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Everything posted by IkeCoast

  1. ADDENDUM: The eyes behave the same no matter if HDR, Bloom or none: the whole eye mesh glows, or doesn't glow at all. Unless there's a specific way to create the glowmap I haven't discovered yet, or it's simply impossible to have a partial glow in an eye mesh. Cheers!
  2. Which version of the CS are you using, the vanilla or the Extended? And this custom race you're using, comes with an esm or just an esp file? You can't use esp files as masters with the vanilla version of CS. Only with the CSE. Cheers!
  3. Anytime, Matey. I actually can't play Oblivion without the DarnUI nowadays. In fact, I'm so used to it that every time I see a screencap of the vanilla UI, I wonder where that horrible UI mod came from, before realizing that it's not a mod XD Cheers!
  4. This is the culprit: you did the manual install, and didn't installed any of the fonts that come bundled and optimiced for DarnUI. The game is still using its own fonts, and as you can see, they're pretty incompatible with DarnUI. Theortically, DarnUI is compatible with the default fonts, but for some reason, almost every time it simply don't work. My recommendation is, if you have OBMM, use it to install DarnUI and do the Custom Install, then choose the font and size you prefer. Because I have been looking for a manual fix for this and none of the remedies I found out there (meddling with the ini file, the xml, et cetera) worked. So unless somebody comes and offers you a working manual remedy, all I can tell you is: completely remove DarnUI from your game, then use OBMM to install it as I mentioned above, and presto. Cheers!
  5. Whow, Drake, thank you for the tip. I'll check to disable HDR and try it with Bloon and none, and let's see what the *beep* happens. Even if it doesn't work, I owe one to you, matey. Cheers!
  6. Zaxrider, as of now, regarding character remodels, the ultimate overhaul is Nuska's complete Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 http://static2.nexusmods.com/15/mods/101/images/44676-1-1387664956.jpghttp://static2.nexusmods.com/15/mods/101/images/44676-1-1387717482.jpg Unfortunately, it's strongly incompatible with all and every other mods that change race and NPCs assets, being cosmetic mods, overhaul mods, stats rebalancing mods... summarizing, if a mod touches in the slightest the characteristics, be physical or statisticals, of races and characters, will not work with OCO v2 unless you know how to merge, bash and patch them together. But the visual change OCO provides is the greatest you can find for Oblivion. Unless you're into manga-like things, like for instance "cute" elves and so on. OCO is really realistic. In fact, Nuska's Dark Elves are pretty terrifying. As they should be. Cheers!
  7. I don't know what quest you're referring, but bear in mind that not all quests have this 10 - 20 - 30 and so on stage numbering. Several of them have 10 - 15 - 20 and so on. The UESP Oblivion wiki has all the stages for all the quests. Cheers!
  8. It's made through scripts. You need to create a script with the needed variables and conditions (when and where the NPC will spawn, and other variables needed), and then apply this script to the NPC. But I'm not sure if it's possible to make the NPC spawning actually randomly. I think spawning NPCs need a fixed spawning point where they's appear. Perhaps you could define several spawning points, and script the NPC to use one or another depending on the spawning variables. No, I don't know how to script, so I can't guide you through this, but at least I can tell you that it's possible and as far as I understand, quite easy if one knows how to script. Cheers!
  9. Hullo everybody! I'm trying to create a custom texture for eyes, one that makes the pupil, and just the pupil, glow in the dark, the same way most animals (felines mostly) glow. But looks like the way Oblivion handles eye meshes is different from the rest of meshes: I have created the _g.dds glowmap in several variations and using several procedures I found in several tutorials around there, with two results: no glowing at all, or the entire eye mesh glowing in the dark. I have created the glowmap as a completely black square with a white circle in the middle, saved as DTX5 with and without mipmaps, with and without alpha channel, with the map in the diffuse layer, in the alpha layer, I've lost the count. And every time, if the glowmap works, it's the entire mesh that glows. I've assigned an emissive color to the mesh in Nifskope and it works flawlessly, the eyes glow the precise color I assigned them, but I don't want the eye to glow, I want just the pupil to glow. Looks like the engine just ignores my glowmaps and applies the emissive property to the entire mesh. The closest result I found was when, in one of my attempts, the specular color of the mesh glowed in the dark. The eye itself remained dull, but the little "spots" of light that the sclera reflect where bright in the dark. Something like this is what I look for, a little spot of glow in the dark, in the center of the pupil. Anyone knows if it's possible and how to do it? I know how to make glow-in-the-dark spots and decorations in precise parts of an armor, cloth or weapon mesh, but for some reason the same procedure doesn't work for eye meshes. Thanks in advance, Cheers!
  10. bben46, your explanation clarifies why those mods that announce to expand the 255 esps limits are potentially harmful for the system, thank you. And yes, tidying up one's mod list is always mandatory. Cheers!
  11. Yes, there is: using Wrye Bash you can merge plugins together, converting two (or more, I think) separate mods into one single mod with a single esp. There are other tools that allow this. I personally never did it, so I can't guide you, but believe me, it's perfectly possible. There are also some mods that increase the esp limit to 500, I think, but I've been told that it can cause system unstability. Cheers!
  12. Whow, SailorTaurus, this is great! While most of OCO v2 users (myself included) really love the new look Nuska gave to the Orsimer Race, there are many, many users that do not like it and prefer Rooms' wonderful Overhaul. I predict that as soon as you release your Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2: Orsimer Overhaul Edition, in a couple of minutes it'll rocket to Hot Files. I'm sure that Rooms will give you total permission to release it. Looking forward to see it! Cheers!
  13. Hmmmm, I'm not an expert on OBSE, but, do you remember what you did immediately before the OBSE launcher stopped working and causing an immediate CTD? Which OBSE version is it? Have you tried to uninstall OBSE and install the latest version? I had some issues with the 21 beta, but since I updated to 21 final it works smooth and flawless. I'm downloading the Keychain mod, it requires OBSE 17a, pretty outdated, to see if it could be the cause. Cheers!
  14. How strange you have a French Translation patch for OCO v2, when there's none. Currently, OCO v2 has translation patches for just German and Italian. If yours is a custom-made, I'll bet that it's for OCO v1.2 and those will not work with v2. Cheers!
  15. Blockhead isn't working for you. You have the default unisex mesh and texture applied. The latest version of Blockhead solves this. Download and install it. And yes, it goes to OBSE / Plugins, just as the readme says. By the way, the Unofficial Oblivion Patch already has a built-in Race Fix. You don't need another. I suggest you to uninstall that KT_CustomRaceFix. Cheers!
  16. Whew, I'm happy that it's finally fixed. Past night I came here, found the 404 error page and was in the verge of a cardiac arrest. Once the paramedics left, I realised that it was probably a matter of server maintenance or something. But I was starting to panic again as the day went on and the scary 404 didn't went out. Keep the good work! Cheers!
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