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Posts posted by Guy97

  1. I always seem to have an issue with something I make. However; with a lot of the armors I make the Readius is messed up (It turns sideways, backwards, or my character holds it up too high). One of the times it happened was when I took out the arms on Geonox's Riot Armor and replaced it which vanilla ones so that the texture wasn't messed up for me.
  2. this wouldn't be too difficult, except it would.. You would need to create a new nif for the wrist and then place say an invisible weapon way back, so that the barrel (which is invisible) is aimed out of the wrist. I


    I thought that was a terrible movie btw, and I am a huge scifi fan.. but really, the aliens traveled billions of lightyears to get here, so that they could steal some gold? Gold? One of the most abundant elements in the universe? right...

    Gold isn't one of the most abundant elements in the universe. I just happened to catch a History Channel show called Alien Ancients. On this show, most of the people sound like crazies, however; they do try to use as many facts as possible to contribute to their theory. This whole episode was about aliens coming to Earth for gold. Gold is made by some explosion in space and spreads throughout the universe. Look all the stuff gold is used to make (computer chips, cell phones, overall; a lot of useful stuff). In this movie, gold could of powered their spaceships. That is not a far off idea. Or the gold was a way to reinforce it's armor on the ships (maybe they were going to attack another planet that was more advanced), or even it was just something they needed on their planet. Gold is a very valuable material.

  3. hey guys, now I would like to know which mod this pop-up menu comes from


    since I can't unfortunately post a image showing it, because the Nexus Image uploader is.....very vague and confusing.


    I will detail it.


    Basically whenever I click on any door in the game, it pops up.


    there are at least four options.


    -Lock the door


    -Don't do anything




    - hit the door.


    now I reckon it is from the reactive people mod, or the XFO mod.


    What do you guys think?

    It is in Project Ultimatum I think.

  4. Maybe you could you the pistol animation, but put something in the hand that is like a trigger for it, and then have the place the fires the projectile sorta around the wrist (for an image think where Peter Parker shoots stuff out.
  5. Hmm...sounds good. Will certain things be based off of the ending you had for DM? Like while it be different if I killed Elijah/sided with him/sealed him in the Vault. For him being in the Vault, would he still be in there?
  6. R2D2 got wheels. How is it going to climb stairs? A securitron or even Claptrap (if it existed) can pull it off. But something like Robobrain or R2D2 won't be able to do so.. not easily anyway, due to their rather large base (and wheels). ED-E and RL-3 essentially hovers, they can go anywhere you can go.. that's precisely why they are available as companions.

    He has that little rocket boost I think.

  7. I was changing the hand grip of the Romanian Draco from Nordic Firearms mod, however; I can't hit ok or whatever is at the bottom of the page that opens up when you double click on a weapon. The page is too big, I am in Windows and even if I unlock the taskbar I still cant see the bottom. I can't shrink the page at all. Please help.
  8. Sure, it's wrong and the author deserves to be banned, but now none of us will ever be able to play it.
    Oh how terrible for you all.

    Hah, I read that, and then I read your signature. Haha. But anyways, you do the crime, your pay with time.

  9. Hey, I was just hoping someone could make this for me real quick. Make the Ranger Combat armor into different pieces so I can use the legs, shoes, chestpiece, and whole coat seperately in Nifskope (for making custom armors with it). Do the same from the Desert Ranger armor from HH. And if someone could do it for Joshua Graham's armor too that would be great. Thanks.
  10. Aright, I am not sure what was causing it, but it has stopped crashing the geck. However my armor is not showing up correctly in the Geck. Most of the armor is seperated. The vest is up high, then the arms and strap are where they should be, along with a knife addon that goes on the belt. Finally at the bottom there is the shoes. But at an action figure size there is the jeans, the belt, addons on the jeans, and the shirt.
  11. I personally use WME, but I hear WMX is just as good. WMX is made by the guy who made the Weapon Mod mod for FO3 which is kind of where Obsidian/Bethesda got the idea from.
  12. I was thinking of it as being a fully functional shield, not something in the glove slot. That's why I posted that, but there is another glove slot one in TG's Armor Collection. I think it is a roman shield.
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