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Everything posted by Sunnie

  1. The body also has a tail for the beast races, it's part of the mesh. Not sure if theres a dismember node for just the tail... You might want to look in that direction to hide the tail using the dismember node. I'm sure one of our more experienced modelers will comment with better details once they see this.
  2. Bumping your own threads, and so shortly after posting the original will get the thread locked. Give people a chance to see your post.
  3. Make sure you enable the mod with the chopping block with your character in a different cell. load your save game then go into the cell you placed it in. it should work properly then. I have a chopping block in my Proudspire mod and it works properly.
  4. Has a lot to do with the skeleton the race uses. Beast races have skeleton with tail bones, humanoid skeleton does not. I don't think you can just remove a tail all willy nilly.
  5. As a developer of a mod, you would have your assets sitting as loose files in the proper folders, it wouldn't matter if a BSA was present or not. As a mod hacker, you could just unpack the BSA for the mod you are tweaking into the data folders.
  6. Nope, I don't do any Flash stuff. You might look up the folks doing SkyUI or some of the other UI mods for guidance.
  7. The Creation Kit has no tools or support for any of the UI stuff, you need to do all that in the Flash UI files.
  8. Take a look at the script/quest attached to the Legend of Red Eagle book.
  9. The toolset does not do any "merging" of multiple ESPs, it only writes to the "active" file you are working on and only the data that is created within itself. You will need TESVSnip or some other 3rd party tool to merge ESPs. Wrye Bash should also be able to merge ESPs.
  10. You can't, the toolset doesn't do anything with the UI. The UI stuff is all Flash.
  11. Is that why I keep seeing empty threads? :unsure: On topic... is your specular map all white? You could use darker grey shades to limit the amount of reflection.
  12. All the RED entries should be in the Data folder, not the Skyrim folder. Don't know about the others, I don't use them.
  13. Or you could just do door objects and actually teleport (taking your companion also) rather than moveto.
  14. Why cure yourself if you want to continue being a werewolf? :blink:
  15. Hate to break it to you, but the body and the head meshes won't line up, at all. I also think what you are trying to do will break helmets/hats or armors because it will be using meshes for the race not the mesh you are using.
  16. Scripts are saved externally, so it won't be in the ESP. You probably forgot to grab them from the data\scripts folder and include them in your mod zip.
  17. It's not the spell that knocks people down, it's the "explosive" effect that the spell uses. Make sure your copy has proper linking to the explosive effect.
  18. Scripts were remove from the archives and are now completely external. I suggest checking out the Papyrus Primer on the Creation Kit Wiki.
  19. Give the housecarl the spouse package, dump the default package.
  20. We have a "request" forum....
  21. You could use the Katariah chain door activator, scale it to be the size of a pull chain?
  22. Add the new BSA texture files to the Skyrim.ini in the Archive entry, then disable the ESPs. Should look like this: [Archive] sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa
  23. Spell damage is based on the magnitude setting in each individual spell/effect. Theres no "global" setting for all magic damage.
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