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Posts posted by d4em

  1. Hi there ;]


    I just started on my "first" complex mod (as in the first that I intend to finish), and I really need a lot of Ai in it. However, the cs crashes when I try to edit already made packages, and sometimes when changing the package load order. As far as I know it's updated to the last version. Is there any solution for this?


    Thank you for reading, FP :)

  2. Hi there :)

    I decided to play through obliivon once more before Skyrim comes out, but it's gotta be epic.

    So, imma have to mod it :D (not that I mind ^^ )

    I was wondering if other people are doing the same thing, and if so, what mods they use for this very special playthrough.

    Me myself, am using a lot of mods, but the best are Qarls, UL, OOO, cobl, Enhanced Grabbing, OCC, and runeskulls.

    Also going to make some mods myself ;p


    So... Plzz make ur top 10 mods!!

    (Keep in mind that these are only supposed to be additions to oblivion, in the trend of "old times", and try to list less popular ones :) )

    My list (in no particular order):


    - Exnem Runeskulls

    - Oblivion Collectible Cards

    - Phitts Artifacts

    - DK High Imperial

    - Persuasion Overhaul

    - Put it in its Place - Enhanced Grabbing

    - Unique Landscapes

    - All Natural

    - Cobl

    - OOO

  3. So, I've been texturing for over a year now, and I find it quite easy, execpt for one thing: making cloth look realistic.

    So I was hoping people here would have some advice for me :)

    Any tips on other materials is appreciated as well!


    I am working from a blank UVmap (modeled the clothing myself)

    Thank you for reading and any future comments :)

  4. Are there any retextures of the tyreal armor? Love the model, but I just can't stand yellow and purple alone, let go together xD

    I would like a black/red or a silver/blue theme, but any retextures are fine :)

    Thanks for reading!

  5. So I have this hair mesh (.obj) I got from a mount&blade mod I also have a texture(.dds) for it, but I have NO idea how to get it into oblivion itself.


    Any sort of help would be appreciated.


    Taking meshes from other games and porting them to oblivion is illegal, unless you do not release the mod. That is, if you have both games on your system.


    As for your request, pm me and I'll see what I can do.

  6. Hi'yah all ;D

    Im looking for some mods:

    - Better open citites, so open cities and better cities. I'm pretty sure it used to be on here, but I cant find it anymore :(

    - Some sort of pack for LOD views. I heard people talk about it, there are supposed to be a lot of options (some Qarls) but I can't find any other LOD textures than leave that, just found it xD


    Any help would be apreciated ;D


    If I'm not mistaken, the current version of Better Cities actually incorporates Open Cities.

    It lets you toggle the open state of all cities, I believe.


    Seriously? Awesome! Going to get the last BC update then :)


  7. Hi'yah all ;D

    Im looking for some mods:

    - Better open citites, so open cities and better cities. I'm pretty sure it used to be on here, but I cant find it anymore :(

    - Some sort of pack for LOD views. I heard people talk about it, there are supposed to be a lot of options (some Qarls) but I can't find any other LOD textures than leave that, just found it xD


    Any help would be apreciated ;D

  8. If you could get me a list of your mods (I hope you installed them with obmm, if you did, just printscreen that list with the squares) and a list of your problems, ill see what i can do

    and... I dont need to get paid dude, pretty much noone here does xD


    The LOD (far away land) issues with frostcraig are being caused by missing lod meshes, I think one of the far away mods solved that ... Just cant recall the name anymore. If you can do basic nifskope actions, just find the frostcraig models, remove unnecesary data and rename >original name<_far.nif , then all you got to do is run tes4lodgen. Dont do that on every mesh though, its gonna lag your game like hell if you dont reduce poly's.


    The "crack" in the lod over the bridge is cause by a mistake in the LOD textures. I dont know how to fix that, I guess you should just download another LOD texture mod.


    The "unsittable" chair is caused by the better cities .esp assigning ownership to it, if you are really pissed of by the fact you are not allowed to sit on that chair, just load the esp in the cs and remove the ownership.


    I hope some of the above was english to you :)


    really enjoyed your vid btw, never seen anyone play oblivion like that before. keep it up xD

    (oh, and respect for 100% difficulty with FCOM while running survival mods when being a ?mythical? monk)

  9. The Crimson Queen. Gates to Aesgaard (Almost wrote Assguard. Heh.) Haunted House. All good mods. All nice and scary.


    But I crave more. I crave terrifying mods. Mods full of horror that mess with your mind, like the Crimson Queen, or mods that just put you on edge with fear. Dark imagery. s*** that jumps out of you. Weird, horrific places like in Aesgaard.


    I ran a search. I didn't find much. I'm hoping things have changed since the last time someone asked for horror mods.


    But I cannot find many others. I'm sending a plea to all of you veterans of the nexus and beyond.


    Please, PLEASE, help me find MORE!


    Why don't you learn how to mod and make them yourself?


    Because then he wouldnt get the adrenaline kick from pooping his pants ;D


    To the OP: forget mods, just buy amnesia: the dark descent. Its only $20 or something. Cause, yah know.. there arent that much scary mods.

    Come to think of it, one of the unique landscapes is pretty scary, but it has no quest attached to it.

  10. I think I might have a idea better then making a new house. But maybe a small portal to a trophy room like your personal museum mod. Where all the achievement trophies could go. And links to all standard players homes.


    Na-ah, I just spend the last 4 hours on that house, not throwing all that work away xD You should see it though, the evil mages room is pretty awesome


    I could make 2 seperate mods, one with the full castle, and a toned down version with your idea. That'd actually be good, i guess.

    I could use the models Im making for the catle trophies. Yup, think imma do that.


    Btw, if anyone wants to be a playtester, please speak up :D

  11. If your going to build a castle, then making it to where you unload or expose a room based on level of in/fame would be or should be fairly easy rather than ghosting a specific item and showing it when you achieve the goal required. This can also happen as others have posted above when you complete a specific quest, and you end up with a quest theme'd room.


    I know, im just going to enable/disable the good / neutral / evil doors based on infamy / fame ;p

    Also going to add "very evil" and "very good" items that work on the same script as the trophies do (just a simple if condition is met, enable script... not hard at all, same concept as the doors xD )


    Currently working on the evil castle... I acually got a huge oblivion fountain o.o


    And did som level design, there's gonna be 2 cells for every allignment, lower level has an aestatical area, guild areas, and a main hall. Upper level is going to be bedrooms, maybe a aboretum of some sort, allignment chamber (eg, torture chamber for evil.. still need ideas for other allignment rooms so please let those brains crack :) )and any other ideas you come up with ^^


    Already got one of the trophies implented, it's a sigil stone, for fully completing the allies for bruma quest. Thinking off adding functionality to it so that it opens a custom oblivion gate....


    Whatcha all think? ;D


    Edit - I figured some kind of scroll thropy could be nice for mages guild, so I made one in a glass... thingy? Holdon, those are called displays. Itsa scroll in a display.

    The runes read conjuration (this one is meant for reaching 100 skill in conjuration)



  12. Ok, problem: the vanilla houses are too small and too cluttered. So I think Imma make a custom castle/house for the mod. If anyone has objections / alternate solutions, I'd like to hear them.


    Edit - while I was building the castle I got an awesome idea, why not make it reflect the players (in)fame as well? And make it like a house that reflects its owner? Lemme know what u think


    Go Fish. Don't think we would want a singing fish hanging on the wall. But who knows. [songs to annoy. (You are my sunshine); (oh, what a beautiful mornin'); (cool water)] Joking but only half joking.



    So definitly doing that one. Only going to use "never going to give you up" song from rick ashley or whatever that dude is called ;D NO OFF BUTTONS!

  14. I've been playing around some, and it would be way easier to have a "trophy" kinda thing. Got an example pic of the kvatch oneat the end of this post (jeh i model & texture)

    Also, most homes are pretty full, and trophy's take up less space. Looking from achievement to achievement though, cause things as the siren-styled bedroom might be do-able in some houses.

    Also, wouldn't it be awesome to have an NPC do the decorations? Like someone "IM SUCHA BIG FAN OF YOU lemme decorate your home with stuff from ur questzz!! L33T!!!" ;D

    That'd be more stylish than a menu (I'd just have to leave the L33T out >.>)


    Lemme know what you think, I'll be continuing with trophy - like decorations.



  15. Hiyahh all ;D


    I just finished modelling and texturing and outfit, and when I go ingame and try to equip it for testing, the game CTDs.

    The ground model works fine.


    I checked the branches in nifskope, and everything seemed ok.

    I made the outfit by opening up vanilla pieces in blender, deleting parts, and then exporting, applying textures and cake.


    Any help would be very appreciated, and awarded with kudo's, cookies and a big friendly hug.

  16. How does one with OOO (or FCOM) generally tell whether or not they will be able to survive a new area or quest? Or do they only learn after the fact when they get killed?


    One can tell that they won't survive an area or quest when they find themselves running from said area while shouting "crap" and/or "****" while desperatly trying to cast some spells on the horde of monsters running after them.

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