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Status Updates posted by Risibisi

  1. I can't write mails. The server has an error!

    The nexus is eeeeevvviiiillll ! :)

  2. Hi wayne,

    deine " What Hawke should say" Serie ist richtig gut!!

  3. Hello, just doing my daily round! :)
  4. Haha, it's a mix of Flemeth and Morris shapes and my imagination how she could look. At the moment she is about 60 years! hahaha.

    Hey Primed Valkyrie doesn't stop poking me because you started poking me three times. Autschie.

  5. No.6 for today....

    Are you still awake?

  6. Hmm.. I'm trying to make an older looking Morrigan, so about 40-50 years :D
  7. Just peeking back :D
  8. Hope Primed is posting comments too. It looks silly to see 5 times my avatar mmmmwwwuuaaaah
  9. Ahhhh, do you never sleep? whats your secret?
  10. You peeked and I peek :D
  11. Nooo, I'm here... hehehehe
  12. upps... wrong door :D
  13. Good Morning,

    has the Morri week knocked you out? Hehehe :D

  14. Just say hello :)
  15. Sigmund... that's fantastic!. Shortform Siggi hihi

    I thought for the daddy some of the small darkspawn because Brunhilde is sooo big and with a little small husband hehehe..

    Hm, Archie could be the grandpa... hihihi we will see.

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