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Posts posted by d4em

  1. http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/FakePersonality/ggg.jpg


    Never saw the movie, but I know a pretty sword when I see one.




    For some reason, the CK keeps crashing on me whenever I try to preview the model, eventhough I've checked every single property of the mesh and compared it to a vanilla model. Will try to make it work.


    Okay - I saw your interest in the sword from my movie and the fact that you hated the movie itself. Of course you are entitled to hate anything you want, and I am actually disappointed that I did not make a movie that you liked, but as far as your insinuation that I stole and or copied the designs from any other game or film are ridiculous. I first designed the Herot Hall you saw in the movie while I was still in film school in 1990. (A fact that I state on the DVD commentary) And if you know your Viking history, the design was directly based on the wooden stave churches built in Norway during medieval times. The fact is that LOTR, or even the upcoming Pixar movie, THE BRAVE, all look alike is because they are all go back to the same original source and do their own riff on it. All that said, if you would like to make a copy of the sword, designed by the wonderful concept artist, Steve Platt, maybe I can assist you. I can send you the original concept art work done for the movie or possibly the cgi model used in the film itself. Let me know if any of this interests you.


    Best, Howard McCain. Writer/Director - Outlander


    Eh... wut? I never saw this movie, im just an artist....

  2. http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/FakePersonality/ggg.jpg


    Never saw the movie, but I know a pretty sword when I see one.




    For some reason, the CK keeps crashing on me whenever I try to preview the model, eventhough I've checked every single property of the mesh and compared it to a vanilla model. Will try to make it work.

  3. Ok... try making an esp with a completely new armor that points to your mesh, and if that version works, your problem is archive invalidation, if not, at least you know it's mesh specific - in both cases, I'm not of further help, so all I can suggest is hoping that a more skilled modder comes along, or googling
  4. That's what I did, but the result seems completely off. When I go into sneak mode, my belt disappears. At any time everything below the waist suffers from horrible clipping issues.


    Meh. :(


    Sounds like you used a mesh that didn't fit to yours close enough... You can also just repaint only the "trouble areas"

    Happy modding ^^

  5. I've googled some, and can't find a visible way to roll back and update through steam (another mayor flaw on their part), so you can try posting in the steam help forums, or wait untill they roll out another update, or man up and jsut face the many bugs and annoyances of the creation kit :)


    Also, chances are your files will still work with old versions of the creation kit, or new ones for that matter. Here are some e-towels to wipe your tears with: Instant happy

  6. Sounds like a download specific problem, try downloading an older version or something,,

    If that does not work, make sure your unpacking utilities are up to date ;]

    And if all else fails, the wrye bash BAIN installer directly installs packed archives

  7. Ive got a great idea ;D


    The skeleton only controls the transformations while animating, and you are risking completely >censored< up your mesh when you so much as touch it.

    As for textures, in nifskope, click the base object with the wrong texture, then go to BSLightingShaderProperty, click that, and then in the block info window you should see the texture branch. You can manually change textures there. Make sure all paths point to your data folder and/or start with textures.

    As for proper fits... You would need to manually redo the mesh in blender or another 3d modelling program, and there are plenty of tutorials for that if you google :)

    Good luck ^^

  8. I find it funny that this guy asks for complete gameplay overhauls and everyone recommends visual mods for an already stunning and low performance game >.> No offense, just something that tickled me.


    Also, as for the huge type of mods you are asking for, you are probably going to have to wait. They take a lot of time to make and most of the real biggies for oblivion only came out 2 years after oblivion's release. Try and statisfy yourself with somewhat smaller but jsut as great mods untill then :)

  9. I have no idea if this still works for skyrim (I have yet to figure out how to even get a rigged skyrim model into blender) but what I did for fallout 3 and oblivion was:

    Make sure your new model has completely no rigging or parented skeletons (you can just delete bones from the model in the buttons window) and then both select a vanilla rigged mesh, and your non-rigged mesh

    Try to keep the rigged mesh as close to your mesh as possible, and make sure it has all the components you need.

    Now open up the scripts window (split your screen, then under window type select scripts), then go to scripts>object>bone weight copy

    Make sure quality is not 0 and dont allow x crossing (names might vary slightly) is set.

    Then ok ,, and let blender do all the hard work for you :)

    I did this in blender 2.49b, no idea if later versions support it, and names might vary slightly, my memory is far from perfect

    Good luck :)

  10. This sounds like an issue with the esp rather than the mesh, make sure the game is able to find your mesh.

    Make sure all your files are in the data\meshes folder, and the path in your .esp points to them correctly, make sure to use an armor addon item if you are used to the old cs for oblivion , fo3.

  11. Bethesda in the mean time should be more supportive of their modding community,


    How are they not?



    Bethesda is the game developer who is the most supportive to their mod community.


    Have people forgot how DA2 modding community turned out? As in they stopped releasing the toolkit.

    Bethesda, on the other hand, takes their time to get the kit useable for us, and then even adds tutorials for it.


    Becau they tend to make their games sooo buggy and lacking that their sells mostly rely on modding :)

    joking - mostly

  12. @MrBuio, thanks for the confirmation, i suspected changing 'uExterior Cell Buffer' would impact the unlisted 'uGridsToLoad' and

    impact the savegame permanently (not good! lol)..

    (FakePersonality, sorry for going slightly off-topic..).


    You'd probably need a high performance rig to bump these settings higher and

    still expect Skyrim gameplay to consistently run smoothly and be stable.

    Only other time I've read people discussing these particular settings was when they were forcing Skyrim to

    produce ultra high quality detailed renderings to make great looking wallpaper screenshots.

    There is a Skyrim uGrids tweaking guide i found here (scroll approx 2/3 of the way down for uGrids):



    @FakePersonality, just a suggestion about your random crashes, are you using a lot of HD environmental texture mods or

    mods that add/change objects in the Skyrim game world?

    More importantly, instead of messing with your 'uExterior Cell Buffer' setting, have you looked into dialing down

    other INI settings like LOD stuff and maybe tweaking these (there are many) from default:


















    No ;p I've been modding for nearly 6 years now, both making them and using them, and I've gotten to know the engine the TES games use - it's had suprisingly few upgrades, another thing that makes me doubt beth somewhat.

    Point is... I like to think I know what I'm doing, ofcourse I'd try playing without high texture packs and apply traditional fixes before trying out experimental ones ^^

    No offense ;p

  13. The anim objects folder is exactly what it's called - it's only ment for animation objects, not world objects. The actual flute model with havok is in meshes\clutter\ and then I believe but am not certain the clutter folder.
  14. Altering uGridsToLoad indeed does have effects on your save files, mostly lowering it does - it makes you unable to use a save game with a higher grids to load, leading to an immediate crash on use. I have use my exterior cell buffer change on an existing save game with mostly default .ini's (this was in fact my first ini tweak on a completely new install) and with an existing and older save that did not crash.

    I therefore believe this tweak does not affect the ugridstoload setting ;]


    If anyone with similar crashes to mine can confirm that this tweak either does or does not work for them, that'd be awesome


    Edit - also, uGridsToLoad usually affects how many cells are loaded around the player in a square field, :






    Where o is the player's current cell. Therefore if cell buffer would affect uGridstoLoad my save game would crash in an instant as 25 cells are loaded by default.

    I believe uCurrent Cell Buffer (as it is indeed spelled, sorry for that) holds recently loaded cells, the ones the player has recently visited. This is my own theory, I have no idea if it's true.

  15. You have to set your previous file as active file, otherwise ou are editing a completely new file, without the contents of the previous one :) Also, try validating your ck files and make sure it's been updated properly, to counter the crashes


    Edit - darn, I lost the fast reply race >;l ,, so,, what he said.

  16. I really think we shouldn't compare violence to nudity in the case of skyrim, and why do I think that?


    Because Skyrim is a war game. It has civil war, a dragon invasion, and god knows what else.


    Imo, violence is a part of the storyline. Nudity is not. And while I can respect that some people would like nudity, I just think that skyrim isn't supposed to be about that.

    If it were to be implemented in a tastefull matter, or sex scenes with spouses (once someone improves the dialogue options with them, my avatar doesn't have sex with people who can only say 3 lines) then I'd be completely pro-nudity.

    But when nudity isn't important to the storyline and still implemented, I think it would just ruin the game. Me myself, I am only interested of seeing the genitals of someone I know well, not of some random bandit with nice armor. So, seen as there are large groups of people not comfortable with nudity, and nudity not being important to the gameplay in any way, I think Bethesda is making the right call on this.


    As for violence being more accepted than nudity, this is human nature. War and fights are something done in groups, everyone can watch, everyone can join. Sex and being nude together is often something more intimate and private. Is this biased? Yes. What are you going to do about it.


    Conclusion: Just be happy and gratefull with our awesome kick-ass modding community :)

  17. I agree as well, Skyrim is even worse than Oblivion in the aspect of being able to walk from Riverwood to Winterhold in less than a day. However, actually increasing the map would be a HUGE, i repeat HUGE HUGE HUGE undertaking, so maybe there are better ways to make skyrim feel larger, ect:


    - Several mountain ridges that you cannot cross in the exterior, a large dungeon or pass leads from one side of the ridge to the other, giving the player the feel that the mountain is bloody huge

    - Cut the open planes of land, post some trees there, make sure the player cannot see halfway across the map. More cluttered and foliaged areas generally feel larger while you're exploring due to the player not being able to see anything. In the frost areas, this could be achieved by large rock formations.

    - Make the "marker shows up on compass" range a lot smaller, or remove it completely

    - Make the main roads take detours, so the player has to walk longer, and plant more foliage around them to make the forests behind them seem larger.


    Just some general ideas here... Because I'm pretty sure that actually scaling the map up is a bad idea, most of the reasons are in the post above me :)

  18. Hi all ;]


    I've been getting tons of random crashes while loading exterior cells, so I took a look at my Skyrim.ini and changed

    uExteriorCellBuffer from 36 to 24

    After that, the crashing stopped

    Just thought I'd share

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