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Posts posted by NCRForever

  1. Ok, so a buddy of mine is looking for someone to either help create or have someone create this mod. Below is what he sent me. He tried posting it at another site, but I guess there was no takers:



    So I am currently trying to bring together an idea for a mod for NV. It will contain a somewhat new faction called the NCR Berserkers or whatever. Modeled after the Berserkers in the TV series "Falling Skies." They will be allied to the NCR but not really part of them.


    I want them to be like the FO3 Raiders not the NV Fiends. Or after the Great Khans. Friendly to the Player of course, unless they are allied with the Legion. There will be small encampments of them near all NCR bases and groups roaming in the wastes and in areas near Cottonwood Cove.


    So this will entail new Raider/Leather style armors and scripting. I am not good at either. I only have the ideas.


    What we need:

    Someone good with Gimp/Photoshop, Nifskope and other appz to create the new armors.


    Someone good with NV game scripting.


    If anyone would like to help, we can discuss our ideas together and come up with a great mod.



    This is what I have currently for armor:




    Of course I used the Great Khan armor. Was just easier for me. If anyone would like to help, we can discuss our ideas together and come up with a great mod.

  2. First, this is so awesome that we can now mod FC3. But how do we install them once we have dl'd a mod? Any advice would be great thank you.


    Copied from inarkin's reply below:


    Install mods:


    Most of the mods are coming in the patch.dat/fat files, so everything you need is:

    1. Backup your own patch.dat and patch.fat files from the far cry 3/data_win32 folder

    2. Copy new patch.dat and patch.fat files to the far cry 3/data_win32 folder


    To uninstal you should just restore your own patch.dat and patch.fat files to the far cry 3/data_win32 folder

  3. So I've been playing New Vegas under Win8 x64 with no problems till yesterday. I have an nVidia 550ti and I have the newest drivers for it. Had the newest drivers since they came out and never had the issues I'm having now.


    Anyways, I have always played on ultra with no issues. Yesterday the game started stuttering and freezing really bad. So I lowered the rez to high and it will play fine for a few minutes then start stuttering and freezing again. So again I lowered the rez to medium and the same thing occurs after a few minutes. I even had Steam verify the files. It reacquired 2 files. I loaded up the game last night before I went to bedd and of course after a few moments, the issues return.


    I then had Steam remove the local files and uninstalled Steam. I deleted a few other files associated with Steam and New Vegas, ran Ccleaner, defragged, reinstalled Steam and had Steam install New Vegas. I get up this morning, run Ccleaner and defragged. I then started up New Vegas via Steam and the game was set to ultra again. I play for a few minutes and the issues return. I try it on all rez settings and still the issues persist, even on low.


    I am at my wits end over this. Any help would be awesome. Before I forget: Skyrim and Fallout 3 do not have these issues. Only New Vegas.


    Load Order:


    [X] FalloutNV.esm

    [X] DeadMoney.esm

    [X] OldWorldBlues.esm

    [X] HonestHearts.esm

    [X] LonesomeRoad.esm

    [X] GunRunnersArsenal.esm

    [X] CaravanPack.esm

    [X] ClassicPack.esm

    [X] MercenaryPack.esm

    [X] TribalPack.esm



    Any help would be awesome. Thank you.




    Tried running the launcher as admin and the game black screened on me.

  4. Check the release notes.

    This version will retrieve the new informations on the first run (or the first time you check for mod updates if you have the auto-check disabled).

    It could block NMM for a few seconds (15~) up to 1-2 minutes, depending on your PC speed, number of installed mods, connection speed.


    Latest Build - 0.33.1

    Installer: http://dev.tesnexus....ager-0.33.1.exe

    Added Features:


    Added a new Download Settings tab where you can set the download preferences: fileserver Zone, Premium fileservers only, number of connections per file.

    Added a new setting for the Program Update check (General settings tab), you can now set it to check for updates every 1 to 7 days (default 3).

    Added a new setting for the Mod Version check (General settings tab), you can now set it to check for updates every 1 to 7 days (default 3).

    The Download Monitor will now show the Fileserver.

    NMM will now save the mod ID retrieved from the server, this should speed up subsequent requests.

    NMM will now save the mod website, you will always be able to click on the latest version number to reach the mod page on the Nexus.

    Added a new button to the Mod Manager interface, you can use it to manually check for new mod versions.


    Bug Fixes:


    Fixed many crashes caused by server instability.

    Fixed a crash related to the download progress bar.

    Fixed a rare crash while NMM was unable to resume downloads.

    Fixed a typo in the "Activate all plugins" button tooltip.

    Fixed a bug in ThreadSafeObservableList, thanks to Martyn York

    Changed the way NMM asks for mod updates to the server, now it sends a single list instead of harrassing the web service with multiple requests.


    I don't have the auto-check disabled. That's the only thing that would pertain to this issue, if it was disabled. But it isn't.



    I only have 5 mods installed. I have a fast gaming system. i7 2700k, nVidia GeForce GTX 660ti and 16gig of 1600 DDR3.

  5. Yea, the title says it all. I don't know how hard it would be for a modder to incorporate something like this, but it would be awesome. Besides, I do think it would lore friendly. I don't think many people in the Fallout world would actually have access to colored ink. Black ink yes, but I think more would have scarification art then ink art. Besides, it looks awesome.


    If this has been covered before, I apologize. I couldn't find anything on this.

  6. My favorite has to be Ranger Ghost.



    Hell, she's a woman of few words. Gotta love that!! Whats not to like? Plus she's a Ranger. Must be a Juggalette. Cus ONLY Juggalette's got it goin on like that!


    Anyways, NCRForever is in da hoooussee!!! MMFCL to any Family here!!!

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