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Status Updates posted by Risibisi

  1. so I'm back after i have leave comments at every friends profil... and you are stii sleeping, working, bathing, .... :P

    have a wonderful weekend, Qess!

  2. Hi Ross, don't forget to tag someone for the next theme week ;)
  3. okay they are stupid *hangs head*
  4. what's with NEXUS MOM







  5. wake up.... I can't sleep it's to hot. I've bought a new English grammar book... maybe it has an effect... haha....... doesn't look like.... darn! I must read it not sleep on it...

    tap, tap, tap, tap.... paints her nails, whistles ..... still sleeping? oh look ... argh you are to slow.... I' m thinking about a member title for you.... will come back later with some...

  6. hey, talk to me poke... or are you sleeping, drinking, fighting,*bleep*???????? hehehehe.

    whats your cat doing meaow

  7. Schlaf schön und träum was Schönes! :D
  8. hey Miss B. was in the house! ;)

    hope everything will turn out well for you in RL


    :) Risi

  9. Ah, living under stairs is not very funny!. But watch out, not that some greedy British woman will write a story about you!!

    The world is eeeevil mmmmmwwwwuuaaah

  10. Ohh, the raven.. hm...he wasn't dead but you know all this birdie s***....

    I wanted to change it... just for fun next... month another one...

  11. Hey wake up ! where are you? In the HQ?.... harharhar
  12. That would be pretty cool if I had her look! :D

    Thanks for the inventation I will have a look. Ohh that's like getting an inventation to an vernissage! How exciting! :D

  13. Du brauchst einen Avatar ;)

    Ich mach nur Spaß! :)

  14. Heisst das jetzt du machst an deiner "Hawke-Serie" weiter oder schreibst du an einer fanfic?
  15. Thanks Ross,

    that would be wonderful if I could draw like the creator of this picture! I don't know who it is. I used it once for a monk character in Neverwinter Nights. :)

  16. Finde ich auch! :D
  17. Thank you! :D

    I f you mean the green one, it's one of my old NWN portraits.

    Credits go to navate from the deviantart.com site. The pictures title: "Her wound".

  18. Hello Jill,

    have a nice weekend! :D

    See ya!


  19. Have a wonderful weekend, Elise!
  20. Schönes Wochenende! :D
  21. Have a nice weekend, Primed! :D
  22. Schönes Wochenende Shep!

    ... und herzlichen Glückwunsch zum erfolgreichen Start deines Mods! :D

  23. Darn, one day to late!

    Happy, happy birthday!! :DD

    Have a fantastic weekend!

    See ya!


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