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Everything posted by Klipperken

  1. Aha? Yes, I could definately do that. And yes, quite patriotic, too, heheheh. Though lately Belgium is not to be so proud of, sadly. Too many screw-ups in too high a place. Guess it's the same everywhere? Thank you Bro!
  2. Be smart: do NOT by a "floptop" (my name for a laptop). Yes, a desktop takes more space. No, a desktop is NOT meant to take along. But, if you're somewhat like me, then you would go for a "cube case", this is a desktop tower that is, hence the name, 'cubish', twice as wide as a normal tower, with a split in the middle. The left side houses the "actual computer" where the right side can house up to 8HD and 4DVD. My case is always open, and I dive regularly in it to either add or swap things. This also adds to cooling. And don't let someone else tell you different, real men don't use them IR gated stuff. Cordless (and USB geared Mouse/Keyb/else) will slow and destabilize your PC, though not much, true, still, it DOES. Use the good old fashion stuff.... Top on all: Desktops are generally ahead of their floptop counterparts, considering CPU's, Then egain, YOU are the one buying, YOU decide what to get, ultimately. :)
  3. Thank you, I checked into it. The mod does not come with a wing at all, sadly. Being ex-para, I have an eye for detail (always had this, to in the extremes). Maybe some good soull might still make it? :P Thank you in advance.
  4. AFAIK the limit is hardcoded. But, I might be wrong. Nevertheless, I did hear of this before, a fix is not found, I think.
  5. all you need to do: select each NR individual you like to wear it, and drop the clothes from the mod in their inventory. Then delete their original. Et voila...
  6. Serving in the Belgian Army, First Lieutenant 2nd Linie Para Troopers, Marche Les Dames, I had an accident that prematurely ended my career. I was hoping if someone could make me my beret as I wore it back then, dark red with golden Wing. I'd be vewy happy... http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d54/Kirzillian/Image_000001-3.jpg
  7. Hmm, nice. Sadly I am as patient as a Sith Lord.... *grins*
  8. Oh.. right... I knew that. o_O This reminds me on the 72-hour in M:TES's mod The underground... Nasty bug. It is a savegame bug, if it's the same.
  9. Real men don't gamble. They look up Legionaires, bash their skull in, and rob them naked. :P Real men don't drink either. They poor the booze away and eat the bottle.... XD
  10. Come again? Your PC crashes at 12AM every day? What is with the date? If the PC crashes each day at 12, then it is a problem with either your PC or your OS, if it has something to do with the date: the current one is June, 02, 2011. Seems your date is slightly "out of date". Just so you know...
  11. I think not. Reason is that each race has "it's own body type", which is not "auto-customizable". You "cannot" place a type 3 armor on a breeze body, and vica versa. Doing it might cause clipping issues, as you well know, hence your question, of course. One can manually select a body type per race, but you're stuck right there, since you cannot select multiple body types.
  12. Could someone drop a ton of kids allover FONV, please? I am just looking for some life in the whole. I use the repopulated wasteland (http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40176), but the person forgot to add the logical kids. If someone could create me a vanilla child baby boom ranging from "5 (or even less if possible) to 15" years. I'd be happy. Perhaps even a baby or 20 in homes etc?
  13. Odd that some do not see reason with certain things. Ah well...
  14. Word is American slang for "I hear ya". I think that's the best way I can explain it, since me are not English/Amercan. XD
  15. I think I loaded a Langolier back then... All the critters had it, even important ones.
  16. You have to understand, in these times, that even if it was (and I cannot tell, never seen the pictures) innocent as you claim it, there had to be something "odd" about the whole thing. Pedophilia (whether intended or not) is a massive nono. If even only 3 persons figured it was sexual in topic, whther or not intended or not, then you have enough reason to dismiss the item upped. For what I gather, and I am sorry for those looking for the armor, I am 200% behind the action of dismissal.
  17. It does, and no apparent solution exists. It's the number of mods that interactively decide to scram the PC. Minor scripts fight amongst each other, like values or mini commands. And yer PC gets irritated and simply pulls the game's plug (freeze, CDT). Either drop a few mods (experiment on which one it is, might take a few hours, or do like I do, restart the frikken game every 30 mins. In the end, I!!! am the winner.... In Dutch: De aanhouder wint.
  18. Erm, use Perfect Disk, and Stealth Mode. This way yer PC is constantly in great shape, defrag wise. Just a suggestion...
  19. Well: I am with Nivea here. I am now about nearly 3 weeks exploring (literally), plenty of fighting, some nice mods that add even more fighting, DO get the Willow Mod (Companion). She can be courted, she keeps babbling, sings, dances (if you're high enough in relation with her)... And I probably have more than a week more to go. I have not many mods, though Shilo's Pipboy Package is awesome, the Black Remnant Power Armor, and recently Vault 24, a MEGA vault (no life in there, not even finished, it's a WIP you can look into). And seeing the sheer size of it, I probably will be about another week in there as well. Not to mention the rims I will get lost. Further there are the DLC packages. These add another playtime. Yes, pretty big, if you're not someone that just runs questing. Reminds me of M:TES. As for stability: my PC does the ever so more CTD. THANKFULLY I had, just like Nivea, only like 4 savegame deaths, but since you can use about 1000 different saves, I think you are good there. Just save often. This I learned in M:TES, rofl. I was near the end of Tribunal when a massive fail in the savegame occured, resulting in me having to start... FROM SCRATCH! Painful, but nevertheless I enjoyed my second coming around thanks to 2 mods: The Romance Mod and the massive The Underground. But still: If I were you, yes, go for it. Stay VERY far away from Dragon ge 2, and get FONV....
  20. The reason is a hidden setting in Windows. http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d54/Kirzillian/crash2zr-1.jpg Yours is prolly set at Crash at every 30 minutes.
  21. I know that in F3 (I think) there was a guy that made a tank-type vehicle as deco. He said in that he was trying to make an actual working version, not a clue if he succeeded. Lemme go look and see what I find out. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3981 A driveable "tank" http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14815 Fully worked out (but seemingly NOT drivable) Scorpion M808B Main Battle Tank. Which makes me think that these are extremely hard to make (Indoor HUD, Drive Mechanics, ...). Not to mention the Neural Interface... *grins* PS: I said it would be extremely difficult, NOT impossible.... Hell, maybe even impossible.
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