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About TheReverendTholomewPlague

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    United Kingdom

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  1. No thanks! Eating anything related to a Tyrannosaurus Rex isn't appealing now that I know the ancestry of T-Rex. I have a theory as to why they were consider so fierce. Roaring because if their prey stepped to the right or left of it's big beak, having such short arms and no feathers, probably frustrated the T-Rex because of missing the prey so many times. Probably was upset like the guys girlfriend who destroyed the console. Growl! Stand STILL! So I can eat you! GROWL. Followed with a long stream of explicative words. Another try to bob down like the chicken, one of the descendants of T-Rex, do to peck a worm or a bit of bird food, to try and grab you. Loud growl followed with another stream of explicative words. Just get between a few T-Rex and have some fun! :laugh: Dodge their lumbering feet. Step aside when they are pecking at you under them on the ground. Get them bashing their heads together and growling at each other. That's mine! I saw it first! Get out my way! OW! Hey! Turn around. It's on your tail. I'll get it! :laugh: I mean, yeah I guess.
  2. Don't let this man ^ distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.
  3. Sometimes I wonder if winning really matters. The real last poster is the friends we made along the way.
  4. Wow! Movies like that would have caused a riot in the classroom when I was lad. :devil: Especially in high school. I remember seeing, older children 9-12 years old, come out of the theaters pretending to act like the movie characters getting rough with each other, and even portraying the death scene. Or at least critic it as lame :down: and try to put on a better death scene act. :laugh: While in school all the movies I remember were in Phys Ed. and Biology. I remember a cartoon movie with a hero named Hemo Globins. :sick: In 7th or 8th Phys. Ed. About our hemoglobins and how important they are. Biology was a class in 10th Grade. We were shown film using an 8 mm projector mostly documentaries. :dry: That's all good and well, but it doesn't change the fact that you are currently losing. Oh, it's another fox. Hello! Nice to meet you.
  5. Wow! Movies like that would have caused a riot in the classroom when I was lad. :devil: Especially in high school. I remember seeing, older children 9-12 years old, come out of the theaters pretending to act like the movie characters getting rough with each other, and even portraying the death scene. Or at least critic it as lame :down: and try to put on a better death scene act. :laugh: While in school all the movies I remember were in Phys Ed. and Biology. I remember a cartoon movie with a hero named Hemo Globins. :sick: In 7th or 8th Phys. Ed. About our hemoglobins and how important they are. Biology was a class in 10th Grade. We were shown film using an 8 mm projector mostly documentaries. :dry: That's all good and well, but it doesn't change the fact that you are currently losing.
  6. Hi Nexus! Technically, I'm not a newbie. Been around since 2011. Sort of disappeared in 2012 to do some...things, but now I'm back. Hopefully, some old members /may/ recognise me. This is all new to me, new forums, new people, new games, new everything. I'm a bit excited to be getting back into this community after more than 2 years. Might even take up modding again. :D Anyway, glad to be back, see y'all around ~<3
  7. Wow...just...wow.... Not gonna lie, I shed a tear. Not for the game, for my childhood. I remember 2002 (when I first played Halo) and how quickly time has gone by...
  8. Hey! We're not all like that. You're just joining the wrong servers. Rule 1. If the server offers admin ranks for donating, stay away. Rule 2. If the server offers too many diamonds just for voting, stay away. Rule 3. If the server has Factions, stay away, because you can bet your ass that it's full of griefers and spawn campers.
  9. That's piracy. He's asking how you patch the hosts file to 'activate' a cracked copy of Photoshop. You'll get no help here, pirate.
  10. Let me be the first to say, welcome back, Sir Rennn :D
  11. The sheep represents my fluffy side :3
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