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About seek37

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  1. well ya i feel like an idiot lol. but it turns out that he has this option disabled, but i noticed it on other mod pages as i was browsing. Thanks ^^
  2. Hi guys, I'm pretty new to uploading stuff here and I just wanted to put up a screenshot for a mod I downloaded and really enjoyed. The mod itself is pretty new so it doesn't have many screenshots and figured I could help the author out by putting one up showing that it does work. I know how to upload the picture into my own profile but wanted to know how to place it in this particular mod's "from users" section in images. I know that someone is going to point it out to me and i'm probably going to feel like an idiot lol. Thanks in advance!
  3. Hi guys, I'm pretty new to uploading stuff here and I just wanted to put up a screenshot for a mod I downloaded and really enjoyed. The mod itself is pretty new so it doesn't have many screenshots and figured I could help the author out by putting one up showing that it does work. I know how to upload the picture into my own profile but wanted to know how to place it in this particular mod's "from users" section in images. I know that someone is going to point it out to me and i'm probably going to feel like an idiot lol. Thanks in advance! edit: I posted in the wrong section, dumb... lol sorry meant to put it in the technical support!
  4. I'm personally not a modder (wish I could but rarely have the time to learn anything outside of college), but I was wondering about how you guys felt about your future mod releases. Would you still use this site for your releases while at the same time on steam workshop, or do you think that you will just post on Steam Workshop? I know that the Steam Workshop will probably not allow the posting of the more adult type mods and will probably be filtered by esrb standards, so these types of mods will probably remain, but I'm wondering about the other types of mods (ie: gameplay, texture, spells, skills, graphical, etc.). Edit: or as Werne (thank you ^^ ) pointed out only using and uploading on Nexus Disclaimer: Not that I'm a pirate, its just that I enjoy this website and have grown something like a "consumer loyalty" to it and wanted to know how this will effect the future of the Nexus community. I know that my profile says I've been a member for only a short time, but even before becoming a member I had frequented this site for oblivion and fallout mods. I appreciate your input and entertaining my curiosity :). Thank you!
  5. Ya i had similar concerns with OP. I've grown fond of this site since i've frequented it for Oblivion, Fallout, and Skyrim mods. Hopefully the steam workshop doesn't reduce the amount of mod's/support this site gets in the future. Yes, there are certain mods that probably won't be allowed on steam workshop like the more adult type mods, or what the esrb decides to filter (like what someone mentioned earlier). But I'm hoping that this doesn't cause this site to become a giant warehouse of the previously mentioned mods without any gameplay/texture/item/etc type mods. For example I saw a mod for getting rid of the weapon enchantment charge on steam workshop but had never seen it here. Well don't know about everyone else but I'm going to stick to trusty ol' Nexus lol and ideally I hope other people do the same. Edit: never mind the weapon enchantment charge mod was added to nexus earlier :) so ignore that
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