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Everything posted by jts456

  1. So last night on another newbie toon start again in the car plant upstairs I activated the Protectorn as Law Enforcement from the terminal to create a distraction. I start blasting away, 15 seconds of noise and explosions later I go upstairs to office to clean up. Getting ready to leave I hear odd noise, the Protectorn is crawling along the floor with it's legs disabled 'whirring and clicking'. Anyone else notice? /NOD /TIP_HAT Designers (NB No screenshots but I did laugh)
  2. Thanks I've used CASM before, it's great for when you forget to collect something and need to reload, rather than walk back. But I'll need to find the forum post that showed how to have multiple autosave files. Sure it was add entry to one of the .ini files.
  3. Can someone help me out? It was a line added to fallout.ini and googling just brings up usual tales of woe re 'you must disable autosave' I can't find the details to increase the number of autosave files that are saved before the are deleted/overwritten ie Autosave 11, Autosave 12, etc.
  4. Not sure what others are saying, but I think this is a good idea that's been a long time coming.
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