. Now for something more cheerful... I started playing Genshin Impact after my cousin told me about it and I gotta say, the game is pretty good. Free-to-play single player RPG with optional co-op and an MMO-like business model, quest chain is pretty decent too. Business model sucks though but it doesn't suck overly much, game gets easier quicker if you pay but I didn't give them a dime and it plays just fine. All in all, I like it.
  19. You know, I'm actually happy none of my relatives will come to visit this Christmas. I just wish every Christmas was like that.
  20. After years of playing modded TTW, I tried playing vanilla FO3 and NV. All I can say is thank god for mods cause that was the most painful and frustrating gaming experience in my life.
  21. Yeah, I know, it was supposed to be released earlier this year but due to the whole global pandemic thing it's now "sometime in 2021".
  22. I've been thinking of replaying Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. That's just one of those games that, no matter how many times I play it, it's still fun doing it again.
  23. Why bother building a machine that can be as good as a brain, why not just use a brain in the first place? If we were to put more money into figuring out how the fleshy CPU works we'd be able to take a human, extract the brain and use it for processing. Need more power? Use more brains. And there we go, my solution for the overpopulation/too many homeless people/overcrowded jails/unemployment problems. :thumbsup:
  24. I started playing Age of Wonders 3 and I suck at it so much I managed to lose three matches against the easiest AI available. :sad:
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