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Everything posted by BrianOrcus

  1. Johnny Blaze is my favorite Marvel character. And it sucks seeing him snubbed repeatedly for the most aggressively anti-intelligent reason humanly possible. So how would we go about correcting that?
  2. I had a thought. What if you removed all early talk of the Reaper IFF until after it's acquired? The prompt to visit the dead reaper could come from the email terminal. You still find the IFF there. But nobody talks about it until you pick it up. There's already a mod that adds a button to start the Collector abduction mission. But this mod could add a similar button to manually install that IFF.
  3. Would it be possible to make a rocket that looks like the Rocinante from The Expanse. The ship is vertically aligned like the other rockets. So it should fit just fine. The paint job changes a lot in the show, so it would make sense for it to have different appearances.
  4. Could someone do me and may others a favor? I'd like a mod that moves the skeleton with the Pip Boy from the vault door to the chryochamber room the PC wakes up in. I'd do it myself, but I have no idea how and don't even know where to begin learning.
  5. It makes sense to me that V would have a different hair style after the lifepath prologue. Especially if they were a corpo.
  6. I'm requesting a mod that will let us start the game with enough points and levels to unlock everything. It could also add a ripperdoc store page that would allow us to buy/install all augmentations we want and also allow us to buy every item in the game. All for free.
  7. Basically I'm looking for a cheat armory like the ones made for Fallout 4 and Skyrim. A really cool space packed with free loot and some way to add levels and skill points easy. It'd be nice if there were also plenty of naked chicks and a free ripperdoc with all the best stuff. I'm actually not sure why I'm even typing this because I'm sure at least 20 modders are already working on it. And I thank all of you for it.
  8. If I could I'd get all my work done by Victor. I kind of feel like I'm cutting him short by shopping elsewhere. And it's always best to get your ripper work from the doc you have the best relationship with.
  9. Am I the only one who thinks it's bullshit that you can only have one arm augmentation at a time? Especially when they take up so little space on the different parts of the arms. The wire and blade augs for example.
  10. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/9383568-mod-request-true-nudity/
  11. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/9383568-mod-request-true-nudity/
  12. Seems pretty self explanatory. I'm asking for a mod that adds weapons, clothing, features, and anything else that can be added from the works of the great Masamune Shirow. Not just Ghost In The Shell.
  13. Turns out the full body nudity isn't all it was cracked up to be. The game slaps a pair of ugly undies on your butt when you try to run around naked. Can somebody do something about that?
  14. I can't be the only one who wants to know. We have mods to strip most of the other female character. Why not Andromeda's most mischievous mercenary?
  15. I'm looking for a mod that allows me to choose when to install the Reaper IFF and trigger the abduction of the Normandy crew. Or failing that A mod that doesn't allow it to trigger until after I complete all the recruitment and loyalty missions. Does such a mod exist? Can it exist?
  16. We have mods that give us free engineers, scientist, supplies and other things at the start of a new game. So can we get a mod that gives us a collection of free enemy corpses? Obviously, I'm not asking for King or Avatar corpses. Just the stuff we need to build items.
  17. This is a simple idea. There are already shrines that give you skill points when you find them. My idea is to add consumables that grant players additional Skill, Attribute, and Talent points. There could even be multiple mods for different price ranges depending on how easy people want to make the game on themselves.
  18. Sanctuary and Red Rocket are so close together. Would it be possible to merge the two settlements? I realize it would be almost as big (maybe even bigger) than Diamond City. It would be pretty cool.
  19. This my be of assistance https://forums.planetvampire.com/bloodlines-modding/gay-intro-and-other-stuff/
  20. Like a lot of people I recently started playing VTM again because I wanted to have the first game fresh in my mind for the sequel. One thing that's always bothered me is the opening moments of the game. I some times like to play female characters in RPGs for various reasons. But since I'm not attracted to men I play those characters as lesbians whenever possible. In VTM I don't have that option. So would it be possible to change things so that the sire killed in the opening moments is the same sex as the player character?
  21. Those of you who know the name know what I'm asking for and why. For everyone else, Gulgo 13 is what would happen if Tom Clancy were born in Japan and wrote manga. To say that he is the world's greatest assassin would be an understatement. He is a marksman of such proficiency as to be an act of fate. What I'm asking for is a mod that adds Gulgo 13 to the character selection options along with his modified M16, revolver, and suit. Voice lines would be nice but aren't necessary. Gulgo isn't much of a talker. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpMCg3DRwe0
  22. I recently started using zerbu's awesome Go to school mod https://zerbu.tumblr.com/post/160319209200/the-sims-4-go-to-school-mod-pack-v4 I was wondering, would it be possible to integrate the teaching career So my sims could get a job teaching? Perhaps there could even be different career paths and class specific desk. Like a science teacher could teach at a science teacher's desk, and a phis ed teacher would teach at a phis ed teacher's desk.
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