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Everything posted by TheReverendTholomewPlague

  1. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/547873-will-steam-workshop-split-the-modding-community
  2. Your profile bookmarked, ready for the news. I'm not at college anymore so I've got nothing better to do than sit at home waiting for the CK. :P
  3. Right, just to clarify, the CK will be downloaded through Steam ONLY under the 'Tools' section. Source: http://www.bethblog.com/2012/02/01/first-look-creation-kit-and-skyrim-workshop/
  4. http://www.bethblog.com/2012/02/01/1-4-update-now-on-steam/ Full version, not beta. EDIT: If you already have the beta patch, Steam won't update because the full release is actually the final beta patch ( To install, restart your Steam client. It should automatically download the patch. All that's left now is the CK. :excitedsqueal: Note: The CK will only be available through Steam. Source: http://www.bethblog.com/2012/02/01/first-look-creation-kit-and-skyrim-workshop/
  5. Install ENB series and set it to ridiculous levels of quality.
  6. Another mod source won't destroy Nexus. Take GMod for example. Or Planet Elder Scrolls. The best site will ALWAYS come out on top. In this case, Nexus.
  7. Enjoy :) Source: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1341071-creation-kit-and-skyrim-workshop-preview/
  8. If there are some modders beta testing the CK, does that mean that some of the mods on the Nexus may have been made with the CK?
  9. Strange. It put my game back to 1.3.10 It would seem that I accidentally unsubscribed from the beta updates. At least we now know how rolling back works. :P
  10. My Steam is currently downloading a 189 MB...thing...for Skyrim. Could this be the real patch? The beta patches weren't this big. Edit: My game is already at 1.4.20, therefore, it's not that.
  11. QUOTE For those wondering, Patch 1.4 contained an unpublished fix for the day-time bug where the day of the week name would not change over when it was supposed to even though the game day was. Source: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/news/article.php?id=51 Everybody should know that this particular bug was caused by the ini setting, 'PresentInterval = 0' , which is VSync, basically. Win.
  12. I liek that there's already a thread for this. And cookies.
  13. Yeah, it's cold here too but it's OK because my PC is right next to a radiator.

    Win. :P

  14. Things are warm, Mike. Very warm indeed.

    How are you these days? ^_^

  15. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/461759-nmm-release-notes-0131/ Try looking next time.
  16. ^^ Is greatly unknown. Or unknowingly great.... (Seriously, I'm out of ideas here. Change yer sig! D;)
  17. Graphics vs. Gameplay. Discuss. I firmly believe that graphics should take a backseat to gameplay. Ex: Dwarf Fortress. Ascii graphics, yet it's the most complex game ever made IMO. Crysis. Amazing graphics. The gameplay left a lot to be desired though, didn't it?
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