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Everything posted by Werne

  1. I personally used FOMM to unpack BSAs since, well, I already had FOMM. It's completely irrelevant which one you use since you unpack the BSAs once in forever, not 10 times a day, so take whichever program you prefer. And by the way, never unpack BSAs into the game's directory or you'll be in for a hell of a mess. Make a folder in "My Documents" and unpack the BSAs there, then just point NifSkope over to it in Render/Setting.
  2. I'm thinking of making kinetic barriers for Fallout, like the ones from Mass Effect. I love those things. :smile:
  3. Anunnakai? :tongue: And now, let's focus on more important things than politics, like women. http://www.joblo.com/images_arrownews/isla-fisher-hot-0.jpg Much better. :thumbsup:
  4. I doubt your post got him banned, Dante has been hovering over his profile daily since he joined so I reckon he was under suspicion from the start. And then there are IP addresses and all that stuff which can be checked easily. Not to mention his posts, doesn't really take a genius to figure out it's him. And honestly, he could've filed an unban appeal and apologized, say he got drunk and there was no account sharing, just his usual crazy combined with too much booze. Being a member since 2006 and this being a one-time fluke, he'd be back in not time. But nope, he made a new account instead and got banned again. Can't say I feel bad for him. Also, boobies. EDIT: I have no idea why I made this. :mellow:
  5. My phone spontaneously combusted and then proceeded to explode so I had to get a new one. Here's some advice for you guys - never go cheap on phone batteries unless you like fireballs in your pocket. The phone still works though, might get a new battery for it one day. Friend of mine gave me his old Xperia (X8, I think) and I don't get these modern phones. The touchscreen gets on my nerves and I can't even overclock the thing without going through a bunch of hoops. Ah well, it was free and the screen is not oversized so I guess I can tolerate the no overclocking stuff. Actually, scratch that, I'll overclock it later. In other news, I love it when women wear evening gowns, my wife has one but the last time she wore it was over a year ago. I'll have to get her to a dinner in some fancy restaurant one of these days just to see her wear it, she looks gorgeous in a dress. :wub:
  6. A mental image passed through my mind of drunk Robert Downey Jr screaming this at Jarvis. It was beautiful. :laugh:
  7. http://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aB3e61N_700b.jpg Chocolate boobs! :woot:
  8. I didn't release it yet, probably won't for a while, ain't got the time for writing descriptions and handling users right now. If you want it, here you go. Think of it as beta tes-- I mean exclusive access. :tongue: Oh, and... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdAZqeDtlL4
  9. I did that already, hated it because it worked only on vanilla armor unless I make a new plugin for each mod I have. This thing is universal, it repairs all armor be it from vanilla game, DLC or mod.
  10. You're held back by the CPU, judging by 40% GPU usage and horrible framerate. You can set the game to use a bazillion threads but it will only use two somewhat properly and out of those two, only one will be used 100%. In your particular case it sounds like the game is using two threads on the same core so disabling HyperThreading might help.
  11. Nope, it's a repair kit, same as NV weapon repair kit but for armor (and for FO3).
  12. So is yours. :tongue: Oh, and I finished my script. ScriptName WerneArmorRepairEffectScript Int RepairSkill Float RepairPerc Float Health Float BaseHealth Ref Weapon Ref TitBoy Ref Armor Short SlotID Begin ScriptEffectStart Set RepairSkill to Player.GetActorValue Repair If (RepairSkill < 25) Set RepairPerc to 0.15 ElseIf (RepairSkill >= 25 && RepairSkill < 50) Set RepairPerc to 0.20 ElseIf (RepairSkill >= 50 && RepairSkill < 75) Set RepairPerc to 0.25 ElseIf (RepairSkill >= 75) Set RepairPerc to 0.30 EndIf Set Weapon to Player.GetEquippedObject 5 Set TitBoy to Player.GetEquippedObject 6 Label 69 If (SlotID <= 19) Set Armor to Player.GetEquippedObject SlotID If (Armor != 0 && Armor != Weapon && Armor != TitBoy) Set Health to Player.GetEquippedCurrentHealth SlotID Set BaseHealth to GetBaseHealth Armor If (Health < BaseHealth) Set Health to Health + (BaseHealth * RepairPerc) If Health > BaseHealth Set Health to BaseHealth EndIf Player.SetEquippedCurrentHealth Health SlotID Else Set SlotID to SlotID + 1 Goto 69 EndIf Else Set SlotID to SlotID + 1 Goto 69 EndIf Else Return EndIf End Works perfectly. Once it detects a damaged piece of worn equipment (that isn't a weapon or a PipBoy (called it TitBoy cause PipBoy can't be used as a variable)), it repairs it by X percent of base health, based on repair skill. It won't repair all armor pieces in one go or repair them multiple times like the first script either. It's perfect. :smile:
  13. ScriptName WerneArmorRepairEffectScript Int RepairSkill Float RepairPerc Float Health Float BaseHealth Ref Weapon Ref TitBoy Ref Armor Short SlotID Begin ScriptEffectStart Set RepairSkill to Player.GetActorValue Repair If (RepairSkill < 25) Set RepairPerc to 0.15 ElseIf (RepairSkill >= 25 && RepairSkill < 50) Set RepairPerc to 0.20 ElseIf (RepairSkill >= 50 && RepairSkill < 75) Set RepairPerc to 0.25 ElseIf (RepairSkill >= 75) Set RepairPerc to 0.30 EndIf Set Weapon to Player.GetEquippedObject 5 Set TitBoy to Player.GetEquippedObject 6 Label 69 ;) If (SlotID <= 19) Set Armor to Player.GetEquippedObject SlotID If (Armor != Weapon && Armor != TitBoy) Set Health to Player.GetEquippedCurrentHealth SlotID Set BaseHealth to GetBaseHealth Armor Set Health to Health + (BaseHealth * RepairPerc) If Health > BaseHealth Set Health to BaseHealth EndIf Player.SetEquippedCurrentHealth Health SlotID EndIf Set SlotID to SlotID + 1 Goto 69 Else Return EndIf EndNot satisfied with the end result but at least the armor repairing part works the way I want it to. I'll make it better tomorrow. :smile:
  14. Yup. You basically bypass editing Skyrim's leveled lists completely by adding things through scripts instead, no conflicts at all. :smile: Oh, and the script seems to be working. It runs only once on game start, changes seem to be persistent through reloads. I stripped the Warmaiden's container and made it serve as a controlled environment for testing.
  15. I've been reading up on adding things to leveled lists using scripts in Skyrim to avoid conflicts. From what I gather, this is how it should work... ScriptName DistributionScript extends Quest LeveledItem Property LeveledList Auto Item Property Item Auto Event OnInit() LeveledList.AddForm(Item, Level, Count) EndEvent If I'm right, that would work. If I'm not, that would flop. But if it does work, I wonder if it could also work like this... ScriptName DistributionScript extends Quest LeveledItem Property LeveledList Auto LeveledItem Property MyLeveledList Auto Event OnInit() LeveledList.AddForm(MyLeveledList, Level, Count) EndEvent I'll go fire up the CK and see if these things even compile. :smile: EDIT: Success! Well, I guess it's success. The following script compiles: ScriptName WerneDistributionScript extends Quest LeveledItem Property WerneVanillaList Auto LeveledItem Property WerneList Auto Weapon Property WerneItem Auto Weapon Property WerneItem2 Auto Weapon Property WerneItem3 Auto Event OnInit() WerneList.AddForm(WerneItem, 1, 1) WerneList.AddForm(WerneItem2, 1, 1) WerneList.AddForm(WerneItem3, 1, 1) WerneVanillaList.AddForm(WerneList, 1, 1) EndEventAdding items to leveled lists? Check. Adding leveled lists to other leveled lists? Check. Still can't figure out how to add leveled lists to containers directly though, I'll have to read up some more on that. Will this work in-game and more importantly, will this persist? I have no idea.
  16. Australians, they're all nuts, and I love them for it. Speaking of which... http://pedestriantv-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images%2Farticle%2F2014%2F09%2F30%2Fboom.jpg :laugh:
  17. Yeah, I like CPU necklaces, got one I made out of an Athlon FX heatspreader. Wife tolerates me wearing it solely cause the CPU I pulled that thing off of cost more than all her necklaces combined. I expected this. And yes, yes she did. Speaking of penises... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEsZkTTgydc I love this guy. :laugh: Nah, that's still good, what I hate is when my butt gets so sweaty it sticks to my underwear. EDIT: Made a hole for the string on the FX heatspreader... I usually suck at that making texture holes on 3D models but this one looks damn good. :smile:
  18. I got bored so I made an AMD FX heatspreader in Blender. No normal or specular yet since I'm not even done with the diffuse, still needs scratches. There's discoloration and copper showing through the nickel plating cause I intend to put it on a necklace for Fallout, it needs to show some wear and tear. I'll also make an Intel IHS, likely 5960X cause I like octa-cores. :smile: And since you probably didn't notice, there's a rather poorly made penis in the 100-bit CPU identification code (the 20x20 dot code in the left). It barely looks like one but don't judge it too harshly, it's not easy to draw the thing on a tiny 20x20 pixel layer, size matters. :tongue:
  19. Dragons flying backwards, naked people falling out of the sky, buggy navmesh, flying horses, giants converting NPCs into Soyuz rockets... I don't know, that sounds like the same CK to me. :tongue:
  20. Bethesda said CK is a modified tool used by devs when making the game. No wonder that buggy mess took 5 years to finish, I can't even make one interior cell without crashing at least a couple of times.
  21. My new keychain: Used to have a real keychain but it broke off. I was going to throw that old SO-DIMM away since it's DDR2 and 512MB, at least now it's put to good use. :smile: TL;DR - I still hate Windows.
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