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Everything posted by Klipperken

  1. Do these occur in Vanilla? If so, reinstall. If the Vanilla game keeps crashing: then it is likely CPU/Memory based (too weak a processor, bad or insufficient memory). Also, FONV is not the most stable game that ever came out. Just so you know... If not: activate mod per mod, untill you get the crashes going. Either redownload and reinstall the mod, or kill it altogether.
  2. Ok, I didn't know the mouse is a new one. Are Keyboard and Mouse cordless? Sometimes (read in many cases) cordless mouse and/or keyboard dare to make delays. If that is not the case, lower the video settings. If that works, then it is video card related (try new drivers, or keep lower settings). Also: you will notice "increasingly worst performance" when nearing a hefty populated area. Sometimes CPU's cannot handle many active NPC's (Graphically, intelligence-wise (talking, eating, stuff like this all at the same time over many different NPC's)). If THIS is your problem, then a better CPU would be in order. You know this once you reach areas like the Legion Camp where Ceasar resides, or where you see MANY people stuck in a "small" area. I suggest Intel (I always said AMD is "a wuss-tech wannabe a CPU kinda calculator" item, but I am slightly biassed towards Intel, LOL). Last point that might cause it: floptop (my name for laptops, ignore) can have heat related problems, insufficient cooling, with other words. Not sure how to solve that one... I am no floptop wiz, you see.... XD
  3. Marvelous idea: Ductamite.... I like this one!
  4. With T's that actually look (and act) like real T's... :P
  5. What system do you have, and what graphic detail? COULD be your mouse has a dirty button (sweat or so)? Put the attack button to your keyboard, and retry. This is the fastest way to exclude mouse problems.
  6. Well, I think you got confused with the "Slow Motion" after a valid kill. Then to take in account is the RoF (Rate of Fire). I do not think you have a problem, just that you have this Slow Motion a lot? One way to figure it out is to fire upon bottles, for example. If that works out just fine, my theory will be confirmed. ;)
  7. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/advancedsearch.php Search for: LANDS, QUESTS AND ADVENTURES in the Category Drop Box. Plenty there my friend. :)
  8. @ Sagitarius: That's more like a failed attempt at building a Dozer... Just thoughts: HiRez: http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff390/Razormac/robo-dog.jpg Simplified (this one looks REALLY menacing, I think) http://worldofweirdthings.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/dog_robot_440.jpg I hear some say: that last pic does not really look like a dog, but there's a Warhammer (Pen and Paper) saying: "If it looks like a bear, smells like a bear, feels like a bear... you can bet your arse it's a Brithan!" *time to die...*
  9. Hell, this has my endorsement. Anything shareable? XD Must be after 4 years. *grins*
  10. It makes them dumb, you need to toggle it ON again (same way) to get them moving again.... Quite handy for photo shoots etc.
  11. I do not care if babies for all I care are rocket scientists, or top gun pilots ably to fly a wiener sausage that's been chewed at by a Bronto that has malaria and pisses nuclear vinegar. I can even dig a foul mouthing kid. But sexual directed humor/remarks/... should be simply avoided in this project. That is all to me....
  12. Ah, muchas gracias. Let me btw, edit my mistake. And each day, I learn!
  13. @ Sunnie: those were the exact same objections I had, but you placed it better. My prime language is Dutch, and my English... well I can help myself with it. As for 10 year olds becoming teens: I have 4 daughters myself, and a unknown sex kid on the coming. My youngest is going 10 now. But I did not know that teens begin at 13? Logically I assumed becoming teen begins at, indeed, TEN (hence teen, I figured)... We call a ten year old teener...
  14. Southpark has not much in common with FONV. In FONV Children of age 10 are not Southpark kids. Maybe the person trying to make this mod had something different in mind when he wrote this, but to me it seems a tad over the edge?
  15. Hold on: I oversaw this: "...rough, coarse, and seems to have a surprising knowledge of sex for her age." I think you better reconsidder....
  16. For Remnant Power: visit: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37048 Hope this is of SOME help....
  17. Erm? I suggest you simply buy Mortal Kombat... XD
  18. Enter Console, click the NPC, type TAI TAI = Toggle Artificial Intelligence. Hopes this helps...
  19. Reason: the DAO body meshes from FONV are... well, nearly ridiculous. My idea was to remake a type that has the for instance DAO Natural Body resources (IF I have the author's permission that is). Now, is this doable? Just thinking out loud.
  20. You can ask a good friend to stick around when you game. With each CHEAT (this means you CAN do modding stuff etc, just not cheating) he is meant to "****-slap" you silly. He will even become a better friend from his point of view. *grins* EDIT: I said a GOOD friend, someone you can trust, not someone like me, I would slap you anyway, cheating or not. XD
  21. Amen. It was never there until the govt figured to place one there. I think we will become the new split up Germany from the 80's... :S
  22. Kinda puzzles me why say the Remnant Power Armor is not an environment suit system... Would actually be logical, I thought? With things like more (not UBER Rad Resist, watherbreathing on, ...). Ah well..
  23. What border... Them idiots we call government placed them there, to the rest they are non-existent... One way to overcome the barrier is to set 2nd language in schools to English. This way no one has to give in. Just try to tell THEM this, lol.... A land ran by fools, where will it lead to?
  24. Ah? good to know, I can pass this on if someone asks. thanks for sharing. :)
  25. So, where are you from? Meerhout here....
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