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Everything posted by CelticVikingDragon

  1. I agree, Sarah Lyons should have been in fallout 4. Here's a post that someone wrote about if Sarah Lyons was in fallout 4 http://lejacquelope.tumblr.com/post/134267561386/spoilers-fallout-4s-plot-dropped-the-ball
  2. There are sound files that suggest you were able to do this. You can probably find it on youtube somewhere. The files are of Danse and Maxson and the scene appears to be that after *spoiler* sparing Danse in Blind Betrayal, you and Danse return to Maxson to confront him and you challenge Maxson to a duel for leadership of the Brotherhood. I'm glad they didn't implement it in this manner, because it sounds not like the Brotherhood at all that they have a rule about duels deciding who their Elder is, especially since some Elders are... well, old and thus easily defeated. It's a shame they didn't give us other options though. And I agree on Sarah Lyons. Her dying soon after becoming Elder doesn't bother me, because it fits who she was. She wasn't Elder material at all and would likely make several big mistakes due to her sometimes naive belief in mankind that could end up costing her life. I just wish they actually made that story go somewhere. Like if you explore more, you'd discover terminal entries that imply her death was orchestrated by a group of Brotherhood fanatics who wanted to install Maxson as Elder in order to return to the old days. Well, Become an elder with Sarah as a 2nd in command, I would've also like to be to talk Maxon into stepping down with speech checks. Then again, 10 years passed between FO3 and FO4 so, Sarah might have become wiser over the years and became elder material.
  3. I really hated that bethesda just brushed off Sarah Lyons and made the Eastern Brotherhood become like Western Brotherhood and possibly even like the enclave. Here's an alternate plot line that someone wrote that i imho think should be a dlc like Broken Steel in FO3 or in the original game in the first place. http://lejacquelope.tumblr.com/post/134267561386/spoilers-fallout-4s-plot-dropped-the-ball
  4. 1. Giant Spiders 2. Horses 3. Intelligent Talking Deathclaws (descendants of the ones from fallout 2) And also one of them as a companion like Goris. 4. An age slider in character creation 5. A vertical foregrip for the tommy gun 6. That Gun from Blade Runner 7. Kilts with a lot of different tartans and sporrans 8. A Burrows world space with not just the S'lanter (highly intelligent fev mutated raccoons), But also highly intelligent anthropomorphic fev mutated versions of other animals as well, Apes, monkeys, rats, mice, cats, dogs, rabbits and geckos( is it too much ask for fallout geckos that are smart enough to use those hands with opposable thumbs that they have) With multiple quests and factions, and tons of references to PotA, Animal Farm, Nimh, and Watership Down. 9. A pistol that shoots 45. acp
  5. Whenever You're able to make that Great Kilt mod, I would love to see it.
  6. I'm just gonna bump this thread for the sake of bumping, And i also want to know the progress.
  7. hoodoo_man, I hope you'll be able to finish your great kilt mod sometime in the future.
  8. Step, Bump, Step, Bump Bump Bump! (if you're wondering, it's from reno 911 )
  9. I hope some modders would make this mod a reality (i would help but don't have any skills in modding)
  10. I would like to see you make an Easterling armor from lotr. Here's a link to a site with pictures for reference http://www.alleycatscratch.com/lotr/Human/Easterlings.htm And some more pics http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080502024818/lotr/images/a/a9/Easterling.jpg http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101205230038/lotr/images/0/0d/Easterling_man.png http://scrapbook.theonering.net/scrapbook/movies/production/props/view/9591 http://scrapbook.theonering.net/scrapbook/movies/production/props/view/9592 http://scrapbook.theonering.net/scrapbook/movies/production/props/view/9589
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