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Everything posted by Klipperken

  1. I do not have altered stats/stat mods running. I recently got me Vault 24, figured I go do my other stuff first since V24 is a trap, apparently. But I cannot believe that has something to do with the whole? Anyway, I reloaded to an earlier point, and I am now about to re-enter V34. Oh, I gave Cass a Nuke-suit. Hopes that'll help. If not, then it's something else killing her, and that means I need to go figure out WHAT just is killing her slowly.... Keep ye posted. EDIT: It's ok, I figured it out. V34 is messing with m head. If I talk to Cass now, she BARKS. so, all is well...
  2. Well, if you ask this, why not a Predator Player Race? Just thinking out loud.
  3. Jal. senility has nothing to do with it. Being HUMAN does. Nobody is perfect... And no, MY name ain't Nobody. Which I actually enjoyed a lot.... Hmmm.... Mod idea! Nobody from that movy. XD
  4. Oh, thank you. Making one now. Again, thanks!!!
  5. Well, we can handle the mobs, the part she showed up in is clean, but her health starts dropping slowly, dying? Not a clue what else it could be... Maybe she gets poisoned or so? o_O
  6. I googled for this, but no real answer: How do i make Cass stay put where I leave her behind? She keeps following me into V34, dying there of radiation. I do not have the necessary rad medication for her, barely enough for myself to worry about the bloody ****. Is there a way to overcome this situation? PS: posted this here, though not a Mod, it's the only troubleshooter form.
  7. Actually, i have about like 900 CD's, 300 tapes, and I cannot count how many LP's/Singles/12"s. But the thing is, this was for personal use, tbh. I am fully aware of the copyright infringement if released into public. Thank you for your concern, brother.
  8. I would like to make me a radio station with classics such as Incubus - Massacre of the Unborn, Venom - Black Metal and Witching Hour, Slayer - the Antichrist, .... Why? Hell, I am a Metal head. Buuuuut.... dunno how to. Anyone got me a linkie to a tut out there, pwease? Thanx brothers and sisters. May Metal guide yer exploration.
  9. Erm, the Beowulf rifle is not quite a CQB weapon my friend. it's a AM rifle for short distance, with extreme stopping power. Made to take out cars that try to pass or run, shoot though brick walls, stuff like that. It's to dead-stop cars in move, or take out folks behind a wall that cannot be penetrated by regular rounds. Not to shoot folks. Uber rifle, good if you like "god items".
  10. Only one for me: The Black Remnant Power Armor: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37048 http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d54/Kirzillian/ScreenShot5.jpg
  11. Add robo-sellers, like the "security drones" of The Strip? Hell, let "Droideka's" do the actual security there, rofl. JK with the "Droideka". But selling "security drones" could be logical? Turning them into Seller bots... Can't be too difficult I figure? Just thinking out loud, lol. (Though, Droideka's... gone wild... hmmmmmm :P)
  12. @ Gogiel: I am male. I role-played tremendously much in me ol' days (40 now, heading 41 June 12th). Earthdawn, Warhammer (pen, paper and dice version, not the table battles), Shadowrun, Call of Cthulu, 5 Rings, D&D, AD&D, ODM,.... I tried a girl ONCE: it was hilarious, and got the tip to never EVER try that again. "Ben, you're a fu...dging Neanderthal with -25% connection to your feminine side" one said, on which the then GM replied abruptly "What feminine side????" Well, I tend to keep up to that incident and never try again, lol.... but we DID had a good laugh though...
  13. Umm, can't you use the resurrect command? Just askin....
  14. been wondering about that: dual weapon is STILL missing. I figured they would become a tad smarter in that area... EDIT: WHAT??? No one on that yet????? God.... XD
  15. Gimme a few to make a screenie from my dude (I never play girls, not even in RP. Just dunno HOW to... XD) http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d54/Kirzillian/ScreenShot4.jpg Yes, with Willow, indeed...
  16. Frikkin Thieves. There should be a "nuder the thieve" mod. Oughta teach'm
  17. @ tunaisafish: ROFL yes, so true. Never saw it like that! XD @ Moraelin: Aye, same here. I have like 2 vests (never wear them), 2 jumpers (never wear them either) 5 t-shirts, 3 jeans, and ONE pair of shoes. Heheheheh....
  18. I believe it is, and I may be wrong there, that more MEN play the game than women. Thus there are more male modders. herefor there are, logically, mor female gears and body replacers. Could be wrong there though..... And let's face it, most men just think with their second head... HAH...
  19. Thank you. I did solve it though: I reloaded to a way earlier point, and now this phenomenon is gone. Quite strange...
  20. If I were to be homofobic, then why do I have a considerable amount of gay (both male as female) friends, as I mentioned in this topic before? I do not see them as any different, nor for religion or skin color for that matter. To me there are only 2 races: good folks and not good folks. That simple. As for sexual preference and aesthetics: I never thought of it that way. You do got a point there that I like to ponder upon. It's always good to hear the thoughts of others, thank you. BTW: could we communicate further through PM? I do not want to hijack the topic, see.
  21. Go to the closest save before the cheat, fast-travel to nearest location of Dead Money, and do last part by foot. If you REALLY do not have time, use "setgs fmoverunmult 8" (or 9 or way up if you prefer AND your machine can handle the speed). Problem solved. Note: Don't cheat... that tends to brake the game working (aka errors). *grins*
  22. I somewhat had that feeling, yes. *grins* But I am puzzled about what DOES this...
  23. Hmmm, no .50 cal 5 round mag Raging Bull? Awwwww... Even up to date prolly the heaviest gun in the world, made by Taurus. Add a massive recoil, hurt wrists and massive boom, and you're off. PS: might be a tad overpowered...
  24. What does it, or DOESN'T do it? I am confuzzled here with what you want to say...
  25. Erm, my "sexual preference" has nothing to do with what I said. further, in post 2 I stated that this was MY HUMBLE OPINION, and that I do NOT force this idea on someone else. Thank you.
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