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Everything posted by jiffy61

  1. Name:Animi Valentes Gender: Male Race: Wood elf Starsign: The Theif Class: Woodsman Homes: Waterfront Favourite Land: West Weald Best Friend: ... Worst Enemy: Mehrunes Dagon Combat Preference: Long Range Combat Style: Stays back with a bow and let's arrows fly Greatest Fear: .... Greatest Want: The Sorcerers Stone Physique: Built but nimble Level: 22 Joined Guilds/Factions: Theives Guild, Order of the Virtuous Blood Enemy Guilds/Factions: Imperial Legion Childhood: Dropped on his head Teenage: .... Prefered Food: ..... Disliked Food: .... Favourite Arrow Type: Enchanted Arrows Favourite Blade Type: Daggers Spells: Mostly Alteration spells, a lot of them Friendly Races: All of them 'cept Daedra Neutral Races: ... Hostile Races: Daedra Favourite City/Town: Chorrol Least Favourite City/Town: Leyawinn Favourite Daedra: Dunno Least Favourite Daedra: dunno Favourite Divine: None of them Least Favourite Divine: None of them Main Weakness: Heavy Weapons Main Strength: Archery Goal in Life: To beat the game Why he was sent to jail: Ran a red lamp
  2. Not really what I was looking for. I don't think what I want is possible
  3. Looking for a mod that makes the same kind of drag-and-drop style UI that Morrowind uses. If it's possible let me know.
  4. Definitely the Theives Guild I liked the idea of being a high-profile their living among the wealthy while stealing from them. Dark Brotherhood was another favorite. I liked being an assassin and the contracts. The mechanic of having an optional bonus was pretty cool
  5. My absolute favorites are: 1.The Order of the Virtuous Blood 2. Whodunit 3.Ultimate heist 4. Anvil reccomendation
  6. Well, I actually decided to read the manual considering Ive owned Oblivion for a few weeks now. When I turned to page 8 I found they made a mistake. The Character and Attributes symbol's had been switched. The arrows pointing to the locations of the icons had been wrong. Wondering if anyone else noticed. I found it funny. Just sayin'.
  7. I can usually find the appropriate races using blunt weapons I.E. Orc using War hammer, Redguard using a mace. Especially a bandit.
  8. I only have 4 saves. I constantly use quick save but when I use a different character I overwrite my oldest save. Can't say I know how much space that amounts too. I dont know how you could have more than 20.
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