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Everything posted by HammaLlama

  1. Yup, I'm on the mono branch (Epic Games Launcher's only option) and my mods worked this morning. I logged on to play at lunch time and I saw Outward install an update. Once I was able to launch the game again no mods seemed to be loaded (Shared Mod Config Menu being the one I noticed first). Perhaps this is only an issue on the Epic Games Launcher version.
  2. I updated Outward today (changelog.txt included below because I can't find a game version anywhere) and it seems like all of my mods broke, but the BepInEx logger is still updating and showing the normal mod loading logs. I've played many games where a simple game change breaks mods, but I wasn't sure if this was one of those times since the logger shows no errors. 18 commits since v5.0 Changelog (excluding merges): * (de6c2cc) [ManlyMarco] Fix default values in config not being escaped * (181f0c2) [ManlyMarco] Tweak version check * (deb55fd) [Geoffrey Horsington] Update BUILDING.md * (7659e3a) [ManlyMarco] Fixed version compare logic * (fe5a83e) [ManlyMarco] Added warning if a plugin was built against a newer version of bepinex * (e0edca6) [ManlyMarco] Fixed patching chainloader breaking console title version; Fixed console title potentially not being set when using hard patcher * (8a65fc9) [ManlyMarco] Added Traverse.SetValue warning hook * (92dd69e) [ManlyMarco] Added RunParallel extension method for enumerables * (16dbd1e) [ManlyMarco] Added Traverse.GetValue warning hook * (3d0a315) [ManlyMarco] Better exception handling implementation * (6cd69ea) [ManlyMarco] Fixed stack trace being lost in EndInvoke and potentially throwing on valid outputs * (5c7e1a2) [ManlyMarco] Fixed typo in summary * (629f952) [ManlyMarco] Don't block hotkeys when mouse buttons are held, unless explicitly checked for * (a35ec8d) [ghorsington] Fix preloader crash in Unity 5 when getting process path * (d527fd0) [ghorsington] Fix assembly load warning not always working in preloader * (7c4afe1) [ghorsington] Fix #101 Any information is appreciated. Thanks, Navybofus
  3. Just followed this guide Add Extensions to Alternate Start - Live Another Life and I'm ready to test, but my mod is still requiring the esm version that I converted. I don't know how to make this require the normal distribution esp. Edit: Well I didn't realize that ESMify was a bit flip operation that leaves the filename as-is, whereas Copy to ESM flips the bit and changes the extension. (facepalm) Completely new question: Is there a way to disable the perk system? Our total conversion will not be making use of perks at all and I'd rather not have something like "Ignore the perk system" on our project page. Enderal accomplished this by editing the directional character menu, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Any insight is greatly appreciated.
  4. Total Conversion (TBD)
  5. Same here, nothing to do with tablet in my processes, but I'm crashing every 10 mins or so. Edit: I don't think it's a process, instead there is a service called TabletInputService, but it was already stopped and I'm still crashing.
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