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Everything posted by BrianOrcus

  1. Nevermind. I've been comparing game files and directories to the way they're described in mod pages. It looks to me like Bethesda is trying to screw with mods, and thus screw with the primary draw of the game. It doesn't look like I have any real reason to keep trying, when they're just going to change things again at some point and make me figure this (and Darwin knows what else) all over again. Screw it all. I'm asking for a refund.
  2. I'm using 0.65.2 And I made sure to update it. I uninstalled and reinstalled FO4 and deleted all other mods. Before that, I had downloaded several other mods before doing this, and they all worked. I had to make the Fallout4Custom.ini file myself. So far the only thing in it is what I copied and pasted from the installation section of the CBBE page.
  3. I'm sure I'm not the first person to have this problem. I bought Fallout 4 on Steam yesterday. Mod Manager mods and Bethesda mods are both working. CBBE is not. What am I doing wrong?
  4. Funny. I was just thinking about that. It'd be nice to make an NPC using all the character creation options I've been gathering.
  5. Sir, I'll have you know I take ass very seriously.;fileindex=59815880;xres=org/jn_Samanthadogring.jpg
  6. It's just not the same. Bottomless is an assman thing. You wouldn't understand. I'm actually trying that. I clearly don't know how to do this.
  7. As a butt man, there's something I just can't get my head around about many of the mods I've seen here. Many of the slooty clothing/armor mods have built-in design features that prevent the wearer from being able to go bottomless. Even sectional armors and clothing that allow toplessness don't allow this option. The Ashara Princess of the Woods mods come to mind. I absolutely love all the options available in that mod, but each one requires panties. Not bras, mind you. You can go topless just fine. So why is bottomless such a no-no? RELEASE THE CRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I just started using the female nudity mod. It's the first one I've started using.
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