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Everything posted by TheReverendTholomewPlague

  1. 501 posts! :D Ninja time :dance:
  2. I think I'll join the Legion simply because I don't like the Stormcloaks' racist agenda. Also, Ulfric annoys me :P
  3. Don't worry, there's no particular order of installation and they shouldn't conflict because one of them doesn't touch textures and the three that are textures are done by the same person. Hope that helps :) Here's a few links for you: Enhanced Night Skyrim Enhanced Blood Textures Skyrim Sunglare Vurts Skyrim Flora Overhaul The Skyrim Nexus Top 100
  4. I seriously doubt that Bethesda are going to put in kids from other races at this point... Looks like another job for the modders :)
  5. If you go into the options, you can set the controls up for mouse look with a simple little checkbox :). When you've done that, just set up the other controls to be more WASD based.
  6. Yeah, it's this thing called 'Z-Fighting' I don't think there's a way to fix it but you could take a look at this
  7. Good idea. Bad idea. Bumping is against forum rules.
  8. Looks like we should be getting another patch soon :) http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1278698-update-on-the-skyrim-12-patch/
  9. Anisotropic eh? Well, that's strange. Still, glad you got it fixed. It probably only happened to khajiits because their meshes have more transparency than others (whiskers etc...)
  10. I saw a video earlier that showed someone running around the whole of Tamriel in 6 minutes. It's somewhere on the Nexus. Apparently, the land height had already been done by Bethesda (e.g. Red Mountain) so it should be a lot easier this time around :)
  11. 4th time I've answered this question... http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/458906-transparent-helmets/page__p__3794002__hl__%2Btransparent+%2Bhelmets__fromsearch__1#entry3794002
  12. It's like they're asking us to add the other provinces into the game...
  13. This is the third time I've answered this question... :P http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/458906-transparent-helmets/
  14. You are aware that you need to have the bowstring pulled back and ready to fire, no?
  15. You're using a modified D3D9.dll This usually happens when you install certain graphics mods. Go to your Skyrim directory and delete 'D3D9.dll' WARNING: This WILL disable most graphics mods and reset your graphics settings.
  16. I've already answered this... http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/458906-transparent-helmets/page__p__3794002__hl__%2Btransparent+%2Bhelmets__fromsearch__1#entry3794002
  17. You have to click the red down arrow on the right of the post you want hidden.
  18. If you have adaptive anti-aliasing enabled in your graphics driver options, disable it. Other than that, I have no idea.
  19. So I'm on a thieves guild mission and I needed a distraction. Oh, hey there dragon. Perfect timing. :D I actually laughed as everybody rushed to kill the dragon while I completed the quest without a problem XD
  20. I came across this picture and giggled a little :D http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/299946_10150388736894717_5510669716_8145257_732209941_n.jpg
  21. Apparently, you can attach magelight to NPCs and it follows them :D :dance:
  22. I don't know about anybody else, but my Skyrim defaults to using a 360 controller and that can cause control lag for mouse/keyboard users. Disable it in gameplay options.
  23. Please say we can quicksave and quickload. They've been an important part of Bethesda games since save corruption began...
  24. Sooo...what's the patch size? I've got three different numbers here XD
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