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Posts posted by d4em

  1. Hi there :)

    I made a city in a seperate worldspace. It isnt connected to the cyrodiil worldspace yet, but it uses vanilla and si items.

    Can I safely convert the esp to egm? And will this be possible when I add NPCs and questlines using vanilla material? I know the connection to cyrodiil has to be done in an esp because of the 2 egms worldspace thing hate :)

  2. This is brisingr (without tex):


    I couldn't get the swirls on the handle right cause the pic is to low in detail, that's why I asked for more pics in pm. Hope this will suffice, starting work on zarroc now


    Edit for spelling




    And this is zarroc



    Starting texture work now

  3. After 7 hours and 2 packs of cigarettes (i smoke a lot when im frustrated >.>) I decided to give up on trying to recreate the original texture, and tries to make something that just looks nice. Now going ingame to test... Pray for me please :) (Total hours of work on texture was 10... gha...)


    I tested. I'm happy to be a better modeller than a texturer, otherwise I wouldn'be ok at anything =.="

    Im gonna wait a day before uploading to see if a texturer is interested in doing a texture, if not.. well... cheese?


  4. Hi there :)

    You might've noticed my mod Infinity Blade Armory. I modelled (and textured) all weapons myself. But progress is slow, due to me only having acces to my modding computer once every 2 weekends. At my school I get access to blender everyday, but blender only - and I can't even install nifscripts (so no exporting).

    So I want to work together with someone who could texture, and possibly export the weapons. As a team. If anyone is interested, let me know (if you can't export models, I can export UV maps, so that's fine I guess)


    Things that I'd prefer in the person I work with:

    - Previous experience creating new textures from scratch (from UV map) (dont worry, imma good mapper, even if I say so myself)

    - Reasonably quick worker

    - Friendly, team person

  5. 1. Please post your LO (Load Order)


    Run BOSS

    Download, it is an automatic mod sorter that eliminates conflicts and suggests tags for wrye bash. Does not know all mods, but knows at least the most popular ones. Very usefull.

    , try wrye bash

    Download You can use this for a lot of things, but the function I'm suggesting it for is the bashed patch, which merges changes other mods make, and thereby aliminates conflicts or makes mods that couldn't work together before, work together.

    .... And maybe, maybe your "broken" mods will suddenly be magically fixed :) Oh, and try installing them through OBMM

    Download, an automatic installer. Cleans out folders automatically when you remove mods, Makes good installs, easy to use, and includes the most loveable thing ever: install scripts.

    if you didnt. Also, READ THE DOCUMENTATION. I know it's boring, I hate it too, but it usually contains information needed to keep mods from being "broken".

  6. Well, I don't know about you others, but I think it's pretty rude to treat mods shared with the community for no gain in such a discouraging way, publically proclaiming them to be broken in a huge list.


    It will only take 1 single user getting it to work to prove you wrong and ridicule the list, and it will be my pleasure to do so for every single mod you list, should you really pull this off. ...just telling...


    "There can be no opinions about truth."


    Modders are so very very touchy and defensive. It gets ridiculous sometimes. You and I both know that there are indeed mod bugs. Some mods are so buggy that they break the game, break everything around them, and sometimes prevent the game from even running. If a person were to deny that mod bugs exist, then I would wonder what they were smoking.


    Mods are provided to the public for free. The labor put into making them is a gift, and a generous one at that. But what if the gift is broken? It is free, and it was generous, but it is still broken and cannot be used, or works such that you would want to avoid using it. It is broken!


    Why should we go tip-toeing around trying not to hurt anyone's feelings? Nobody should go off crying because someone offered constructive criticism about their broken mod. Maybe instead of attacking the error reporter or whining that nobody loves them, they should fix the bugs. Then people won't complain about them and more people really will love their work.


    I think of a baseball umpire. He doesn't care what anyone says or thinks. he just stares them in the eye and says, "I calls 'em like I sees 'em."


    So I don't know what mods other people have been playing, but many of those I download do indeed contain bugs, and some of them fall into the "epically broken" category and have to be quickly removed from my load order.




    And to the OP: Your LO is messed up (if that even was our LO). Run BOSS

    Download, it is an automatic mod sorter that eliminates conflicts and suggests tags for wrye bash. Does not know all mods, but knows at least the most popular ones. Very usefull.

    , try wrye bash

    Download You can use this for a lot of things, but the function I'm suggesting it for is the bashed patch, which merges changes other mods make, and thereby aliminates conflicts or makes mods that couldn't work together before, work together.

    .... And maybe, maybe your "broken" mods will suddenly be magically fixed :) Oh, and try installing them through OBMM

    Download, an automatic installer. Cleans out folders automatically when you remove mods, Makes good installs, easy to use, and includes the most loveable thing ever: install scripts.

    if you didnt. Also, READ THE DOCUMENTATION. I know it's boring, I hate it too, but it usually contains information needed to keep mods from being "broken".

  7. I am doing the morphs because i thought it was a cool idea...which is why I posted that it is possible. If I had no intention to make them in the first place, then I would not have posted.


    And hey , the OP also didnt ask for people to be negative and say something is impossible to do, but it looks like he got it anyways.


    All right, good luck - I never meant to bother anyone, I just was saying don't hope for something that is very very very unlikely to be done. If you need anything in the form of textures ect for this mod lemme know.

  8. And I also got a texturer to help him texture it as well. By tommorow , this model should be complete and textured , and I will then start the morphs.

    Lol, are u doing morphs to prove me wrong/bother me? Cause the OP never requested them. Well, good luck.

  9. I believe someone was looking at animated objects. If you can animate an object (wigs, for instance), an animated helmet might be doable.


    You can then script the change from static open, to dynamic open-to-closed, to static closed, to dynamic closed-to-open objects.


    I've stopped assuming what you can and can't do having seen some of the hitherto-impossible stuff that's being done now by some modders.


    ... its called rigging. trust me. the wigs yioure talking about are rigges to the spine bones, so they follow the pc animations. or the tail for other anims, ive seen that too.

    but quick anim lesson: anims are done by skeletons. having multiple skeletons in oblivion would blow up your pc, and tweaking the vanilla one is hella hard and currently only done for boobs. it aint possible


    Its very possible to do.


    And you can have other anims NOT done by skeletons. You can make morph animations to open/close the helm... trust me.


    Yes. morphs are possible, but he'll first have to find a modder who can do those, then persuade him to do this helm, and it's very unlikely that'll happen. Most good modellers I know will only do simple requests, and take more time-consuming things for their own projects. So... It's impossible.


    (Edit: I know the mod in question, I think it was growlfs, but anyway, it said in the description the wigs were animated when they were rigged to the spine bones... Thats the reason for the trust me, not that im overly confident or allknowing. I just knew the mod.)

  10. I believe someone was looking at animated objects. If you can animate an object (wigs, for instance), an animated helmet might be doable.


    You can then script the change from static open, to dynamic open-to-closed, to static closed, to dynamic closed-to-open objects.


    I've stopped assuming what you can and can't do having seen some of the hitherto-impossible stuff that's being done now by some modders.


    ... its called rigging. trust me. the wigs yioure talking about are rigges to the spine bones, so they follow the pc animations. or the tail for other anims, ive seen that too.

    but quick anim lesson: anims are done by skeletons. having multiple skeletons in oblivion would blow up your pc, and tweaking the vanilla one is hella hard and currently only done for boobs. it aint possible

  11. These are no small requests :)

    A custom armor set is hard, only a few modders can do that - and a custom race is even harder.

    Id suggest browsing tesnexus - tabaxi has a cat-like race, though its probly not what you requested

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